Three; A fake kiss

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"Oh! By the way, Jake. Would you like to have a cup of coffee at my place?" Yurim offers with a light grin on her face. But Jake's own thoughts were nowhere to be seen. He heard her, but couldn't manage to reply. And the next thing he knew was pinning Yurim against the car.

He gently places him arm around her waist. Taking her other hand in his he places it over his neck. He looks straight in her eyes. "J—jake" her eyes were wide open, not being able to process a single thing that was happening. "Shh" he places his index finger on her lips. 

Her heart was already beating loud. And now it's thumping wildly. Blood rushed to her cheeks. He places his thumb over her lips. And then his lips over his thumb. Now the only boundary between there faces were his thumb. Jake could hear heels clicking sound from behind. And then a hand places over his shoulder.

"Jake?" Na-ra moves closer recognizing the figure. That was it. He looked behind and found Na-ra completely dumbfounded. "Hey Na-ra" sarcastic. Very much. He flashes a fake smile at her. "Is that your girlfriend?" She raises an eyebrow. why do you care?  "Yes of course" the fabricated smile never leaving his mouth. Yurim's cheeks reddened even more.

"You moved on real fast. Didn't you?"

"Do you think I'd cry over you for years? So funny of you to assume things like that" he lets out a sarcastic scoff.

"Oh yes, love. Let's have a cup of coffee at yours" taking her hand in his he starts waking towards the elevator.

Na-ra takes the elevator with them. Her eyes burned in jealousy. The elevator reaches the eighth floor. They walk out holding hands leaving Na-ra alone in there.

"Jake" Yurim calls as the elevator door closes. "H—huh? Oh! Look —Yurim. I didn't mean to! I'm s—so sorry!" Untangling  their arms, he breaks down. His eyes were brimming with tears.

Yurim couldn't think of anything, she kneels down to reach him. "Jake. It's okay. It's alright! D—don't cry. Please" her palm reaches to Jake's face. Jake flinches at the sudden contact. "Don't cry. It's alright"

"I just.. loved her. So much" a few drops of tear escapes his eyes. She wiped his tears with her fingers and embraces him in her arms.

"Jake" that moment, he knew. He knew something was definitely wrong.

It wasn't about the way she called his name. It was about how he heard it. Everytime his name escaped her lips, he felt his heart rate fasten. He felt nervous. And it was wrong, at least to him.

"I.. I don't know what happened between you. But I can say, you deserve better, Jake". And shoot, the only thing he focused on was her calling his name. "Now get up. Will ya ? Don't waste your tears anymore" with one last assuring smile, she pulls him off the ground.

He found himself at her doorstep. The apartment looked cozy. The couch, he could sleep there for days. Or maybe that's what he thought. "Hey! Come in" taking a seat on the couch, his eyes wander around. She really has good taste. 

Yurim walks out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee. She handles one over to Jake. The cup didn't go unnoticed by him. The light blue cup had a few penguins on it, he found it extremely cute.

"Is it okay? Do you want more sugar?" She asks. Even that didn't go unnoticed by Jake, how her eyes turns rounder everytime she wants to know something.

"No it's good. Thanks" "No need to mention it" he even noticed how her lips twitched upwards everytime she smiled. He examined her side profile as her eyes stared at the television screen. He couldn't really focus on the show. She was beautiful, which he had to admit.

And the last thing he wanted to think about was her lips. Her strawberry lipgloss was still sticking on his thumb, he takes a quick look at it. And his eyes find it's way back to her lips. He couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss her.

Oh how bad he wanted to slap himself for thinking like that. How bad he wanted to pull his hair. Did I really not learn anything from that? and 'that' is exactly what you must be thinking. It was the trauma Na-ra caused. The wounds she left behind.

She moves her eyes from the screen to look at him, just to catch him staring at her already. There grows the tension. He blinks a couple of times. Gulping down his saliva, he looks away.

"I— I'll leave. It's l—late" stuttering, is a problem. A bad one indeed. He's nervous, she didn't even have to do anything. "Thank you so much, Yurim!" He tries to brighten up the environment by speaking  a little livelier. Only if he could view it from her perspective. She was already giggling over how adorable he was.

"You know you don't have to mention it! I'll always be there for you" she smiles showing off her pearly whites. That was enough for Jake to fall head over heels. But again, he decides to shake it off.

And suddenly, he doesn't want to leave. Because he said earlier, now he has to. "I really do owe you a lot" scratching the back of his neck he stands up, ready to leave. "You don't"

"Oh! By the way— nothing! I'll just leave"

She was quick enough to grab his wrist. "Will you tell me what is it? I want to know" by the look she gave him, he was weak. His knees felt weak. Ears slightly turning red. "Just kidding" she releases another laughter. 

"I'll just— leave. B-bye! Yurim" without his knowing. He was already at his house laying flat on the bed.

"What's wrong with me?"

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