Six; Disappointed

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Jake's phone bleeped in his pocket as he reached home. He took it out.
Hi. It's me, Yurim. Did you reach home? he stared at it for a while. And then his phone bleeped again.

Are you going to leave me on read forever? He started to type. Hey, sorry. I'm home now by the way.

Ok. So do you have any place in your mind? He looked at the text blankly. And didn't know what to say. He was sorrounded by too many thoughts. He just kept the phone away as he threw himself on the couch. He didn't know what to say. It's not like she asked him something very serious that might take him this long to reply.

Yurim on the other hand, was impatiently waiting for him to reply. She wondered what made him like this in a blink of an eye. She thought to herself. Is he a dry texter ? Or ? Did i make him upset? She immediately called Sunghoon.

"Hoon, what's with Jake? Do you know anything? He's acting so dry all of a sudden? Is he a dry texted or what? He isn't replying me. Did I make him upse-" she couldn't finish the word as Sunghoon stopped her. "For fuck's sake Yuri it's 12 already" he said in a sleepy tone.

"I'm not blind I know it's 12" Yurim rolled her eyes. "Then go sleep" he hanged up before Yurim could say anything. She called him again. "Come on Sunghoon. I'm your sister. And you have to help me. If you don't I won't be able to sleep tonight"

"You're such a pain in the ass I swear. He must be sleeping now" he yawns. "No, how can he fall asleep like this. I mean- he just replied me and when I texted him again and then saw my text and now he's not replying"

"Yurim listen carefully. I know him very well. And he isn't still over his ex, he's just trying to play cool. Don't get too attached to him knowing very well you'll get heartbroken at the end" Sunghoon warned. "Oh" Yurim muttered under her breath. "Go sleep now good night"

"Good night" Sunghoon hanged up. And Yurim slowly walked to her room. Slamming the door shut, she laid down on her stomach. I'm such a fool. It's just a silly crush. He is not even over his ex. I just met him a few days ago and now I think he'd hang out with me. So funny. She felt sad. For herself and maybe Jake too.

"Silly me, I thought he's already over her" she sarcastically laughed. And again checked her phone if Jake replied. Unfortunately, he didn't.

2:30 AM

"Ugh fuck what's wrong with me I can't sleep" Yurim muttered. Her hand reached the table beside her bed to get her pills. And then she checked her phone again to see if Jake has replied her or not. Still no reply. She was disappointed in him. Very much disappointed. All of these, everything. Really meant nothing to him. And it's all my fault for getting my expectations too high. With that, she pulled the blanket and fell asleep.

5:00 AM

She woke up again. And this time it was a nightmare. "Please don't do this to me I beg you. Please don't. I didn't do anything" she breathed heavily. And there was no one to comfort her. She curled up in her bed and cried in her own embrace. Her head started to hurt.

"Ugh why is life being so unfair to me" she held her head as she tried to get up from the bed. Slowly walking to the kitchen she opened the fridge door to get some cold water.

Leaning against the kitchen counter she let out a few drops of tears. She felt so useless even tho the nightmare has nothing to do with her anymore. But the same person keeps appearing in her dreams.

She tried to calm herself down but she couldn't. She was scared and she didn't know why. She walked back towards her room and tried her best to fall asleep. She couldn't understand what happened to her all of a sudden. Her insomnia showing up again and now the person she forgot about years ago appearing in her dreams again. Everything is just too unexpected for her.

She took another pill and this time and fell asleep. No interruptions for next few hours. She slept peacefully this time until the alarm started to ring at 10:30. Slowly opening her eyes she stretched her body.

She took a shower and walked towards the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. "Today better be good" she yawned as she walked towards the living room with a cup of coffee in her hand. The doorbell rang just when she was about to take a seat on the couch.
She walked towards the door and the sight left her speechless.

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