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31st December 2015:

"Have you got everything?" James asks his daughter as they stand in reception. "Yes, Dad. Do you not trust me?" The girl asks. "I do, I just don't trust your brain and the way it functions." He shakes his head. "Me too, Dad. Me too." Althea sighs, nodding her head. "Okay, let's get going." The man smiles, picking up a couple of bags off the floor. "To a new journey." The girl smiles, walking to the reception door.

"Alan! You forgot your phone!" Oscar runs through the double doors towards his girlfriend waving her phone around. Althea's face goes red as she turns to look at her dad who raises his eyebrows. "I told you so." He shrugs. "You did, you did tell me so." The girl just nods slightly disappointed in herself. "Here you go." Oscar smiles, holding his hand out.

"Thank you, Pastry Boy." Althea nods. "Anytime, Alan." The Australian winks. "Okay, love birds, you sweet and all, but we really need to be going." James wiggles the bags in his hands. Althea spins around to her dad, noticing how the receptionist isn't at the desk and has wandered off. "Dad, go and put that in the car. I'll be out in a minute." Althea smiles. "What's the magic word?" James questions.

"The most amazing dad in all of history." The girl puts her hands behind her back as she sways. "Not a word, but I'll take it. Don't be too long." The man winks, walking out of the school. "I will miss you so much." Oscar wraps his arms around the girl's waist and leans his head on her shoulders. "I've just got butterflies." Althea smiles, turning her head left slightly to look at her boyfriend.

"I just have that effect on girls you know." Oscar winks. Althea's eyes widen as she thinks of Oscar after a race taking his helmet off and looking all sweaty and hot. "What?" Oscar asks. "Nothing just got a really vivid picture in my head." Althea shakes her head. "Oh, okay. I'll miss you, Alan." Oscar sighs, walking in front of the girl. "Have we literally not spent the last six hours saying goodbye?" Althea laughs.

"And other things?" The blonde nods. "Pastry, we are in the school reception. Don't bring our devils tango out of our dorm." Althea pushes the boy's shoulder. "Well, it's just my dorm now. Isn't it?" The Australian scrunches up his face. "That's so sad. Ten months of being dorm mates, to now living in different countries." Althea smiles. "And thirteen days of being boyfriend and girlfriend" Oscar nudges his shoulder against his girlfriend's.

"The best thirteen days of my life." Althea laces her hands with the Aussies. "And many more to come." Oscar nods. "Many more to come, Pastry Boy." The smile on the girl's face widens as she stares up at the boy. "It's going to be so lonely." Oscar sighs. "Yeah, I had that for a year after Callum left and London got kicked out. But if you're racing then you won't have a problem." Althea shrugs.

"I forgot to tell you! I'm racing with Ricky Flynn Motorsport, next year!" Oscar gasps. "No way! I used to race with them with Lando and Max Fewtrell. I'm pretty sure Milly likes him. But let's keep that between us." Althea points at herself and the blonde boy. "It's not like I have no one else to tell." Oscar shakes his head.

"Hey, Lilly will one hundred per cent try it on with you. I mean, who wouldn't look at you? You are a very handsome boy, pastry. But you look her dead in the eye when she does try it on, and say I don't like you, piss off. But only to that Lilly, I like every other person named Lilly." Althea says. "I will make sure to say that. But that girl seems persistent." Oscar stresses.

"If she keeps trying just tell her you will tell everyone about her and James. And if she doesn't take the warning then tell everyone. Actually, you wouldn't do that, you're too sweet. Just tell me, and I will message someone who never shuts up and it will spread like wildfire." Althea explains. "I will make sure to do that." Oscar nods. "Okay, that's my father who keeps beeping. That man is so impatient." Althea scoffs.

In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now