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31st December 2015:

"Oscar, I will call you when I get there." Althea laughs, as the Australian nuzzles his head into her neck. "But, you're moving to Italy. I don't know when I will see you next." He mumbled. The two haven't told anyone that they're dating, but with all the holding of hands and the lingering hugs, it wasn't hard to tell. "It's scary. Only being fifteen and going to a different country to live alone." Althea reveals.

"Your you, you are Althea May, you'll be fine. And, you get to see Mick again." Oscar raises his eyebrows. "Yeah, I forgot about Micky." The girl sits up, smiling at the thought of seeing her friend. "Althea mother fucking May!" London Coyle barges through the door to find her best friend. "London!" The adoptive girl shouts, jumping off the sofa and running to hug the girl.

"Were you going to tell me you are moving to Italy? Or just let me hear it from my mum?" The girl folds her arms. "I'm sorry." Althea timidly smiles. "You better be, god I am so going to miss you." London sighs, bringing the May girl in for another hug. "I'll miss you too." London tightens her squeeze before letting go. "Who's that?" London pouts at Oscar who is awkwardly looking around as he still sits on the sofa.

"This is my friend Oscar." Althea smiles, pointing to the Australian. "G'day." Oscar nods. "Your boyfriend?" London raises her eyebrows. "How did you know?" Althea itches her head. "The exact same way you knew I was dating Danny." London smiles winking at the girl. "Oscar this is my best friend London Coyle. And London this is my boyfriend, Oscar Piastri." Althea introduces the two.

"I like it when you introduce me like that." Oscar nods. "Oh, shut up." The girl laughs. "Hurt her in any way, shape or form, Piastri, and I swear to you. It's on site." London glares at the blonde. "I don't plan on it." Oscar holds his hands up. "How is mr Aarons? Haven't seen him in a while." Althea asks the bleached-haired girl. "Yeah, because you never come down anymore." London raises her eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry, but I have a career path set out, London. That is to be with the Porsche Formula One Team and to do that I have to be focused. And not coming to your house every other weekend my friend." Althea crosses her arms. "Fair point. Danny's doing good, but he gets on my and Mother Aarons' nerves though. Always screaming upstairs filming his videos. Like, I'm proud of him doing what he loves, but he is so..." London trails off, thinking of a word.

"Autistic?" Althea laughs. "It didn't come from me." London holds her hands up. "London, you can't just run away from me." Martin Collier runs into the dorm room. "Sorry, I was just so excited to see Althea." London puts her best puppy face on as she brings the adoptive girl in for a hug. "Yeah, you can't be mad at her Mr Collier." Althea pounts her lip out. "You two have barely been together for five minutes and you both are acting the way you used to." The man shakes his head.

"You can take the friends out of the friendship, but the friendship won't leave the friends." Althea shrugs. "What?" Oscar looks at the girl. "Go along with it." London looks past Althea and stares at the blonde. "Yeah, you go girls." Oscar awkwardly throws his hands in the air. "What am I doing?" Oscar whispers to himself as he shakes his head walking in the direction of his room.

"You can't stay here long London, you got expelled for a reason." Martin points at the girl. "Hey, it's not my fault Lilly had to run her dirty mouth." London's eyes open wide as Oscar stops in his spot. "As in Lilly, the one you threw the ball out the other day?" Oscar asks, making London turn to her best friend with a proud look on her face. The headmaster doing the same but with a look of disbelief.

"You what!" The two shout. "I honestly do not know what Pastry Boy over there is on about. I did nothing of the sort." Althea shakes her head quickly. "Sure you didn't, Althea." Martin shakes his head. "I didn't!" She shouts. "You have half an hour London." Martin points at the girls before he walks out of the dorm, shutting the door behind him.

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