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26th February 2015:

"You have to show a new kid around the school today by the way," James tells his daughter, as they walk up to Haileybury boarding school. "Dad, for the love of god. I've just been in a car with you for three hours, does it look like I want to show someone around the school." The fourteen-year-old sasses. "Hey, I know you're tired, but I've already told the headmaster you'll do it. You have to do it now." The man shrugs.

"You're lucky I'm a nice person." Althea rolls her eyes, taking her suitcase from her dad. "I'll see you in a month." James hugs his daughter, kissing her head. "See you in a month dad, tell Amelie and Mum I love them and I'm counting down the days till I'm out of this hell hole." Althea sighs, walking to the doors of the boarding school.

"Mr Martin Collier, I'm here." Althea bursts into the headmaster's office. "Hello, Miss May. I know you've had a long journey, so I want to be able to do this as quickly as possible." The man says as he walks over to her. "Please." Althea nods. "Here is Oscar Piastri an..." Martin starts. "Are you sure it's not pastry?" Thea interrupts. "Althea, please be quiet." The headmaster looks at her. "Sorry." The adopted girl raises her hands.

"This is Oscar Piastri and his dad Chris Piastri." Martin Collier introduces the father and son duo. "Lovely to meet you, Chrissy." Althea smiles shaking the man's hand. "You too Pastry Boy." The girl pats the boy on the back. "Althea, please. Be respectful." Martin begs. "She's alright, that was a warm welcome." Oscar shrugs. "Oh my..." The fourteen-year-old covers her mouth. "You're from Australia." Althea points at him.

"I am indeed." Oscar nods. "Like Daniel Ricciardo." Althea smiles, the same time Oscar says, "Like Mark Webber." Making the two stare at each other. "I think you are my new best friend." Althea laughs. "Are you going to start your tour?" The headmaster questions. "Yes, Mr Collier, book my day off. I need to show Pastry Boy the whole school. And can you please put his dorm room next to mine?" Althea looks at the man with her hands together.

"I will tell your teachers you will not be in class. And I can see what I can do with the dorm room situation." He nods, smiling as the girl jumps up and down. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She repeats, bringing the man in a quick hug before grabbing Oscar's hand and dragging him out of the office. "Is she..." Chris turns to Martin, hoping he gets what he's asking. "Always like this? Yeah, ever since she started." Martin Collier nods.

"So this is the reception, it's a pretty boring place to be I cannot lie. I spend most of my time here, checking in and out." Althea tells him. "Why's that?" Oscar asks. "You're a nosey little one aren't you, Pastry Boy?" Althea crosses her arms. "You could say that." The boy shrugs. "And I'm not little." He scoffs. "When is your birthday and how old are you?" Althea wonders. "Now look at who's being nosy." Oscar crosses his arms.

"Yeah, I'm really nosy. It's one of my worst traits. Now answer the question." Althea points to him. "My birthday is April sixth. And I am thirteen." He smiles. "So you are little." Althea laughs. "If I'm so little when's your birthday?" Oscar puts his hands on his waist. "I turned fourteen on the eighteenth of December." She smiles widely. "You're older by like... four months." Oscar shakes his head, counting the months on his fingers.

"Three months and nineteen days equivalent to one hundred and nine days," Althea tells him, making his eyes widen. "How did you know that?" Oscar says mesmerised. "I'm good with numbers." Althea shrugs. "So, I'm guessing you like Formula One." Althea changes the conversation as she walks down a corridor. "Yeah, you too I suppose." Oscar smiles. "Hell yeah, it's the best sport ever. But if we are going to be best buddies, I'm going to need to know your favourite driver. And it cannot be from your own country." Althea says.

"Erm, are we talking about the current racers on the grid or overall?" Oscar wonders. "Good question, let's just go with the current grid." Althea shrugs. "Has to be Sebastian Vettel," Oscar answers. "I could hug you right now. Oh my god, we are going to be best buddies." Althea smiles, opening the door to the library. "I'm not sure I'm too psyched about that." Oscar jokes. "P-lease Pastry Boy, I'm the best friend you are ever going to have." Althea points to herself.

"Yeah, okay Alan." Oscar nods. "No one's ever called me Alan before." Althea laughs. "Well get used to it Alan." Oscar laughs along with the girl. "Okay, Pastry Boy. This is where I spend a quarter of my time in school." Althea motions to the rows of books. "Where's the other three quarters spent?" He asks. "My room, class, and I'm not here for the last quarter." Althea shrugs.

"That's nice." Oscar nods. "Althea, you're back." The librarian walks to the two. "Hello, Mrs Lowe." Althea smiles, hugging the woman. "How was your break?" The woman wonders. "It was cool, Dad took me to see Daniel Ricciardo again. I love that man." Althea sighs, staring off into space. "What are you like." The woman shakes. Her head. "He's a bit too old for you. Don't you think, Alan?" Oscar asks.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. How rude of me, I'm Mrs Lowe. What's your name?" She turns to Oscar and holds her hand out. "Oscar Piastri." The Australian smiles awkwardly, shaking her hand. "It's lovely to meet you, it's nice to see Althea with someone for once." She smiles, making the fourteen-year-old cover her face, embarrassed. "We best get going, I have a whole school to show Oscar around. Bye, Mrs Lowe." Althea quickly says, pulling the boy out of the Library.

"What did she mean by seeing you with someone for once?" Oscar wonders. "I go in there to read, not talk to people." Althea laughs slightly. "It's more than that, Alan." Oscar trails behind her. "I don't have any friends, in this school. I never have." Althea reveals. "And how long have you been coming here?" The Piastri boy asks. "Since two thousand and eleven." Althea sighs.

"So that's five years without having friends in school?" Oscar gasps. "Yeah, not everyone likes my personality. Gets too much for them, they don't vibe with me, you know?" Althea shrugs. "Well, Alan. I love your personality and I feel like we will vibe together. It is in my greatest pleasure, to become your first school friend." Oscar opens his arms. "Yay, my mum is going to be so happy when I tell her." Althea jumps into the boy's arms and hugs him tight.

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