Thirteen; Decision

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The next morning Niki appears and helps them move out for a while. Yurim's parents were shocked to see Jake with her.

Jake bows to them both. They greet him warmly. Jake helps Yurim walk to her room and Mr and Mrs Park looks at Niki for explanation.

"Umm. Actually I don't even know. Jake took so much care of Yurim. He stayed with her all the time, he fed her, even helped her fall asleep. And all I know is Yurim has a big fat crush on Jake. And On the other hand Jake acts like Yurim is the-" he couldn't finish his sentence Jake appears from behind making Niki gulp hard.

Of course no one would like getting their little secret revealed. But that's not his fault when they act all lovey dovey and then don't admit the fact they love each other.

"Umm auntie, uncle. I will go to Yurim" Niki says and walks towards Yurim's room. "Are you leaving already?" Niki asks Jake. "Yeah?" Jake says. "Oh okay see you later bro"


"I missed you mom" Yurim says as she places her head on her mother's lap. "I missed you too my daughter" Mrs Park says.

"Jake is a nice guy" Mrs Park comments while stroking her daughter's hair. "I know..?" Yurim says trying stop herself from smiling. But mothers? They know everything. Don't they? She knew from the start that her daughter liked Jake. And she just wants Yurim to acknowledge it herself.

A few days passed. Jake visited her everyday at evening after he was done working. He became really close to her parents. They started treating him like their son. Their trust for Jake started to grow. They could see how happy they were with each other. Their fights over little things, the banters made the atmosphere of the house lively.

Seeing their daughter this happy touches their hearts. Jake made her almost forget the trauma. At some point they thought, their daughter would be the happiest to have a partner like him.

They all gather for dinner. Jake asked to leave early but Yurim's father asked him to stay and he agreed. After they were done eating Yurim's father called Jake. "Yes uncle?" He replies. "How is your parents?" Mr Park asks. "They are good" Jake smiles a little. "How about your brother. Isn't he in Australia?" Mr Park asks again.

"He's good. He will come back for a while. We're planning his wedding" Jake smiles and they all could see the excitement. "You never told me" Yurim says and pouts sitting beside him. "I- forgot" Jake says as he scratches the back of his neck. "How can you forget about your family-" Yurim looks at him with a shocked expression.

"Come on I didn't. I just forgot to tell you" Jake says. "Bruh" Yurim says as she rolls her eyes. "Okay kids no more fighting" Yurim's mother says as she laughs out.

"Ah by the way Jake can you give me your father's number? If you don't mind" Mr Park says. Yurim gives him a questionable look. "Sure uncle" Jake says as he picks up his phone from his pocket. "Why dad?" Yurim asks out of curiosity.

"I just wanted to invite them. I want our families to interact more" Mr Park says. Yurim suspects a little. Why would he suddenly want the families to interact. "I was actually thinking about it for a long time. Me and Jake's father were great friends but suddenly we somehow stopped interacting. Let's start it again shan't we ?!" Mr Park cheerfully utters.

"You never told me dad. I got to know so many things today wow" Yurim says as she pouts. Jake smiles at her cuteness.

The next day Mr Park called Jake's father, Mr Sim. They don't know how the distance grew more and more between them. Mr Park wanted to mend the relationship between the two families. And maybe take it further too.

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