Twenty four ; euphoria

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The event has already started. The venue was decorated gracefully. It was not very crowded, nor too empty. Most of the seats were booked. Both newlyweds took seats across from each other.

Yurim was busy admiring the view in front of her while Jake was busy enjoying his view. "Oh my god! Jake look at Yeonjun. He's so cool" he notices how her eyes shine while talking about the idol performing on the stage. His visuals were absolutely stunning. In fact, the whole group was.

"Oh my– look at that! That was so hot!" she exclaims in joy clinging onto Jake's arm. "Pfft calm down" Jake frowns. Yurim doesn't spare a glance at him. All her attention was on the stage, the group of five young, handsome men. "Shut up and look at how handsome he is" she rolls her eyes freeing his arm from her grip.

He quickly holds her arms back and wraps it around his arm. Yurim grins to herself. She was too delighted. She's watching her bias live. So close. It has always been a dream of her. "I don't know how am I not screaming the hell out of my lungs and crying like a mad women yet" she says leaning her head against Jake's shoulder. Jake's ears slightly turn red due to the close proximity of their bodies.

"Oh my. Look at them lovebirds" Jaesuk exclaims from across the table. Feeling shy, Yurim pulls her head up from Jake's shoulder. "Jake" she whispers. "Mhm" "Can I meet them after the performance ends?" She says making him frown. Was watching her almost drooling over Yeonjun not enough ? He thought to himself. A frown visibly appearing on his face.

"Huh?" His frown turns into a smile as soon as he stares at her doe eyes. "Please" she cooes. "Fine whatever" playfully rolling his eyes he averts his attention to the stages. "Thanks" muttering under her breath she presses a small kiss on his cheek. Which he reacts to immediately by turning his gaze to her. His eyes were wide open. Ears red.

"Do that again... Please" he immediately regrets uttering those words."I did not just– fuck! "Ah– nevermind. I just–" before he could utter another word he feel her soft lips seal his cheek with a light peck. Blood immediately rushes to his cheek. He couldn't help but grin like a highschooler.

Yurim looked unbothered. But she was surprised by her boldness too. She's never been this bold. But for now she lets it slide just to see her favorites perform.

"I can't believe Jake I'm actually going to see him like face-to-face and I'm going to talk to the Choi Yeonjun" she says clinging onto Jake's arms as he rolls his eyes but secretly enjoying this side of her. "Yeah yeah whatever"

"OH MY– there's Yeonjun!" she whisper-squeals as she watches him walking inside the room. "Hey! Jake. Man what's up?!" Yeonjun says as he catches a glimpse of Jake. He extends his hand to Jake for a handshake. Yurim just stands there dumbfounded . "Nice to see you hyung it's been.. long"

"I know. Haven't seen you in years" he says as his eyes land on the girl standing right beside Jake. "And... Who is this beautiful young lady?" "Yurim, Park Yurim. A huge, no a massive fan of you" she giggles in excitement. She was nervous as hell. He's looking way more gorgeous in real life. He was sculpted just perfectly, so perfect.

"I'm honored" he says throwing a playful wink at her . She shyly chuckles. Jake, was burning. That was too much for him to witness. "She wanted to meet you. So here I am doing my duty, as her husband"

"Bro– WHAT?! When did you even get married? Tell me this is some kind of joke" he exclaims eyeing them both. "It isn't a joke. I'm married to this beautiful young lady. Yes" he says sliding his arm around her waist. Her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. You really had to ruin my moment with my bias.

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