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10th October 2015:

"You Lando Norris, are losing this weekend," Althea states, as she places some lights on the table. "That's funny because you'll be crying when I beat you." The boy scoffs, as Amelie drops tennis balls and he has to catch them. "Can you two shut up, and focus?" Amelie stresses. "What's crawled up your ass and died?" Althea asks her sister.

"I was about to ask the same thing." Lando stands up. "I love you." The boy smiles tightly when Amelie glares at him. "Boy, don't disrespect your girlfriend like that." The youngest points to Lando. "Who's on pole position for this race?" Lando turns to the adopted girl. "You." She grumbled, turning back to her lights. "That's what I thought." Lando scoffs, putting his hands over Amelie's.

"Are you two ready?" Adam and James walk into the room. "I mean, I'm ready to beat Althea." Lando spins and smiles at the two men. "Ouch." Lando rubs his head after Althea snatches a tennis ball off her sister and throws it at him. "That was well deserved." Amelie shrugs. "Ha." The youngest points towards Lando.

"Come on, we're getting into the cars now." Colton Herta walks into the room, looking for his teammates. "Good luck you two." Amelie brings her sister and boyfriend for a joint hug. "Thank you, Am." Althea smiles. "And be safe." She sternly points at the two. "Always, Eli." Lando kisses her head. "Go and smash it." James ruffles Althea's hair. "Dad, I will not crash my car. I fancy keeping it intact." Althea shakes her head.

"Hurry up." Lando grabs the brunette's arm and drags her out of the room. "I'm going to suffocate you in your sleep." Althea glares at him. "You couldn't, you'd miss me way too much." Lando smiles. "I'm your dreams." Althea scoffs, as she gets to her car. "Althea!" Lando shouts, before putting his helmet on. "Yeah?" Althea nods.

"Stay safe." He smiles. "You to Norris." Althea shakes her head laughing. "Wow, you were actually nice to me for once." The girl covers her face. "You just had to ruin it. Didn't you?" Lando puts his arms out. "Yeah, have you met me? Nothing can be sweet with me." Althea laughs, putting her helmet on.


"Ha, in your face!" Lando jumps out of his car and runs over to Althea. "You were zero point zero seven two seconds ahead of me," Althea tells him, after hearing it from her race engineer. "Zero point zero seven two seconds faster." He shrugs. "You won't be saying that later when I win." Althea throws her arm over Lando as they walk to the podium.

"Your delegation." Lando scoffed, puffing his chest out. "Do you mean, delusional?" Althea asks, holding in her laugh. "Yes, I mean delusional." He wraps his arm around her as she lets out her laugh. "Don't laugh, I have dyslexia." Lando defends himself. "I know, doesn't make it less funny." Althea smiles.


"P two, Althea May!" The man shouts the girl's name as she steps into the podium. The brunette smiles, waving to people in the crowd, as she rocks back and forth on her feet. "And in first place, we have Lando Norris!" The boy's name gets shouted. "Oh my god, Oscar." Althea gasps, seeing her new best friend. "Is that your crush?" Lando asks as he waves to the crowd. "Shut the fuck up." The brunette scoffs.

"Jeez, I was just asking." Lando rolls
his eyes. "Keep rolling them, and maybe you'll manage to find a brain back there." Althea scoffs. "Aww, at least I have a brain." Lando smiles. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Norris." Althea laughs. "We are literally the same person, you're just angry and hyper half the time, and I just can't spell or pronounce my words." Lando shakes his head. "Wow, look at you using big words." Althea laughs.

"Go to your little boyfriend." Lando pushes the girl away. "Wow, and for a minute there I thought you wanted to meet him." Althea shakes her head. "So he is your boyfriend?" Lando quickly spins his head to face Althea and tries to walk past her. "No, he's not. We're best friends." Althea pulls him back. "I don't care, I just want to talk to him," Lando says.

"You're not talk..." Althea shakes her head before Lando gasps. "What's that?" Lando points to something to the side of them. Althea turns to where he's pointing to see nothing there. "You bitc..." She begins but sees Lando is no longer in front of her. "Oh no, I'm not sure that will end well." Amelie laughs, pointing out her boyfriend and her sister rushing after him to her dad.

"Lando!" Althea runs after him. "Oscar, right?" Lando walks up to the Australian and fake smiles. "Urm, yes." The blonde smiles slightly staring at Althea who bites her hand behind the boy. "I'm Lando, Althea's... erm what should I say? Sister's boyfriend, best friend, someone who just bullies you twenty-four-seven?" Lando turns to the girl. "I'd say, acquaintance." Althea nods.

"Okay, whatever that big, complicated word was. I'm that. If you hurt Thea in any way, shape or form, I will be in your wardrobe. Waiting for you to arrive home, so I can torture you. Don't think I won't, because I will. Althea tell him I will." Lando turns to the brunette beside him. "He will." Althea rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "You've been warned, buddy." Lando points to him.

"Okay. It was nice speaking to you." Oscar smiles. "Oh, he's polite. It was nice speaking to you as well Oscar. And I love your accent, not better than Daniel Ricciardo's though." Is the last thing the Norris boy says before walking to his parents. "Sorry about him, he's a weirdo." Althea shrugs, forcing out a laugh. "I barely even know him." She shrugs, acting like they haven't lived next door to one another since they were kids.

"Whatever you say, Alan." Oscar shrugs. "Shut up, Pastry boy." Althea points in his face. "Good race." Oscar nods. "Thanks, I wanted to beat Lando, but that's going to be later today. Mark my words, pastry." Althea points to herself. "Well, if you're not busy, maybe you want to get lunch with me. I walked past a nice sushi place literally three minutes away." Oscar gasps.

"I love fish. I'm actually going to start being a pescatarian at the start of the new year. Although Amelie and Lando would probably disown me. They hate fish, both of them. That just proves they are a match made in heaven." Althea laughs. "Fish is scrumptious, I hope they do hot chocolate there as well." Oscar nudges Althea and begins to walk away. "She's getting kidnapped by the Australian." Lando and Amelie say. "She's not getting kidnapped." James shakes his head at the two.

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