Nineteen; Closer to you

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The next morning Yurim woke up as the sunlight peeks through the curtains. She picks up her phone from the bedside table. 7:30 am. She stretches her body as she sits up. After taking clothes from her luggage she walks towards the washroom. She smiles as she opens the drawer. Jake arranged everything she might need. Skincare and hygiene products.

She comes out taking a shower. A knock was heard on the door as she takes out the blow dryer. "You can come in" she says a little louder so that Jake can hear her. "I thought you were sleeping" Jake says smiling at her sweetly. "Nope"

"Do you want me to help you?" Jake asks watching her struggling to dry her hair. "With that- I mean you hair" he adds. "Okay? Only if you don't mind" she replies feeling a little embarrassed about him watching her struggling. He walks towards the bed and sits behind her. Taking the dryer from her hand he run his hair through her hair making her breath hitch.

Now he was standing in front of her drying her hair. "Are you done?" She asks nervously fidgeting her fingers. "No" excuses. These are just excuses to stay close to her. "You're cute" he says out of nowhere. Oh shoot, that slipped. He thought to himself. "Huh?" She says in disbelief. "Nothing" he says as he smiles. Something catches his eyes after drying her hair.

First three buttons of her shirt was unbuttoned making her collarbone visible. She forgot to button those. Yurim panicks as she notices Jake's eyes on her neck. "What is that on your neck Yuri?" He asks concerned. "I-it's nothing, Jake" she says trying to button up her shirt. Jake takes a step closer. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah of course it's just... So long ago. It's fine" she says as flashes a reassuring smile to him. "Oh" what if she's hurting herself? "I cooked breakfast" "Okay I'm coming in a few minutes"

Yurim appears in the dining area after a few minutes.

"Not gonna lie you are a very good cook" Yurim says as she stuffs a spoonful of pancake in her mouth. Jake smiles watching her. Gosh she's so cute. "I'm glad you like it" he says. She replies with a smile. "Don't you have work today?" She asks. "What day is it?" He asks back knowing the answer . "Oh it's-" "holiday, it's good that I got to spend some time with you" Jake chuckles as he watches Yurim get up from her seat. "I'll go set up my clothes"

"I'll help" he says as he takes fast steps behind her. "I didn't ask-" "you're welcome" Jake mischievously grins causing Yurim to roll her eyes.

Yurim's pov

"My back hurts now" I say getting up from the ground. "Does it hurt a lot?" Jake replies to me. "Just a little. It's okay" I reply to him showing up my thumb. "Are you sure? Do you want me to massage your back a little?" Aish! No way. "It's fine! I'm okay. Thank you for your caring" I say awkwardly smiling at him.

"What do you mean. You're my wife now of course I'll care" Wife. I want to bury my face in the pillow and scream. No! Yurim calm down calm down. I try to maintain my expressions. I can't even even say anything. I feel my cheeks heating up. Is it necessary now? "O-oh?" That sounds more like a question. "You can rest I'll set these up" Shit! You can't. I totally forgot.

I totally forgot about the novels I bought. If he moves one more dress. I'm dead. No way. "Jake! Wait. I can do this myself" I say rushing towards him and turning the suitcase to my side. "You just said your back hurts-" He says giving a puzzled expression. "It doesn't hurt anymore" I say while smiling at him awkwardly.

"You're sus, I bet it's about the novels" my eyes widened at the last part. So he saw it! No way. "W-what are you saying" I say trying to sound as natural as I can. "I saw you bought novels. But for now I won't invade your privacy pretty princess" he says whispering the last part in my ear. "What do you mean 'for now'?" I mean why is it for now? Don't tell me you'll invade my privacy later. "You know what? Just leave it"

"Are you planning on reading the novels?" I say glaring at him. There's no way I'm letting you read them. If you do by any chance. That's gonna be the end of me. "Well-" he was cut off by his phone. Ringing. His phone was on my bed. He rolls his eyes "What?" i couldn't hear anything from the other side of the call. But he looked annoyed. "What do you mean this early?" His ears were getting.. kinda.. red?.. Oh! That's- his brother. He's definitely teasing him.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "If that's what you wanted to talk about. Then I'm hanging up" another eye roll. I can't help but hold my laughter. "Hurry up" "Oh? Friday? But Hyung-" "you should've told me before booking the flight tickets" so it's about the honeymoon.

"What happened?" I ask. "Jaesuk booked our flight tickets for honeymoon" he replies. "But- isn't it too early?" "Don't worry it's gonna be fun" okay? Wait what ?! I just shake off whatever thought that came on my mind and try to act normal. "I was about to start uni from tomorrow and now I have to take leave again" I sigh watching him leave the room.

-⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:

this part is pretty boring isn't it? The next part should be fun! Hehe. Anyways everyoneeee, This book has reached 1k views ?!? I can't believe this omg. Thank you soooo much <3

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