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28th February 2015:

"I need to know which weekends you'll be gone, Althea." Martin Collier says to the fourteen-year-old as she sits across from him in his office. "Oh, I won't be in on the fourth, fifth, eighteenth and nineteenth of April. In May it's only the ninth and tenth. Sixth and seventh, twenty-seventh and eighth in June. That's for this year." Althea lists off. "You have more next year?" The headmaster's eyes widen.

"Yeah in September we have fifth, sixth, twenty sixth and seventh. Tenth and eleventh of October, then that's the season done." Althea smiles at the man. "You are a very busy girl then, aren't you?" The man smiles. "Very much so, Mr Collier." The girl smiles widely. "I hope you're happy with the room arrangements?" Martin wonders. "I am, and I can't thank you enough." Althea nods.

He had managed to get a dorm room for Oscar and her to share, but they had different rooms in there. Obviously, he had asked for James' and Chris' permission first which they both agreed. The two men getting each other's numbers and messages frequently. "Can I actually call my mum quick?" Althea wonders. "Don't tell anyone," Martin says, handing Althea the phone.

"Hello?" Sarah answers the phone after the second ring. "Hi, Mum." Althea smiles, hearing the woman's voice. "Hello honey, is everything okay?" She asks in a worry. "Everything is perfectly fine. I have some exciting news." Althea says eagerly. "What is it, Thea?" Sarah wonders. "I've got my first school friend!" The fourteen-year-old shouts, proud of herself.

"Oh, dear that's amazing. What's her name?" Sarah wipes a proud tear away as she listens to her daughter. "His name is Oscar Piastri. I call him Pastry Boy, it's more fitting. But, we are already great friends, we've only known each other for two days, and he's so cool. He even sits with me in the Library?" Althea gushes, making Sarah start to cry. She remembers the times Althea called her crying because no one wanted to be friends with her.

She had to thank Oscar, for making her little girl happy again. "I'm so proud and happy for you, honey." Sarah sniffles. "Are you crying?" Althea asks. "No, hayfever," Sarah says. "Mum... It's February." Althea giggles. "I'm just happy for you. I can't wait to tell Amelie and the twins. They'll be so proud." Sarah wipes her tears. "Make sure you tell Maxie Fewtrell and Lando as well." Althea smiles, thinking of her sister and friends back at home.

"I will do, honey." Sarah nods, even though Althea can't see her. "Mum, stop nodding. You look weird doing that when you're alone." The girl teases. "Shush you. Well, I have to go, I'm taking Amelie, Lando and the twins to school." Sarah bids goodbye. "Bye Mum, I love you." Althea smiles. "I love you too, honey," Sarah says before hanging up.

"I'm proud of you too Althea." Martin smiles taking the phone away. "Why is everyone saying that?" She laughs. "For always being you, and never changing yourself for people to like you. You are going to go far in your career, and as much as you doubt yourself. You will get to Formula One." The headmaster tells her. "I appreciate you, thank you, Mr Collier, Althea smiles, wrapping her arms around the man.

"Now, get to class." He tells her, patting her back. "I have one thing to ask before I go." Althea looks up at him. "Go ahead." He nods. "At break and lunch when I'm not in the library, can I take Oscar to my hideout?" She asks. "You can take him anywhere." Martin nods. "Yay, I can't wait." She squeals, running out of the room. Martin sighs, sitting back on his chair, staring ahead thinking that he best get invited to Althea's and Oscar's wedding.

"Where are you taking me?" Oscar asks as Althea holds his hand dragging him to a secluded area in the school field. "Pastry Boy, I'd like to introduce you to my hideout." The girl motions to the hut. "What's in there?" He questions. "Something really bloody expensive, so don't be touching it." Althea's smile wipes off her face as she points a stern finger in Oscar's direction.

"I will not touch." The Australian holds his arms up. "Good, I'm not expecting you to know what it is bu..." Althea starts as she opens the door for Oscar. "That's a simulator for a formula car." Oscar cuts his new friend off. "So you know what it is?" Althea gasps. "I mean who doesn't? But why do you have this exactly?" He questioned.

"So you see... I am going to start racing in the MSA Formula Championship in April. And I aspire to be a Formula One Driver." Althea admits, her face going red. "You are joking?" Oscar stares at her. "No." The girl shakes her head. "That's so cool." Oscar laughs. "You think?" Althea smiles. "Hell yeah." Oscar rapidly nods. "Can I tell you something crazy?" Oscar wonders. "Always." Althea nods.

"I dream of being In Formula One as well, I race for Ricky Flynn Motorsport." Oscar smiles. "Oh my god, we were destined to meet Pastry Boy." Althea gasps. "Yeah I started karting when I was ten, so later than everyone else, but I'm still good at what I do," Oscar says. "You're a bit full of yourself aren't you." Althea laughs, turning the simulator on. "No, confidence is key Althea. Without confidence, you'll fail." Oscar shrugs.

"When did you start racing?" He asks Althea after she sits in the simulator thinking over what Oscar had said about confidence. "Oh, well my dad has always been a fan of cars and Formula One. I got that off him and made him put me in karting at the age of three years and six months." Althea replies. "Wow, that's over half your life." Oscar gasps. "What can I say, I'm committed." Althea laughs.

"I mean, it probably won't happen as I'm a girl, but one can only dream am I right." She lets out a sad laugh, clicking on the mode she needs. "You will do it, Althea. I believe in you." The thirteen-year-old boy tells the girl. "I believe you will get there one day as well." Althea nods. "Wouldn't it be cool if we raced in the same team one day?" Oscar asks as he sits on a beanbag. "It would, we'd be champions and be the best at what we do." Althea turns to him.

"Okay, we need to make a pact." Oscar leans forward. "What will be the pact?" Althea takes her hands off the steering wheel, giving Oscar her full attention. "No matter what happens in our careers, we will always be proud of each other and support one another," Oscar says. "Can we add that we will always be each other's favourite drivers as well?" Althea smirks.

"Yes, that as well. So what do you say?" Oscar holds out his pinky. "I promise to always stick by this pact." Althea wraps her pinky around Oscars, bringing her hand up to her mouth to kiss it. "What was that?" Oscar asks. "Oh, it's something I do with my sister." Althea goes red. Oh, in that case, I promise to." Oscar smiles, copying Althea's actions by bringing his hand to his mouth and kissing it.

In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now