Twenty one; Admiring you

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Jake's pov

I sit in my chair running my hand through my hair. I felt frustrated. I didn't know what to do. And suddenly the door creaks open revealing Heeseung. He walks towards me and sits on the visitors chair. I guess he could sense it already. "What's wrong Jake?"

"Na-ra came" I say. "What?!" He replies in shock. "Why did she?" "She came here to warn me. She might do something to Yurim. I need to protect her hyung" I really don't know what to do now. Her classes are probably over now. And then suddenly something came in my mind. "Oh shit! I have to go" I quickly stand up from my chair and grab the blazer that i kept on the handle of my chair.

"Jake calm down. I'm coming with you" he says as he rushes behind me. Heeseung sits beside me. "Jake slow down you are going to crash the car!" "I can't hyung she's in danger!" I raise my voice. "How will you save her if we don't even get to her safely!" He speaks a little louder than usual. I slow down the car a little bit.

We finally reach her apartment after a couple of minutes. I rush towards the elevator. Gosh why is this taking so long today. Finally the elevator door opens. I click the bell few times in hurry. And there she is. She frowns as she sees me. I let out a deep sigh. She's safe. "Give me some time Jake! You kept ringing the bell"

"I'm sorry. I was scare-" I couldn't complete the sentence. She looks behind me. Her eyes lit up. "Heeseung oppa" she calls. I feel my heart ache a little. She frowns when she sees me but smiles at Heeseung. I deserved it after all. "I was about to leave actually" she says pulling out her luggage.

After a few minutes we found ourselves in the car. I started to drive. Heeseung was in the backseat. I could see his reflection through the mirror. And he was glancing at Yurim through the mirror. What's wrong with him? what am I even thinking. He's like my elder brother, he would never.

"We're here hyung. Thank you for accompanying me" the words barely came out of my mouth. He nods and leaves the car. Yurim bids bye to him. Well that's nice. Why am I- am I jealous? Why would I be?


Yurim's pov

"You scared the shit out of me today Jake" I said watching him type the password. "Sorry about that" cold. Very much. What's wrong with him now? I roll my eyes pulling the luggage with me. "What's with the attitude" I mutter under my breath. His gaze immediately softened. "Can I hug you? For a little?" ?????? "I'll take that a yes" I didn't even answer you- he rushed towards me and wraps his arms around me.

I just don't understand him. At all. Not a bit. He wraps his arms a little tighter and pats my head. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I must've become a tomato. "I don't want to lose you Yuri" He says resting his chin on my head. "Are you okay?" He nods. I try to get out of his grip. But he's too strong. "Jake I need to go wash up" "Uh-huh sorry" he says letting go off me.

I walk towards my room with my luggage and place it on a corner. Today was exhausting. I felt so tired. Maybe because I went to uni for the first time in a while? Random thoughts crossed my mind. But most of it was about Jake. What's wrong with him? The sudden visit, the sudden hug.

"Geez I didn't eat long ago and my stomach is growling already" I make my way to the kitchen after taking a shower. "Hi Jake" I call making him flinch. "You scared me" i giggled. "what are you cooking?" "Ramen" "sounds great"


"Yuri~ I'm going out. I have a meeting" Jake said unlocking the door. "Bye I guess?" I said waving my hands from the couch. "Rude" he whispered to himself but I somehow heard him. "Do you expect me to say 'bye honey' and then hug you like what the-"

"Whatever" I mean like do you? Aren't you overreacting? So dramatic.

I rolled my eyes taking the remote in my hand to switch the TV off. Making my way to my bedroom. My whole body was aching for no reason. I feel old haha. I threw myself on the bed and wrapped the blanket around me. Being so tired, I immediately fell into a deep slumber.

Slightly opening my eyes I looked around trying to adjust with the light of the room. I took my phone from the bedside table. It was almost time for dinner. I wonder if Jake has come back. I make my way out of the room after stretching my body a little. Jake has already come back and cooked dinner for us.

"Jake you didn't have to cook all these-" he quickly grabs my arm and pulls out a chair for me to sit. Gentleman. I smile to myself. He sits right in front of me. "Let's eat"

The night falls darker and we found ourselves stargazing at the rooftop. The sky was beautiful and the feeling was heavenly, especially when you sit by the one you love. I wonder if he will ever love me back. My feelings were true and genuine from the start but I don't know about him. He does make me feel loved but I don't know if he sees me in a way.

He's a nice man. The nicest of all. Anyone would fall for him. Not just his looks, his personality is as pure as he looks. He loves, he cares and he's scared he will be betrayed once again. But I'm willing to love you with my everything if you accept me to. Even if you don't, I'll admire you secretly I guess. Even after trying so hard to not fall more for him, rather put a full stop in this chapter of falling, instead i found myself falling deeper. Deeper than I ever intended to. It would be hard for me once it's over. This marriage and everything.

"You look lost Yuri" Jake suddenly speaks making me flinch. "O-oh?" I lift my gaze to meet his eyes and that's when our gaze lock together. None of us looked away even after seconds of staring and seconds turned into minutes.

"It's late. W-we should go in" I quickly stand up. Jake nods and follows me inside. "I- umm. I'm going to sleep, good night?" He says running his hand through his hair. "Me too. Good night Jakie" I say smiling at him before waving my hands. "Is that a new nickname for me?" He says grinning like a kid. "Yes I guess?"

"Okayy. Good night princess" he says patting my head before running to his room. Cute. Good night.

-⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:
hihi .. Soooo sorry for late updateeee. This chapter took me so longgg. Anywayssss I just wanted to thank you for 2K!!! That's a lottt aaaahshs. Ly all so much <3 tysm for reading.

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