Ten; At my worst

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Tw: mention of abuse ⚠

"Leave me please" yurim begged on her knees. He pulls her up from the floor. Placing his hand on her chin "so pathetic. Aren't you?" He says. "I.. didn't do anythi-" before she could finish her sentence a slap lands on her cheeks. "You fucking piece of shit. You thought you could expose me? Keep trying sweetheart, you can't and you won't. And if you..." He paused as he pulls out a knife from his pocket.

"Yejin. No.. please. No" yurim says as she steps back. Yejin walks closer to her. He places the knife on her neck and slowly moves it towards her collarbone. Blood starts dripping down her body. She falls on her knees again she cries , begging for mercy. "Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you!" She screams. "Don't you dare to raise your voice at me" he kneels down and hold her by her chin. "You see this cut? It will get even worse if you try again"


Jake couldn't sleep. He's been thinking about her all the time."How can i do this!" He says as he runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "She was having a panick attack and I made it even worse. Fuck. Fuck" he took his phone out of his pocket and called sunghoon.

"What's up with you at this time" sunghoon said while yawning. "Sunghoon I need your help please" Jake said. "At this time? Are you serious right now? Gosh y'all really making me go crazy"

"Sunghoon i fucked up"

"That's the only thing you can do" sunghoon yawns. "I'm serious sunghoon" Jake says. "What is it?" Sunghoon asked. "I don't really know where to start. But right now i need Yurim's apartment key" sunghoon sits up from his bed. "What the fuck Jake" he says almost screaming. "Sunghoon please it's a long story but I need it right now please" he begs.

"I will find it for you if you tell me what happened" Sunghoon says. Jake pauses for a while "I don't know where to start" he says. "Umm actually today we were hanging out and then we want to a restaurant...." He explains everything.

"Sim Jaeyun you messed up so fucking bad this time. That dude is Yejun for sure! And you have no idea what kind of trauma he caused Yurim. And when she kissed you back for the second time that meant you helped her and what did u do then?! You said it was a fucking mistake!? " Sunghoon screamed from the other side of the phone. "You messed up real big this time. And this is your last chance I'm telling you" Sunghoon warned him.

"Who's Yejin?" Jake asks. "Yurim's high school bully" Sunghoon replies. "Oh shit" Jake says as he kicks his feet and it hits his bed. "Ah shit shit" Jake squeals in annoyance. "I'll go get the key" Sunghoon hangs up and immediately leaves for Yurim's parents house. He gets the key from Yurim's mom.

"I got the key" Sunghoon says. "Thank you so much Sunghoon" Jake replies. "Shut up and get it from me. I'm right in front of your house" sunghoon rolls his eyes. "Coming" Jake says as he puts on a jacket and rushes outside.

"I can't thank you enough for this Sunghoon" Jake says as he picks up the key from Sunghoon. "Then don't" he says as he rolls his eyes "now go" he adds. "Yeah bye" jake replies and starts his car to leave. His mind was surrounded by various thoughts about her. What if she gets mad? What if she doesn't want to see me? He thought to himself. But right now he has no choice. He have to do this. For Yurim.

Jake unlocks the door. Taking of his shoes he searches for Yurim everywhere. And then his gaze lands on the door of her room. It was closed. He hoped ot wasn't locked. He knew it's wrong to break in someone's house without their permission. But he has no other choice.

Sweat drips through her forehead. The nightmares won't let her sleep in peace. She starts crying. "No way. No way" she starts breathing heavily. "It can't be happening again" she sobs again at the thought of getting bullied again. Jake's heart breaks to see her at this state. His eyes start to tear up. He rushes towards her. He pulls her towards him and tries to wake her up. "Yuri" he whispers as his hand slowly caresses her hair.

Her body felt weak. She was still sobbing. Slowly opening her eyes she felt a familiar scent. She tightly gripped the back of his jacket. "Jake" she muttered breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry Yuri. I'm so sorry for being an asshole" Jake says caressing her hair. Yurim stayed silent. She couldn't speak a word. Jake moves a little and picks up a glass of water for her from the desk beside her bed.

Yurim slowly tries to get up and Jake helps her. Taking the glass from his hand she takes a sip and gives it back to Jake. Jake pulls her back in his arms. Burying her face in his chest her eyelids starts getting heavy. Jake lays her down and ready to get up. "Jake" Yurim mutters. "Mhm" "Don't go, I'm scared" Yurim says, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere Yuri, I'm right here. I'll sleep on the couch" Jake says. He was about to get up but he felt a grip on his wrist. "Stay here" Yurim mutters. "I shouldn't" jake says. "Okay" Yurim huffs. "I'm staying here, nevermind" Jake chuckled trying to cheer her up. Taking off his jacket he gets in the blanket with Yurim.

"Do you want me to hold you?" Jake says. "As if you haven't done it a few minutes ago" Yurim frowns. Jake softly chuckles and pulls her closer to his chest. Yurim could feel his heart thumping in his chest. And hers too. "Thank you for staying Jake, thank you for staying at my worst"

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