Twenty; Forewarns

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"We were supposed to watch a movie or kdrama that day too" Jake says taking a seat beside Yurim on the couch. "Remember what you suggested?" Yurim replies as she rolls her eyes. "I was joking Yuri" he says grinning mischievously. "Whatever. What are we going to watch now?"

They spend thirty minutes scrolling through Netflix for a movie and arguing over what movie to watch. After all, this marriage wasn't as bad as Yurim thought. It's just the first day. Maybe that's why he's treating her so well? That's what she thought. She didn't want to get her expectations too high. But little did she know that Jake promised to himself that he'll make things better. Even if it's for five days or five months, he promised to be the best husband for her. It's his last chance, he has to do this.

Jake feels a weight on his shoulder while munching the popcorns. Yurim fell asleep. He smiles to himself. A few strands of her hair fell on her face. He gently strokes her hair and moves the hair out of her face. Turning off the TV he carries her in bridal way to her room.

He gently places her on the bed that she doesn't wake up and places the blanket over her. He takes a last look at her before leaving the room and kisses her forehead. "Good night wifey" he walks to his room and lays down flat on his bed. He stares at the ceiling. Regret, is everything he's feeling. We wouldn't have to separate rooms if I weren't an asshole. After a while he falls asleep.

Yurim looks behind as she feels someone's presence. "You startled me!" She says placing a hand on her chest. "Good morning" he says as if nothing in the world bothers him. "Morning" Yurim says as she continues to do whatever she was doing. "What is that?" "Are you blind? Can't you see?" Yurim says rolling her eyes. "What's with the sudden cooking early in the morning"

"I just wanted to. And did you forget that you have work and I'm going to uni today" "it's still early" Jake says yawning. "Go get freshen up I'll be waiting in the dining table" Yurim says. "Fine" he says rolling his eyes before leaving the kitchen.

He comes back all dressed up a few minutes later. Yurim sits in the chair and stares at him in awe.His hair was slicked back revealing his forehead. He had his blazer in his hand. He wore a white shirt. He looks way too fine today. A little too husband. Stop Yurim!

"Wanna take a picture?" Yurim quickly looks away clearing her throat and fixing her posture on the chair. Jake grins as he notices Yurim's cheeks reddening in embarrassment. He takes a seat in front of her. Yurim serves him the chicken porridge she cooked. Yurim observes his expressions as he eats. "Is it good?" She asks.

"I-it's great" he says forcing a smile. "Really?" Yurim excitedly exclaims and starts eating. She frowns as she takes a bite. "What the hell Jake you just said it's great. It's so salty how can you say that!" the girl raised her voice holding herself from gagging. She quickly took a sip of water that was right beside her.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your morning appetite" Yurim mutters sadly as she places the glass back on the table. "Hey it's okay. It happens sometimes. Let's eat something on our way okay?" Jake says giving her a comforting smile.

Jake dropped Yurim at her uni. They had croissants on their way. Jake was now inside his cabin. His cabin was on the top floor of his office. The view from his cabin was truly beautiful. The city looked beautiful. He had a cup off coffee in his right hand and the other hand was shoved inside his pocket.

He smiles to himself sipping on the coffee. His mind was surrounded by thoughts of Yurim. He found himself falling more and more for her. Everything felt so unreal. From the day of their unexpected meeting to today, they're now married. The way fate kept taking turns on them. How is it possible to meet three times just in a few days? Could it possibly be coincidence? Or it's the fate that's keeps pulling them together? [A/n: okay that sounds way too dramatic]

"Mr. Sim looks like he's in a very good mood today" a familiar voice speaks from behind making Jake flinch. He frowns and looks behind. "What do you want Na-ra?" Na-ra's eyes softened (totally fake) as Jake looked at her. She steps a little closer to him. "Jake.. Look baby. I'm so sorry. I never meant any of it" she tries to explain and Jake lets out a disgusted scoff.

"First of all, don't even dare to come any closer. Secondly, I never asked for any explanation because everything I witnessed all of it with my own fucking eyes. Third and last, I'm now married to Park Yurim. The girl I love. So don't ever-" "Isn't that just for show?" Her words took Jake by shock. He tries to look calm. "What?" He says coldly not giving her any reaction.

"I have known you for long enough, Jake. No matter how hard you try, you can't hide it. At least not from me. You must be wondering. How do I know? Well, I have my own ways" she says as an evil smirk plasters on her face. "And one last thing. Be careful. Also tell that to your so called wife" she adds. "Eun Nara! If you dare to harm her I promise I'll make you suffer!" He slightly raises his voice sounding ten times scarier. "I promise" he mutters again.

She smirks walking towards the door. Looking like a whole different person. Jake sits on his chair trying to process what just happened. How did she- when did she even turn like this? She was never like this. Or did i never notice ? He runs his finger through his hair in frustration. He has to protect yurim at any cost.

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