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4th April 2017:

"Stop worrying, you'll be fine." Oscar squeezes Althea's hand as they walk up to his parent's house. "Don't tell me to stop worrying! What if I'm not fine? What if your sisters completely hate me? What if I say something and your mum just doesn't find it funny and despises me for the rest of my life!?" Althea rambles. Oscar spins her around and kisses her, stopping her from rambling on even more.

"Woah." Althea's eyes widen after Oscar separates from her. "Do that again." She says. Oscar just shakes his head with a smile, leaning on and kissing her. "I think a third time would be better." She winks at him. "You are lucky I love you." Oscar scoffs, before kissing her one last time. Althea just giggles a bit and smiles up at him. "My family are going to love you, I mean you've met my dad already." He says.

"Yeah, how can I ever forget about big Chrissy." Althea laughs. "He's excited to see you. So are my mum and my sisters." Oscar takes her hand in his and leads her to the front door. "That's good then," Althea whispers to herself as Oscar opens the door and walks in. "Mum!" Oscar shouts for the woman as he shuts the door behind them. "Osc!" The couple look to the top of the stairs where they see his youngest sister Mae.

"Mae!" He smiles walking to the bottom of the steps and catching the twelve-year-old as she jumps off the step. "Is that your girlfriend?" She asks him, pointing to Althea. "That is my girlfriend." He nods. "She's very pretty." The girl smiles. "Why don't you go and tell her that." Oscar puts her on the floor. Mae walks up to Althea and waves at her. "Hello." The adopted girl bends her knees to get to Mae's height.

"My name is Mae." The twelve-year-old says. "That's a lovely name." Althea smiles. "What's your name?" Mae points to the sixteen-year-old. "My name is Althea." The British girl tells her. "You're really pretty." Mae leans her head to the side. "Awe." Althea sighs looking up at Oscar who smiles at her. "Well, I think you are very pretty as well, Mae." The older girl smiles. "Oscar, and Althea." Chris walks into the foyer.

"Chrissy, what's up man?" Althea walks to the man and high-fives him. "Nothing much, just the same old same old." The dad laughs. He had not missed this one bit. "Oscar!" Edie pushes her dad out of the way and runs to her older brother wrapping him in a tight hug. "Hello, Ed." Oscar smiles, squeezing the girl. "You must be, Althea." Oscar's other sister, Hattie leans on the wall, looking at the older girl. "That would be me." The adopted girl smiles.

"It's nice to meet you." The racer holds her hand out for a handshake. Chris laughs shaking his head, seeing the girl standing there awkwardly. Hattie looks at Althea's hand before shaking her head and bringing the girl in for a hug. "Thank you for making Oscar happy." The middle sister says in the girl's ear. "He makes me happy, it's the least I can do to reciprocate that," Althea tells the Piastri girl, as she keeps her arms beside her.

"Edie, this is Althea." Oscar turns the oldest daughter to look at the girl. "Hello." Althea waves at her, with a wide smile. "Hello, Althea." The eldest daughter hugs the girl. "It's nice to finally meet you." Edie laughs slightly, rubbing the adopted girl's back as Althea just stands there. "You too, I'm not gonna lie. I'm absolutely shitting myself." Althea smiles making everyone laugh, as Edie unwraps her arms and moves away. "Don't worry, we want to make you feel welcome," Chris tells her.

"Yeah, we want to know the girl Oscar speaks so highly of." Hattie looks at the boy. Oscar just shakes his head, knowing this was going to happen. "Yeah, he never shuts up about you," Mae mentions. "Now, I don't always talk about you, always is an over-exaggeration." Oscar starts to walk to his girlfriend. "It's not, it's always, Althea this, Althea that. You know Althea would like this, or Althea is like so cool." Edie mocks Oscar's voice and she moves her hands around.

"That is so not true." Oscar shakes his head, covering his girlfriend's ears as he walks away. "I'm going to go and find Mum, introduce them. You three stay here." He sends a pointed look at his three sisters. "Okay." Mae holds her hands up. "Just because we were telling her the truth." Hattie shakes her head. "Yeah, you don't like us outing you." Edie smiles. "Shut up, all of you!" He shouts, laughing as he opens the back door.

"It must be fun with three sisters." Althea looks up at Oscar. "Not as much as you think it is. The three keep me on my toes. And it's going to be so much more fun with a girlfriend now, to team up on me. Wait please don't team up with them against me." The boy quickly turns to the racer. Althea just smiles up at him and shrugs. "I can't promise anything." She looks away and starts walking again.

"Wait where the fuck are we even going?" Althea stops walking at spins around to face Oscar. "The bottom of the garden, mum likes to do Pilates in the sun. Don't ask me, it's weird." The Australian raises his hands as Althea raises her eyebrows. "Mum!" Oscar shouts when he sees the woman mid ab crunch. Nicole looks to her left and sees her oldest child walking up to her hand in hand with his girlfriend.

"Fuck." She mumbles as she quickly stands up and hugs her son. "Hello, mum." He smiles, squeezing her. "That's the time!" She shouts once she looks at her watch. "You must be Althea." Nicole looks at the girl. "It's so good to meet you." The mother hugs her. "You too." Althea nods, keeping her hands behind her back. Oscar sees the girl's uneasiness and puts his hands in hers.

Nicole steps back and smiles awkwardly. "I lost track of time, I probably stink." She says. "You do, like really badly." Oscar nods. "That's not the first impression I wanted you to have of me, so this is embarrassing right now." Nicole itches her head. "Don't worry about it, I love Pilates. Maybe I'll join you one day." Althea shrugs. "You chose the right one." The woman points at her son.

"You know, none of my girls ever want to join me for Pilates. It's just me with my music." Nicole says. "Yeah, my sister never joins me." Althea sighs. "Is that your only sibling?" Nicole asks as she walks to the top of the garden. "Yeah, just me and my sister Amelie. She's a year older than me. Our mum and dad adopted us when we were little kids." Althea tells her as she walks with her. Oscar shakes his head, following after the two. His mum stole his girlfriend...

Authors Note:



They all love her, I mean... who wouldn't? It's literally Althea May!

Remember I love you all ❤️

AND don't forget to drink your daily dose of water 💧

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