Nine; Kisses and mistakes

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Jake and Yurim takes seat next to the window. They start chatting. After a while they finish eating and ready to go out. And at that moment Yurim sees something unexpected. Fate takes it's worst turn. She looks at the reflection in the window in surprise with wide eyes.

Jake notices the sudden change in her. "Hey? Are you okay?" Jake asks concerned. Yurim tenses up. "Jake I-" "I don't know" Jake immediately get's up from his seat and takes a seat beside her. "Hey look at me Yuri" Jake says as he softly holds her chin. Yurim's eyes starts to get teary. "Jake.. he's back. He's b-back. We have to leave" Yurim hesitantly speaks.

"Who?" Jake asks . Yurim couldn't answer she starts shaking. "Yurim, look at me. It's gonna be okay. It's fine. Calm down okay?" Jake holds her face and tries to comfort her. "You are not understanding this I have to go" Yurim get's up from her seat and rushed out of the restaurant. Jake follows her behind.

"Yurim come on where are you going" Jake walks behind her and hold her wrist. Yurim stops in her tracks. "Jake" Yurim mutters. "Yuri look at me. It's gonna be okay. Calm down okay?" Jake says as he holds her chin. Her eyes start to tear up.

"Jake he's back. What if he kills me. What if he-" before Yurim could finish speaking Jake crashes his lips on her. Yurim's eyes widened in shock. But in no time she kissed him back. She puts her hands over his chest and Jake's hands move toward her waist making the butterflies go wild in her stomach.

After a good few seconds they break the kiss. Both panting heavily. "I'm just so sorry I didn't know what to do. I couldn't see you like this. But at least you stopped cryi-" before he could finish his sentence Yurim goes for another kiss. It was getting dark. The streets were almost getting empty but their hearts, they felt warm in each other's arms. Their lips move in sync. As if they were longing for this forever. Jake pulls her closer by her waist. Yurim places her hands on the either side of his neck.

Breaking the kiss they start breathing heavily. The undeniable tension between them rises even more. None of them knew what to say. Not a single word. And then Jake gestures her to walk towards his car. Jake opens the door for her. But he starts getting awkward even though he was the first one to pull the stunt.

Jake's eyes were focused on the road. He noticed Yurim stealing glances at him. But he ignored. He was scared to admit that he was in love with Yurim. The way her presence lights up his world. The way she smiled makes his heart skip a beat. And today when they kissed, his heart was about to explode. Especially when she went for a second one. He was scared to admit it. What if the same thing happened in his past repeats. He knew Yurim wasn't that type of girl but was Na-ra? He trusted her too.

Yurim was awkwardly fidgeting her fingers on her lap. They reach Yurim's apartment. Jake parks the car aside and opens the door for her. "Thank you for today, Jake" Yurim softly says as her cheeks turn into bright shade of pink. The memory of their kiss replays in her mind making her forget about her high school bully. The guy she was scared to death. He did everything to put her down. He targetted her and now he's back.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Yurim" Jake says hesitantly. "Why?" Yurim asks. "I'm sorry for what I did. That was a mistake" his response makes her heart drop. She stares at him in surprise. "I didn't mean to, I was just.. i didn't know what to-" Yurim bitterly chuckles "You did what you did. And it's okay. It was a mistake though" she says and disappears from his sight. His sighs heavily.

"I fucked up again" he says as he runs his hand through his hair. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't even follow her. At least not now. Not after what he did. He drove himself home. Throwing himself on the bed he thought about Yurim. The kiss..

Yurim has been crying for hours now. The way everything happened so suddenly. Her eyes were red. She was afraid of everything. The way Yejun appeared out of nowhere. He looked like a gentleman and a good guy on the outside. But little did anyone know what kind of monster he is. Yurim knew, she knew it very well. The scars he left on her body never left. He abused her in every possible way he could..

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