Twenty three ; Unbearable tension

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Jake busied himself in his phone playing games. Yurim walked inside the room. He stole a few glances at her. Lowkey embarrassed from the past activity. He cursed the shit out of Sunghoon. Why did he have to phone in such a moment?

Yurim lays down on the bed closing her eyes for a few minutes. Unknowingly, she fell into a deep slumber. Jake was tired too. He thought laying down with Yurim wouldn't be a very good idea. So he just lays down on the couch.

Time skips to evening. The room had turned dark. The lights were all turned off. She quickly gets up and searches for Jake. "Jake?" Getting no reply from him she turns the lights on just to find him asleep on the not-so-comfortable looking couch. "Jake" she calls multiple times.

"Jaeyun~ Your neck is going to hurt! Sleep on the bed" she whispers close to his ear which Jake reacts almost immediately. His eyes flutter open. He sits up quickly. "Uh–oh. Sorry I fell asleep" rubbing the back of his neck he smiles awkwardly.

"You could've just laid down on the bed. It's big enough for two" she chuckles. "Right" "oh! By the way. We have an event to attend today Yuri" Yurim nods. "When is the event? It's six thirty already. We need to get ready"

"In a few hours. You should start getting ready if you're going to take long" Yurim frowns. "Excuse me? I don't take long" Rolling her eyes she takes out her clothes from the luggage, causing Jake to chuckle. "You're so adorable" it takes just a seconds to get her cheeks red. One of his favourite things about her. That makes him want to poke her cheeks and squish her in his arms. But unfortunately, he couldn't.

"Which one do you think I should wear?" She asks showing two dresses. A baby pink sating dress that would pair well with a white tee to make it look more casual. And the other one was a white knee length dress. Jake stares at her. "You will look stunning in both pretty. My princess, after all!" He grins.

"Oh shut it and choose one" she playfully rolls her eyes. Jake takes a closer look. The pink dress was stunning it would fit her more than perfectly. But the white dress looked more captivating , almost dreamy. Just thinking of her in the white dress leaves him breathless. After a lot of thinking, "T-the white one. I guess?" "Okay!"

"Yes I was saying, I'll just go out look around a little so you can get ready" he says twisting the doorknob ready to get out of the room to give her some privacy. "It's okay! You can stay. I don't have a problem with that"

"I'll be back in a while don't worry!" He quickly walks out. "The white one..... Umm. Should I wear a necklace? Or? I thinking I should call Jieun unnie. But what if she's getting ready too?" she stands there trying to decide what to do. "I shouldn't call her" pouting, she hears a knock on the door. A smile immediately finds it's way to her face as she peeks out of the door. "Unnie~" she cooes pulling her inside the room by her arms.

"Yurim. My little baby" Yurim lets out a faint laughter at the nickname. "Hey. I'm not a little baby" "Yeah whatever" Jieun playfully rolls her eyes. "I was thinking about calling you but I thought you'd get ready so I didn't want to-" "No problem! Jieun here to save the day!"

Jieun picks up the dress Yurim kept on the bed. "You're going to wear this?" Jieun says with the dress in her hands. "Yes?" "Girl. I don't think Jake will be able to take his eyes off you" Yurim's lips twitch upwards into a shy smile. "Don't say that!"

"Okay okay. We're getting late. I have to get ready too" Jieun says handing the dress over to Yurim. She walks inside the washroom with the dress. Thankfully the neck was not low, so it wouldn't show her scars. She sighs in relief and walks out of the washroom. "Oh my– my gorgeous little sister-in-law" Jieun's places her palm over her mouth. It took 30 minutes in total to do her makeup, and Jieun was the one who did it. The dress, the makeup and everything was just perfect.

Now one last thing she forgot was to ask Jieun to help her with the necklace. "Shit, how do I even-" a knock on the door was heard. "Yuri, Are you ready? Can I come in?" She knew who the voice belonged to. As much as she wanted to be relieved she couldn't. What if he thinks I don't look good? Multiple thoughts came across her brain which made her forget she has Jake waiting at the door. He knocks again. "Princess~"

"Ah I'm so sorry you can come in" the sound of the doorknob twisting was heard soon. Her heart started beating faster. Facing the mirror she struggles with the necklace. She could hear the footsteps coming closer. Jake examines her from behind. He could see her reflection in the mirror. He was starstruck, lacking words. He places his hand over hers, which was struggling with the necklace.

He takes her hair in his hand and moves it slightly to find access to the necklace. His hands slightly touches the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "You look gorgeous, as always" he says. The intoxicating scent of her body wash drove him crazy. The tension was thick, very thick on the air.

He wanted to do nothing but to kiss her breathless. Or maybe for now, a peck would work (it wouldn't). He needed that so bad. But, he couldn't. He knew that obviously there will be another interruption. And that would make him loose his shit for real.

"It's going to be very hard for me to take my eyes off you" Yurim blushes feeling his breath fanning over the back of her neck. "You're intoxicating" voice barely above a whisper. He struggles to maintain his composure. "Huh?" Her eyes widened.

"I'll just go– I have to get ready. Or else we'll be late" running away, again. That's what you always do.

—⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:
I should make them kiss fr 🧍🏻‍♀️

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