Chapter 38

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The feeling of warmth from my back was making me relax even more. His warm even breath was fanning my nape, his long strong arms were caging me, making it impossible for me to move. His strong, thick legs were sprawled on top of mine.

I sighed and tried to turn and face him. My movement made him stir, and when I was fully face to face with him I was stunned for a moment. His messy hair made him look even more obscenely handsome, his bushy eyebrows accentuated his beautiful blue gray eyes, and his sharp facial features, especially his jaw, gave him this aristocratic aura.

His eyes met mine and my heart beat raced immediately. If someone were to ask me why I liked him, I think I would easily say it was because of his hypnotic blue gray orbs, I absolutely loved his eyes.

Yes, I liked him.. There was no doubt that I was infatuated with this brute. There was no way I would initiate anything just because I was in heat or in the spurs of the moment. I had never been this intimate with anyone, only with him. I liked him very much.

"Hey," his raspy voice said, his eyes twinkling. "Still can't get enough of my handsomeness?" his hands started caressing my back, moving down to my hips.

I almost blushed when he caught me gawking at him but I managed to compose myself and just raised him a brow. "Hey, aren't we a bit conceited?"

"I'm just stating a fact." he said shrugging, pulling me closer to him. My bare chest touched his, and I could feel my nubs harden easily at the contact. His lips brushed against my ear. "Besides, it's not a big deal. I like the way you look at me. I love watching your beautiful face give away your emotions, whether you're amused, worried, happy.. or aroused. It must be a tie or I'll go crazy if not."

His mouth moved from my ear, to my jaw before it covering mine and I felt his arousal come to life. I returned his kiss and just like that we were on fire again. He hovered over me while his mouth devoured my mounds, both our hands were all over each other when we both heard a buzzing sound from his door. He ignored it but it continued to buzz.

I pushed him away from my chest and our gazes locked. He only muttered curses and took my mouth again, feverishly, almost knocking the wind out of me.

His eyes drifted from me then to the man next to my seat. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"I don't want to disturb you but this couldn't wait." Hayes cleared his throat again. "Storm was rushed to the hospital. He was attacked last night by these mysterious people."

I swallowed hard. "Which hospital? How is he?" my eyes searched for my phone. I saw a few missed calls and some messages.

"He's in Central Med. He's out of danger." he sighed heavily.

I nodded and excused myself, tapping uncle Amer's number. "..Hello.."

"It's me, Uno." I paused. "I heard about Storm. How is he?"

"..He's doing fine.." he sounded tired.

"I'll come to visit him. Can we also talk?"

It took him a minute to answer. "..Sure, no problem. I'll see you later, Uno.."

I hung up the call and tapped Jasmin's number. She answered on the second ring. "Get my car ready. We're going to Central Med." I knew for a fact that she probably outside the door or the building right now. Just patiently waiting for me.

"..Right away, Uno.."

I ended the call and looked at Hayes then to Alfiero. "I have to go."

"I'll come with you," Alfiero said.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Jasmin will be here any moment to pick me up." I glanced at Hayes. "I want you to ready twenty of our men."

Hayes nodded at me then to Fierce and stood up from his seat. I was about to walk out together with him when someone grabbed my wrist. A spark of electricity jolted through my entire body but I managed to ignore it and faced him calmly.

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