Sixteen; Yes, we're preparing

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Jake's pov

I enter Yurim's room. I couldn't find her anywhere. Oh she must be in the balcony. She's standing there.

Her hair starts to ruffle, the cold breeze hits her skin. She hugs herself. I couldn't see her face but the back. I walk towards her. Taking of my jacket I place it over her shoulder.

I watch her wiping her cheeks. I feel my heart aching. I'm sorry it's all my fault. "You'll catch cold. Come inside" I say breaking the silence. "No"

"We have to go out to buy your wedding gown" I reach to hold her arms. She steps backward. Don't be like this. Please. I wish I could tell her. But she was not in the state to listen and she won't.

"You can go. I will get ready" that hurt. She's never been like this. I walk out without uttering another word. Walking downstairs I take a seat on the couch waiting for her. I try my best to act happy in front of our parents. And Yurim does the same. We're great actors that now we're faking happiness.

"Jake" oh I zoned out. "Let's go" we walk out of the house. Her smile fades immediately. She lets out a heavy sigh. I know you're tired of pretending. I am too. I said I can't see you crying. And again I'm the one that's making you cry. I hate myself so much.

We finally arrive at the luxurious store. My eyes roam around. I've never imagined I would see her in one of these dresses. The wedding ones. I look at her. She must've had lots of dreams about her wedding. I'm such a coward. If I wasn't so rude that day maybe we would've been happier now.

She looks around searching for a perfect dress for the wedding. Walking around we both reach for the same dress. I accidentally touch her hand and immediately remove it. "Sorry" she remained silent.

"I will try this" she says as she walks towards the fitting room.

Yurim's pov

I walk out wearing the dress I chose. We, to be exact. I found him sitting on the couch fidgeting his fingers. Why? Are you nervous? Or? "How is it?"

He glances over at me and stands up. Eyeing every detail of the dress, he finally speaks. "I-it's good. It's nice" i mentally facepalm myself for expecting too much. Why would I think he would say more? More like complement me? I'm expecting what from who?

The dress somehow made me feel pretty. But my confidence faded away at his remark "Do you want me to try another one?" I ask looking around the store. "That one looked good though" he speaks hesitantly.

"Can't you be clear for once? Do you want me to try other dresses or no?" I start to feel frustrated. But why am I feeling like this. I can't. I shouldn't. I don't realize how bad I am at hiding my emotions until my eyes start getting teary. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

I close my eyes and sigh deeply. I shot my eyes open as I feel someone wiping my cheeks. "I'm sorry, princess" princess?! My heart skips a beat. Again. "I should've been more careful. I should've been more careful about the fact that might hurt you. But if I say honestly... You look beautiful. And breathtaking. I've never said this but you're mesmerising, your beauty" How does he know? he cups my cheeks. "I'm sorry" he repeats.

This time his eyes showed more. More than just sorrow. For some reason, I felt like it's referring to something more. Something I can't quite understand. "Sir, shall we alter this dress?" He looks at me and I nod. "Yes." "We still need to find mine"

I change the dress and follow him to the men's section. I walk around. I see a black tuxedo, like the one I've always thought my husband would be wearing on our wedding. Should I show him this? I think to myself and he appears. "You've been looking at this for a while now. Do you like it that much?"

I try to ignore any kind of eye contact with him. I feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "I like it though" he says making me look at him. I feel better. He likes it. "I will try this" he picks up the black tuxedo and walks towards the mens fitting room.

I stand there dumbfounded, zoning out. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder making me flinch. "Oh sorry, I zoned out" as I look behind I couldn't believe my eyes. He looks unbelievably handsome. It fit him perfectly. He looks like a prince. Ethereal.

"How do I look?" He asks. I start getting nervous. I don't know what to say. "I- y-you.. you l-look h-handsome... Jus- Just like a prince" I say avoiding eye contact with him. "For real?" He was smiling.

"Yes" I say looking down trying to hide my blush realising what I just said. "I'm getting this one" says Jake.

Jake's father calls as we walk out of the store. I couldn't hear what he said. But I can guess it's about the wedding. "Yes, we're preparing" he hangs up and slips the phone in his pocket.

"My dad called. He asked us to visit him after we're done shopping. If you don't have any problems then..." Of course I do. I'm not even dressed nicely. My makeup isn't good either. "I- I'm not dressed nice" "I can see you are dressed nice Yuri" come on you're not blind are you?

He scoots a little closer. "It's all good now" he says as he fixes my hair a little. Oh shoot. My mascara must be smudged by now. "I'll fix my makeup then" I say walking towards the car feeling my heart thumping in my chest.

I watch him steal few glances at me while I do my makeup. I try my best to ignore his presence. That hurts me too but you made me do it. He parks the car and opens the car door for me. "Is it okay?" I hesitantly as I walk out. "It is more than okay. You look beautiful, princess" great! Here we go again with the princess. Just stop playing with my poor heart already

"Oh one thing" what is it now. He steps a little closer. He places his thumb under my lips. "The lipstick" he says as he fixes it. "It's all good now" i immediately look away trying to hide my blush. "Let's go now"

—⁠☆ ꒰⁠ A/N ꒱ 💭:
Happy new year everyone! <3

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