Fourteen; Reunion

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"Park? Is that you Park Chulso?" Mr Sim utters in shock. "You remember my voice"  "Of Course I do, my friend" Mr Sim says and smiles.

"It's been long. So long" Mr Park says. "I know Chulso. As much as I remember the distance between us started to grow more after we moved to Australia. But you see? It's called fate. I can't believe we are talking right now" Mr Sim says as he remembers their old memories.

"Thanks to your son, Jaeyun. He's a real gem. Trust me. A perfect man" Mr Park says praising Jake. "How?" Mr Sim says as his eyes widens in shock. It's all coincidence? Could it be? "It's a very long story. I heard everything from my daughter, Yurim" Mr Park says.

"Yurim. She must've grown up a lot. It's been so long that I met her" "She did. Jake and Yurim are very good friend you know? At some point me and her mother, we feel like they like each other" Mr Park says and laughs. "That's great actually. I'm very glad. I want to meet your daughter. Your family" Mr Sim says, his voice shows excitement.

"Yes of course. We shall meet. And that's why I decided to call you and invite you to our house. Also, you must bring your wife and both sons" Yurim's father invites. "Of course we will come. How can we not. A reunion, after a very long time" Jake's father accepts the invitation.

"Oh I haven't told you. Jake's elder brother is getting married. You are all invited. I'd be very glad to see you all in my son's wedding ceremony. He will be glad too. I will bring the invitation card when I go to your place" Mr Sim says and smiles.

"If everything is okay, we will go for sure" "Alright. See you" Mr Sim says and ends the call. He shares the whole thing with his family. And he tells them about the invitation.

Jake's parents start getting ready to go to Mr Park's house. He asked Jake to bring them to their house. But he was a little busy so he said he will send them the location.

7:00 pm

Mr and Mrs Sim arrive at Mr Park's place, Jake's elder brother Jaesuk was also with them. He agreed to visit their place. He wanted to see Yurim. He heard a lot about her, from his brother who seemed whipped for her.

They enter the house and the Parks warmly greet them. The genuine happiness could be seen. After a while Yurim appears. She bows to them.

"Yurim, daughter. You have grown up a lot. Last time I saw you, you were like 3 or 4 years old" Mr Sim says as he smiles at the girl. She smiles not knowing what to say. "You have become so much prettier" Jake's mother complements.

Yurim's gaze shifts to the man standing next to Mrs Sim. He was tall. A few strands of his dark hair falling over his forehead. He looked similar to Jake. That must be Jake's brother. Just as handsome as Jake.

"I'm Jake's brother" Jaesuk says as he takes out his hand for a handshake with Yurim. "Nice to meet you" Yurim says flashing a smile. "I've heard a lot about you" he says. "Me?" Yurim asks not believing her ear. "Jake told me"

The doorbell rings. Yurim goes to open the door. "Hey" Yurim says. "Hello, how are you?" Jake smiles. "I'm great. You're parents are here too" Yurim says and smiles. "That's nice"

"You talk about me a lot, don't you?" Yurim teases. She could see the fact Jake was getting red. "W-what. N-no?!" Jake says hesitating to find a perfect sentence. "Eh whatever" Yurim playfully rolls her eyes.

They spend their time chatting about random things. Their life, business. Everything seemed so perfect that day. Everyone was so happy. Sunghoon joined them too.

The day comes to an end. The Sims get ready to leave. Before leaving, Mr Sim hands a card to Mr Park. "This is my son, Jaesuk's wedding invitation. I hope you will come" He says and smiles hugging Mr Park for the last time.

"I will call you for other details" Mr Sim says as he leaves.

"What details are they talking about? They are being so suspicious lately"

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