Twenty five ; what heart wants

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Yurim sits quietly in the bed with her phone watching her pictures with Choi Yeonjun over and over again. She had planned to post them in her every social media account. She blushes to herself the moment the flashbacks of him holding her hands replays over and over in her brain.

The bathroom door clicks open revealing Jake in a white plain tee and black trousers. A towel hanging around his neck. Yurim stares at him with eyes wide open as the previous actions she's taken comes in her mind. Noway. This is embarrassing.

Immediately placing her phone over the bedside table she hides herself under the blanket. Soon she feels his presence beside her. He pulls up the blanket a little so he could lay down. "I know you're not sleeping" he says moving his body a little closer to her. She turns her head to the other side to see him just to find his face barely an inch away. Her breath catches in her throat. "I- uh- no I didn't sleep" she awkwardly chuckles not looking into his eyes. Jake's eyes kept inspecting her features. 

"You looked so beautiful today. Even now" he whispers tucking the strands of hair behind her ear that was falling over her face. Yurim finally meets his gaze. She felt like she had just lost her voice. Instead of speaking, she just stares at him. She swore she could see stars in his eyes. Whatever he said, was genuine coming from him. He was not lying. Never. He's so head over heels for the girl. And he knows it.

His thumb caresses her cheeks. Her hand finds it's way to his face. "You're so handsome Jaeyun" it was his turn to become flustered. Man was too stunned to speak.

"You've been driving me crazy all day Yuri. And now calling my name like that."

"Like what?" He didn't have an answer to that question. It's not even her calling his name like that, it's just him. It's just him getting weak every time she utters his name. He always preferred getting called 'Jake' over 'Jaeyun' but being called 'Jaeyun' by Yurim was doing things to him. Even when she calls him Jake he feels his heartbeat fastening. And what is this feeling ?

"I don't know" he speaks barely above a whisper. Their faces were close, very close. He felt like there was a boundary between their relationship and he needs to break it. He wasn't quite sure if this, was the best idea to break the boundary, the line. But he was sure, that's what his heart wants. And maybe the girl too does.

He leans his face even closer to her. Gently cupping her face with his fingers. He felt like it was all a dream. After all the waiting. It was just a dream. An annoyed groan leaves his mouth as his beauty sleep (beautiful dream) get interrupted by the sunlight. [A/N: I'm sorry lmfao]

What surprised him more was, reality was better than the dream. She was now hugging his waist and burying her face in his chest like he'd slip away from her hold anytime. He had his arms wrapped around her smaller frame. He was about to freak out if it wasn't her sleeping.

And how did this even happen ?!

He stares at her in awe. The sunlight falls lazily over her features making her look like she escaped out of a fairytale. Her dark brown locks falling gracefully over her perfectly sculpted face. He wonders, what did he ever do to deserve her ? As his wife ? He's more than grateful. He cups her cheeks with his free hand. Removing the strand of her hair, he leaves a light peck on her forehead.

"My girl" he whispers smiling to himself. She looked so peaceful. Just like a fairy. Her beauty was indescribable for him. He'd never get tired of looking at her, admiring her. He strokes her hair gently. After a few minutes her eyes flutter open. She feels something very soft against her cheeks.

"G-good morning" he cooes making the girl look at him in awe. She was flabbergasted to even speak. What a great way to start her day. Their face was barely an inch away. The close proximity of their faces drove them crazy. No one was ready to let go the other. "Morning" she replies. Her voice was barely audible but being so close he heard her.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look? Even early in the morning, you look like an angel"

"You did a thousand of time Jake" she giggles. She couldn't properly open her eyes because of the sunlight that entered the room, which Jake found absolutely adorable.

There was moment of silence between the couple as they looked at each other. Jake's eyes trailing up and down, to her eyes and then her lips. She looked mesmerising to him. He felt like he's just fell under her spell which he couldn't escape from. Not until he gets what he wants.

"Can I kiss you?" He says stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. "You what?"

"Can I kiss you?" Yurim stares at him. Her hand automatically made it's way to his face. Her thumb reached to caress his smooth, plump lips. "Kiss me?" and he fulfills the want of his heart.

She moulded her lips with his delicate ones. He holds her ever so gently, as if she'll crumble into his arms if he held her any tighter. He smiles between the kiss. The euphoric feeling spreads in their chests. The lack of air becomes prominent making their lips detach from each other.

Jake had a visible grin plastered over his face. Yurim had and expression he couldn't quite understand. And then realization hits him like a truck. The first time he kissed her, he ended up messing everything by saying that was a mistake. Before she could say anything he attaches their lips again.

Yurim takes no time to react. Her arms wrap around his neck making him go weak on his knees. She moves her hands up and down his neck. His weak spot. She was taking control over him. He hovers on top of her without breaking the kiss. His tongue asking for more entrance to her mouth to get better taste.

The makeout session starts to get heated and messy as each second passes. They pull away, panting heavily. Yurim's lips were swollen from the long makeout session. Her cheeks were flushed. Her messy morning hair. 'what a sight for sore eyes' he thought. He was blessed to have her. So close, in this position. He was going absolutely crazy.

"You're addicting, intoxicating. I don't think I can ever get enough of you"

—⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:
Late night posting again lol. I just had to finish the shit tons of work school's given us. I couldn't anymore lmfao my brain's giving up.

Anyways this chapter is kinda..... 😰😰😰 I finally made them kiss (makeout) haha

The reads are actually increasing faster than I've ever imagined! I'm about to start shedding rivers omg.

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