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April 3rd 2018:

"Angelina!" Althea screams as she runs up to the woman and jumps on her. "You have got to stop doing that. We are both getting older, Thea." The woman holds onto the seventeen-year-old. "But I missed you." The teenager smooshes her face right next to the women's. "What's this?" Marcus Armstrong asks as he walks out of the Prema factory. "None of your business, Mr." Althea scoffs. "Is that the mood you're in today?" Mick asks the girl.

"Mick, I have some very strong words for you." Althea lets go of Angelina and walks over to the German. "Sorry." Robert apologises in advance. "You told her." Mick's eyes widen. "I had to. She's scary." The Shwartzman man holds his hands up. "He has a point." Angelina looks at the German. "I know he does." Mick rolls his eyes. "You are not finding out who my boyfriend is, okay? So stop trying to. We have been together for eight hundred and thirty-eight days okay. He's not going to break my heart." The girl scoffs.

"Yeah, how long were Amelie and Lando dating before she broke his heart?" Mick raises an eyebrow. "Touché." Althea glares at him. "You know Lando?" Sean walks to the group with Nyck de Vries behind him. "Yeah, he was my teammate way back in the day. Still, till this day he is my greatest rival." Althea shakes her head. "Who else do you know?" Nyck wonders. "Alex, George and Dan." Althea nods.

"All the Brits then," Nyck whispers. "Not including Jack." Sean points out. "Why do you want to know?" Althea asks. "How well do they drive? Are they good? Do you know what strategies they do?" Nyck raises his eyebrows. "I mean Dan couldn't beat me so he's not to my standards, but Alex, George and Lando are amazing. They are phenomenal drivers I admire and look up to them all." Althea smiles.

"But boys... if you think I'm going to tell you how they race like, I wouldn't be a good friend. Given that everyone drives differently in every race and always has different strategies. I'll give you a few words of wisdom. Don't cry when all three beat you both in races and the championship." She pats their backs. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." Sean holds his thumb up. "You're very welcome." Althea smiles,

"Angelina am I your favourite?" Marcus asks the woman. Angelina just looks towards Althea with a smile on her face. "Before you it was me, Armstrong, so don't even try it." Althea points to the New Zealander. "Is she always like this?" Marcus points at the girl as he takes a small step back. "She can be worse." Robert shrugs. "Much... worse." Mick backs the Russian up. "Great." Marcus sighs. "Let me tell you a story okay." Ralf sits on the floor. "What?" Althea laughs. "Althea it's about you." The Estonian boy looks at the girl.

"It's about me? Yay." The May girl smiles sitting on the floor. "Come on everyone! Sit down. Ralf has a story about me." Althea looks around at the group. "So self-centred." Mick jokes as he sits next to the brunette. "Of course." Thea winks at him. "Start." Althea looks at Ralf. "So basically in two thousand and sixteen, the Prema drivers went to the woods for some driver bonding time." Ralf starts to tell the story.

"Ralf, no!" Althea points at the boy. "Ralf, yes!" Mick smiles knowing the story. "You were so eager for Ralf to tell the story. What happened?" Zhou asks the girl. "He's about to tell an embarrassing story, about me. So don't listen to him." Althea pats the boy's shoulder. "Ralf, that stays between the two thousand and sixteen Prema team." Althea glares at him. "But it's funny." The blonde boy smiles.

"It really isn't. And if you fancy waking up with your hair tomorrow, I'd shut up." Althea stands up. "So we went... I'm joking!" Ralf screams as the teenager throws water all over him. "Angelina... tell him." Althea looks at the woman. "You had it coming." The Prema worker smiles. "I did, didn't I." Ralf shakes his head. "I saw that coming from a mile away." Mick laughs.

"If this is what it's like all the time. Then I believe I am in the right place." Marcus smiles looking at the drivers. "Marcus, we aren't a team here at Prema. We are a family." Althea nods. "Who does stupid challenges." She adds. "No don't even, because when they got us to cook with Juan." Mick rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I had that one locked in. It was you and Juan. Angelina, make sure Mick never goes in a kitchen again." Althea nods walking away.


"So Max is nice," Oscar tells his girlfriend. "He's a sweetheart isn't he?" The May girl smiles. "He is really nice yes." The Australian nods. "Good because he was telling me about you today as well. Said you were pretty awesome. I just pretended I had no clue who you were. My acting is perfect." Althea begins to French braid her hair. "I also met your other friend today." Oscar nods.

"I have loads of friends Pastry Boy. You're going to have to be a bit more specific, buddy." Althea brushed her hair. "Clément," Oscar tells her. "You met Clemmy!" Althea shouts. "Shut up please, I'm trying to do something!" Amelie shouts from the hallway. "No Oscar met Clément," Althea shouts back. "You met Clem?" Amelie smiles, barging into her sister's room. "Yeah." Oscar smiles.

"I miss that French Fuck." Amelie nods. "Same. Oh my god, I need to message him to see how he's getting on." Althea sighs. "Or you can get updates from me. You don't need to text the boy. He looks happy and healthy to me, Alan." Oscar leans closer to the phone. "Calm down Osc, he's not going to swoop me away from you." Althea giggles. "Hey, he's also really good friends with that new Prema driver." The Aussie says.

"Who? There's loads of new ones." Althea picks her phone up after she finishes her braid. "Marcus Armstrong. Apparently, they go way back." Oscar nods. "Marcus is so nice." Althea nods. "But you said you were talking to Clemmy." The girl jumps onto her bed. "I did." Oscar sighs. "How is he?" Althea opens her window, smiling when she hears Oscar scoffs.

Reluctantly the Piastri boy answers. "He..." The boy couldn't even start as Althea cut him off. "Joking don't answer that." The girl lays down. "Why?" Oscar smiles. "I don't like him." The girl lies. "Why?" Oscar furrows his eyebrows. "Because Osc. He left me as well in that shitty little school. At first, it was me, London and Callum. Then the slag left and left London and I all alone. Then my new bestie Novalak joined and he made me and London into a trio again." The May girl rambles.

"Pastry boy, you following?" She looks down at her phone to see Oscar just staring at her. "I definitely am." The Australian slowly nods. "Good, but then we all got really close then that slag left as well. So I don't like Callum or Clément. Did I tell you about Callum at that Prema Christmas party? He walked up to me like we were still besties, but I put him in his place." Althea smiles.

"I'm sure you did, and you have already told me about the Christmas party." Oscar laughs. "Oh, did I?" The girl itches her head. "Yeah, let's go back to what we were talking about, you don't like Clément or Callum, but you still like London?" Oscar says. "Yes of course I do. She got kicked out... she didn't leave, there's a difference." Althea smiles at him. "Fair point." Oscar yawns.

"Max likes Logan as well," Oscar mentions. "Why? Logan's annoying." Althea scoffed. "Do you not think?" Althea looks back at her phone to see her boyfriend's eyes shut. "Of course, you're falling asleep." Althea laughs. "I love you, Pastry Boy." Althea smiles, pulling her duvet over herself as she stands her phone up on her bedside table. "I love you, Alan," Oscar whispers, before he starts to snore.

Authors Note:

I love Althea. And I will miss so much of her and Mick. But does anyone else think Mick has a crush on Althea? Or is that just me?

And Althea at Prema had my heart. Just know when she does get into F1 she will always go to the Prema tent!


In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now