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1st October 2015:

"Dad, please. Sir said it was okay." Oscar begs his dad as they stand in the headmaster's office. "Why do you want to go and see it anyway?" Chris asks his only son. "Because she's my best friend, she's been there for me since I moved to this country. And I want to be there, she might get first place in the championship, Dad." Oscar puts his hands together, looking up at the man.

Chris turns to look at the headmaster looking for a reaction. The man just shrugs and turns his head to the side. "It's up to you, Mr. Piastri. I'm allowing him to." The man shrugs. "Please Dad, she's the love of my life I want to be there for her. And if you don't let me go, you might be causing me to not be with the girl I'm going to marry one day!" Oscar shouts, making his dad move his head back. Chris turns to Martin, seeing the man nod.

"Oscar has a point, you can't ruin his chances of getting the girl he loves." The headmaster says. "Okay, I will take you to watch Althea's Race." Chris nods. "Wait what? Oscars coming to watch me race?" Althea asks, walking into the headmaster's office. "What have I said about knocking?" Martin asks. "Sorry, Mr Collier, but you should know me by now." The girl scoffs, moving to sit on the man's chair.

"Wheee." Althea laughs as she spins in the chair. "What are you doing?" Martin sighs. "Spinning!" She shouts, showing no sign of stopping. "Althea." The headmaster walks to his chair and stops it. "Yes?" She looks up at the man. "Have you had your medication?" He questions. "Duh, I don't think they're working though. Which really isn't good." She shakes her head, yawning. "How are you already tired, we woke up four hours ago." Oscar walks closer to his best friend.

"Well Pastry Boy, I have something called Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD for short. And. I have to take a medication called..." Althea trails off looking up at the headmaster. "Methylphenidate," Martin tells her. "Ah yes, Methylphenidate. It makes me have trouble sleeping, I woke up like five times last night, and had about three hours of sleep. So that's why I'm tired." Althea explains, yawning once again.

"Oh, that sucks balls." Oscar nods. "It really does, Pastry Boy." The girl nods. "So, when is your next race, Althea?" Chris asks the girl. "It's in the tenth and eleventh." Althea smiles. "Is Pastry Boy actually coming?" She asks as she pushes the chair away from the desk and starts to spin in it again. "Yes, I'll have to message your dad to let him know." Chris nods. "You're going to have so much fun." Althea stands up, swaying a bit.

"Can I go have a run quick, Mr Collier?" Althea asks the headmaster as she picks up a book from his bookshelf. "Erm, let me check with Mr Searson." The man walks over to the phone on the wall. "Look at this Pastry." Althea waves the boy over to her. "What is it?" He asks. "That's you." She laughs, pointing to an ugly man in a book. "And that's you." Oscar points to a pretty girl.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you." She smiles at him before turning her attention to something outside the window. Oscar turns to his dad and winks, shrugging before walking to Althea. Chris lets out a laugh, shaking his head as Matin places the phone down. "He said it's fine, he'll keep an eye on you. He also said if Oscar wants, he can go on a run with you, as well." Martin nods.  "Come on Pastry Boy." Althea grabs the Australian's hand and drags him out of the room.

"Bye, Dad." Oscar quickly shouts, waving to the man before the door shuts. "Kids." Chris shakes his head. "If they get married, make sure I'm invited to the wedding." Martin turns to Oscar's dad. "One hundred per cent, but we won't let them know you're coming so it'll be a surprise." Chris laughs. "We are matchmakers." Marin nods. "Call us Cupid." Chris shakes his head, finding the conversation funny.

"Hello, Mr Searson." Both fourteen-year-olds wave to the PE teacher, as they run past him. "Hello, Althea and Oscar." He nods, as he sits on the bench on his phone. "So is this what you do when I can't find you?" Oscar asks. "If you don't find me in my hideout or our dorm, I'm running, yeah." Althea nods. "Can I ask why you run?" Oscar asks, keeping up with the girl's pace. "I do it to clear my head. And I get times when I'm really hyper and can't focus on anything." Althea breathes.

"And running helps, I'm guessing." Oscar nods. "Yes, well done Pastry Boy. Running helps me focus and I love the fresh air so it helps." The British girl shrugs. "That's nice." Oscar breathes out. "You excited for the last race weekend?" Oscar asks another question. "If you were someone else I'd be really annoyed you're asking question after question." Althea turns to Oscar.

"But you're not." He smirks at her. "You're right, I'm not. And it's annoying I don't know why." Althea shakes her head. "So, are you?" Oscar looks away. "Yeah, I am. I really want to win, but if I'm being honest I think Lando is going to win." Althea sighs. "Well, he definitely will if you have that mindset. You can't set yourself up for failure if you expect it." Oscar tells her.

"Thanks for that, Pastry Boy. It means a lot. I will win... hopefully." The adopted girl doubts herself. She turns to Oscar who has a raised eyebrow and tilts his head to the side. "Okay, I will win and beat Lando." Althea smiles. "That's more like it." Oscar claps his hands. "It'll be good to have you there." Althea smiles at the Aussie. "It won't be the last one, either." Oscar nods.

"Do you think we will be friends forever?" Althea asks. "I mean, we certainly will be in each other's lives forever. Not sure it'll be just friends but we will." Oscar nods. "Till the last breath, Pastry Boy." Althea sticks her pinky out. "Till the very last breath, Alan." Oscar wraps his pinky around the girls. "Race you!" She shouts, running ahead. "Come on Althea, that's cheating!" Oscar shouts, running after the laughing girl.

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