Eighteen; The day

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A few days has passed. The two families were preparing. Settling the designs and the venue. Everyone was in rush. They are going to get married in a few hours. Jake stared at himself in the mirror, fixing his bowtie. The door knocked and Jay walked in.

"I really can't believe this" he says as he watches his friend nervously fixing his bowtie. "Then don't" Jake says rolling his eyes before letting out a heavy sigh. "You should be happy" Jake looks at him in disbelief. "I told you everything already how can you still say that"

"You got a chance to prove yourself. And be happy for that. I'm not telling you to be happy for the wedding" he's right. Jake got a chance to prove his love for Yurim. He's lucky, he's got so many chances and still messed up. This is the last chance. He have to do his best. "You're right"

Sunghoon walks in looking for the groom. "I think it's time. Yurim said she's ready" he says. Jake and Jay stands up to leave the room. Jake could sense that Sunghoon was mad. Of course he knew about it and he has every right to be. Jake didn't want to bother him bringing up the topic. So he just obeyed.

Yurim stood in front of mirror looking for one last time before going out. "I really can't believe you're getting married already" he says. "It's just for show" even if it hurts her, it's true. And then Heeseung walks in. Yurim looks at him in disbelief. "Hey" she says as she forces a smile. "S-Sunghoon asked me to check on you" he says. Yurim could say he was in shock. His eyes told it. He couldn't even believe his ears.

"Oh" "Is it true?" Yurim looks at him in shock. "What?" "The wedding thing" he says feeling betrayed. None of his friends told him about this. "I thought you knew"

"Am I really that bad that my friends don't even trust me?" He says as he lets out a scoff. "I- I'm very sorry, Heeseung. I know they didn't mean to. It all happened in a blink of an eye, maybe that's why..." She says trying her best to comfort him. "Maybe" he mutters under his breath.

Heeseung couldn't help but secretly steal glances at her and admire how beautiful she looked in that dress. How lucky Jake was. He congratulated him. Even though, he was hurt.

He walked into the hall first and kept cheering for Yurim. She stood there holding the flower bouquet nervously.

She spots familiar guests as she walks down the aisle. And lastly, her gaze falls on the man in black suit waiting for her. He holds her hand as he reaches her making her stomach fill with butterflies. He smiles softly at her making her feel dizzy. She looked around watching everyone cheering for them.


"I announce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Yurim ignored looking into his eyes. She felt nervous. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. Jake, on the other hand didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He gently places his hand on her waist and placed a light peck on her forehead making her cheeks flush.

Yurim looked around the hall. She spotted Niki and Arin. They were finally back together. She smiled at them and approached them. Jake approached his group of friends. He had to sort things out with Heeseung. They all hurt him without even knowing it.

"We're just... So sorry. You were away for the business matter and we couldn't tell you anything about it" Jay muttered lowering his gaze. Guilt rushed through them. "It's fine I guess" he says as a weak smile plasters over his face. He convinced himself that he has no reason to be this hurt, maybe I'm just overreacting. That's what he thought.

The ride to their new house was silent and awkward. Jake stole a few glances at Yurim. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked in that dress. The way his heart started beating when he saw her walking down the aisle with the bouquet. How heavenly she looked. How lucky he was to have her as his wife. And he has to let her know.

He helps Yurim walk out of the car as they reach their house. He moves his clothes and other important things already. And now he was helping Yurim. "Hey I can take that myself" Yurim says trying to get one of her bags from his grip. "No you must be tired and the dress is already heavy enough. I can't let you carry other things" his words made Yurim's heart flutter. She didn't say anything and walked inside the house behind him.

"Do you want me to help you put them inside the cupboard?" He asks. "No it's okay I won't arrange them now. Maybe tomorrow. I'm a little tired" she says as she smiles a little at him. "Okay?" He says still standing in front of her door. He doesn't leave, as if he was trying to tell her something. Yurim gives him a questionable look. "Do you need anything?"

"No actually. I must be looking so creepy right now but I'm sorry. I just- I'm mesmerized by how beautiful you look in that dress. I can't explain how I feel at the moment. I can't even- you look so breathtaking. I'm so lucky..." He says letting out a sigh as if he just felt a weight has been lifted from his shoulder. He promisingly looked at her eyes. Her cheeks were red and it was totally visible. She again tried to ignore the eye contact.

"You should take rest. I'll get going" he says. "Thank you, Jake" he just smiles at her and leaves.

Why are you doing this to me Jake? Why? Now you're making me feel the happiest person and the next moment you will act like I don't mean anything to you.

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