Four; Pretty, like you

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Yurim's eyes wandered all over her closet to find a perfect dress for tonight. It should be something simple. After half an hour of searching her eyes land on the beautiful pink flowy dress  she bought.

Taking the dress in her hand she looks in the mirror. "It's perfect" she smiles to herself. The dress fits her perfectly. That was everything she could wish for. The sun starts to set. Wearing the dress she puts a little makeup on. With one last touch on her face, she's ready.

She drives her car to her destination. The smile never leaving her face. Upon reaching the place she inhales the fresh air the from yard was neatly decorated with beautiful flowers, mostly carnations. "Gosh I missed this" Mrs Park, her aunt hugs her tightly. "Oh my beautiful daughter, I missed you so much" she says, her eyes were shining with adoration. "I missed you too auntie"

"Hello my precious cousin!" Sunghoon opens his arms for her to jump in. Jiwon, the other cousin joins the hug. "I missed you so much Yuri~" she cooes. "I missed you too Ji"

"Girl! Oh my god. You have become prettier!" Sunghoon dramatically places a hand on his mouth. "It's the genes, idiot" flipping her hair sassily she takes a seat on the couch.

"My parents didn't come yet?" Yurim raises an eyebrow. "Bruh. You would've seen them if they did" Sunghoon playfully rolls his eyes just to get punched in the arms. "Yah! Why would you hit me" he squeals holding his arm. Yurim shrugs.

"Sunghoon did you bring the file I told you about?" Mr Park, Sunghoon's father asks him. "Shi— I'm so sorry father! I forgot" he scratched the back of his neck.

"What do you not forget?" Mr Park frowns feeling disappointed at his son. "Jaeyun is still working right?" He adds. "Yes! I will ask him to bring it" "Okay"

Sunghoon comes out of his room with his phone in his hand. "Jake! Can you please do me a favour?" Sunghoon pleads. Yurim looks at him as she hears something familiar. The name, Jake? Is that really the Jake I'm thinking of?"Can you please bring me the file I kept on my desk? It's green"

"Thank you so much Jaeyunie! By the way I'm at my parents place so you have to come here~"

"Problem solved! Yay!" Sunghoon jumps in the couch beside Yurim. She laughs at him. what if this is the Jake I'm thinking about? No— wait there's not only one Jake in the whole world "You look lost Yuri" Jiwon places her arm on her shoulder. "H—huh?" then the doorbell chimes.

Standing up from her seat she hugs her parents. "It's been so long since I saw you daughter" her mother says holding Yurim's face in her palms. Yurim grins widely. Her parents hug her other cousin and sits on the couch.

The doorbell rings again. "I'll open it!" Yurim runs towards the door. And the sight made her breath get stuck in her throat. "J-Jake?!" Her mouth hung open. Jake was equally surprised. "Yurim— what are you doing her-" his words got cut off by Sunghoon "You guys know each other?!" He places a hand over his mouth. His dramatic ass! I swear!

"Yes" they both uttered in unison. "HOW OH MY GO-" *kick* "PARK YURIM! WHY DO YOU KEEP HITTING ME" "stop being dramatic for once" rolling her eyes she walks towards the living area.

"Jake! Come in my mother, father, aunt everyone wants to meet you" Jake nods and walks in. "Jaeyun, it's been long that we saw you son" Mrs Park says and Jake bows at the elders. "Right!"

Yurim stares at them in confusion. so they all knew him? But not me? her frown was visible. Sunghoon started to poke her arm. She gives him a death glare. "You should stop frowning, you look like a witch" just to get kicked on his leg again.

"Oh! By the way. I wanted to ask~ how did you two meet. Where did you meet and when?" Sunghoon asks pointing a Jake and Yurim. "She was the one who took me to the hospital" "No way! So you're meeting for the second time now?" his eyes widened. "Third actually" Yurim says. "The second was planned?" He asks again. "Absolutely not" Jake nods. "Oh my- then it's destiny i guess!"

"Sunghoon" "what now?" and now Sunghoon was the one frowning. "You never told me you had such a handsome friend" Yurim whispers in his air while Jake chats with their mothers. His frown turns into a smirk. "So you think he's handsome?~"

"Who wouldn't?" She glances at Jake. Looks like he knew. He turns to face her and she immediately looks away. Her cheeks turning bright pink. "You two keep whispering. Mind telling me what's going on?" Jiwon raises her eyebrow.

"Well, you know~ Yurim find Jake very hands-" Yurim immediately places her palm over his mouth. "shut the fuck up before I start pulling your hair" he tries to move her hand from his mouth. "You're choking me!"

"Just shut up" "Fine! Don't talk to me, talk to your Jakey pookie bye" asshole. Jiwon leaves with him. Now, it was just Jake and Yurim in the room.

"That was unexpected" Jake mutters under his breath. "I know right?" Yurim replies with a grin. "So you're cousins?" "Mhm" "you really fight a lot. A little too much"

"What can I do if he's being a total ass" Yurim rolls her eyes. "He is very annoying sometimes. But! You told him you find me handsome" Jake laughs. Yurim stares at him in awe. Cheeks turning pink again.

"I– it's not like t-that!" It was new to her. Very new, how Jake was making her all flustered. She lacked words. "I'm not handsome?!" He pouts. Jake please! As much as I like you being like this I hate myself being all nervous. Dont do this! "Stop!" She hides her face in her hands in embarrassment.

Jake chuckles watching her. "Bruh. Do you want to see the garden? It's pretty even though it's night"

"I saw it so many times"

"You did?"

"Yeah of course"

"Well. Nevermind. Let's go again" she pulls him towards the garden by his arm. They take seats on the wooden bench. Arms slightly touching. "What's you favourite flower?" Jake asks. "Roses"

"Pretty common isn't it?" she softly chuckles. "No, they're pretty" he says glancing at her side profile. "yeah"

"They're pretty, just like you are" he whispers, making sure it wouldn't reach her ears. He stared at her. Few strands of hair falling over her face. Her doe eyes turned slightly bigger as she looked up.

"The sky is so pretty" she mutters. Jake's heart started to beat a little faster. what is this feeling? he starts to feel anxious. His mind went back to the day when her strawberry lipgloss was on his thumb. I really hate myself for thinking like this. But, it wouldn't harm to admit she's gorgeous. She also made my heart skip a beat. Am I falling in love again?

—⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:
Hiiii. Please let me know if you like this story <3

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