Eight; Make up

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"Let me make it up to you Yurim" Jake's words hit Yurim hard. She couldn't gather a perfect sentence to let out. She looked everywhere but his eyes. "What?" that was the only think she could say.

"I'm sorry for what I did last night. I didn't mean to. I never meant to hurt you trust me. I want to make it up to you Yuri" Yurim's cheeks reddened as he called her by 'Yuri'. "I- Yurim I mean" Jake ran his hand through his hair. "I like it more when you call me Yuri" she herself got shocked at her own utterance.

Jake scooted a little close to her. His face was dangerously close to hers. He could feel his heart beating like crazy. But that was the only thing that ran through his mind that moment. Yurim felt like heart was about to burst in her chest. She gulped hard. "Do I have the permission?" Yurim's eyes widened.

"W-what?" She felt like turning into a tomato and Jake enjoyed every part of it. "I mean do I have the permission to make it up to you? Maybe take you out or maybe do anything want me to. What did you think?" Jake laughed. "Oh" Yurim felt embarrassed. "What 'oh'? Do you want to go out or?" Jake asked. "You know you don't have t-"

"Of course I do, I can't let you be upset because of me" Jake uttered in a soft tone. "I'm not" Yurim softly chuckled. "Let's just.. Go out" Yurim added. "Okay get ready I'm waiting here"

Yurim rushed towards her room. Closing the door she leaned against it as she put her hands on her chest. "I hope he didn't hear this" she said to herself and walked towards her closet. Her eyes searched for a perfect pair of clothing.

Her gaze fell on the white floral dress her mom gifted her. It was her favorite. She took it out and decided to wear it. The way that dressed fit her perfectly anyone would go crazy. But that didn't matter. The only thing mattered to her was Jake. She wanted to know if he liked it.

She decided to wear light makeup. She looked for a perfect shade of lipstick and her gaze fell on the strawberry lipgloss she loves. She slightly puts it on. Opening the door of her room she walks towards the living room and calls for Jake. "Shall we go?" Yurim says. Jake looks at her. "You look beautiful" these three words slip out of Jake's mouth and it was more than enough for Yurim to get red.

"Thank you" she says as she blushes. All these time Jake couldn't move his eyes from her. Her features are perfect. He couldn't miss a single chance to look at her. His gaze fell on her lips and his mind went back to the day when he had her lipgloss on his thumb. Her lips were soft.

Oh shit what am I even thinking, pulling himself out of his thoughts he stood up from the couch. "Let's go" he said as he walked towards the door. "Wait where are we going?" Yurim asked. "Let's see" Jake replied as he placed his hand on the doorknob ready to go out. Yurim follows him behind and picks up keys from the shelf beside the door. Jake presses the elevator buttons waits for it to arrive. Yurim locks the door and reaches behind him.

The elevator arrives with a surprise. Jake pulls Yurim closer as he watches Na-ra inside the elevator. He gently places his hand on Yurim's waist. Yurim's eyes widened and her cheeks started to redden at his sudden action. She looks at him in surprise and then she realizes it's Na-ra. She slightly frowns at her presence. They get inside the elevator.

Na-ra rolls her eyes as she watches the elevator door slowly open. She intentionally bumps into Yurim and leaves aggressively. "What the fuck is her prob-" Jake stops Yurim. "Calm down Yuri" Jake says as he places both of his hands on her shoulder and gestures her to walk towards his car. He opens the door for her.

Jake plays a song as he drives the car. "Wait are we going to the amusement park ?" Yurim asks as she recognizes the roads. "Wow you know it already" Jake laughs. "Of course I've already come here so many times" Yurim says as she proudly grins.

"Ok we're here~" Jake says as he parks the car and gets out of the car to open the door for Yurim. "Thank you" Yurim smiles. "Don't" Jake laughs. They enter the park. Jake looks at Yurim. Her eyes were shining. Jake smiled to himself looking at her. Yurim runs towards the roller coaster and Jake tenses up. "Are you coming or not?" Yurim asks Jake from distance.

"I- yes I am" he hesitantly speaks. "Don't tell me your scared of roller coaster" Yurim playfully smirks. "No what? Me and scared? Ain't no way" Jake says. "Then let's go" Yurim says as she pulls him towards the roller coaster. They both sit in the roller coaster. The roller coaster starts and Jake closes his eyes. "Hey are you ok?" Yurim asks. "Aaah kamjagiya" Jake screams as the roller coaster goes down. Yurim holds Jake's hands. "I'm so sorry I didn't know you were this scared of heights" she says in a soft tone and eyes filled with sorrow. Jake remains silent as he hold Yurim's hands tighter making her cheeks redden and the butterflies in her stomach go wild.

The roller coaster stops and they walks out. Jake runs towards the garbage area and starts throwing up. Yurim buys a bottle of water and walks towards Jake. She hands him the bottle. "I'm sorry Jake" Yurim says as she pouts. "It's okay I just- i should've told you. It's not your fault" Jake says as he forces a smile. Yurim smiles at him back.

"Do you want to leave?" Yurim asks. "No I don't want to ruin a beautiful day" Jake says. "No I mean Jake you're not feeling okay let's just g-" Jake cuts her off and pulls her towards another ride. "Jake you're cute actually" Yurim casually flirts. Jake's ears turn red within a second and he acts like he didn't hear it. "I know you heard it" Yurim says again. "W- what?" Jake looks at her acting surprised.

"Eh whatever. Where are you taking me by the way?" Yurim asks. "The lake looks nice. I wonder if there's any fish" Jake smiles like a kid. "Are you really gonna be fishing now?" Yurim playfully rolls her eyes. "I wish I could but we're going for that ride" he says as he points with his finger. "Woah that seems fun" Yurim excitedly exclaims.


"Jake for fucks sake if you don't stop talking about fish I'll throw you in the water I swear" Yurim rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Why come on fishing is fun" he starts sulking. "What I can't throw you in the water but i can throw water on you" Yurim smirks as Jake eyes widen. "What the-" Jake screams as Yurim starts to throw water at him. They start throwing water at each other as the others watch. "Shit we should stop acting like kids" Jake says. "Damn for real" Yurim agrees.

Time skips to evening and they both get tired. Then they decide to have dinner in a restaurant. And it turns into something unexpected as ever.

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