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9th April 2016:

"Mick Schumacher! Where are my shoes!" Juan shouts from the other side of the Prema tent as Mick and Althea play a game of chess. "I haven't seen them!" The blonde yells, watching Althea move her queen. "Check." The fifteen-year-old smiles at the seventeen-year-old. "Not again!" The German puts his head in his hands. "Althea, have you seen my shoes?" The American walks to the two.

"Have you checked in your bag?" Althea looks up at him. "That's a smart place to look." Juan nods, walking to the cubbyholes. "What would you boys do without me, seriously." The youngest rolls her eyes. "That's why we all love you." Mick shrugs, Juan, nodding his head agreeing. "Me especially, though." Angelina walks into the tent. "Angie!" Althea shouts, getting up and hugging the woman.

"Have you had your medication?" The female asks. "Yes, who do you take me for? A rebel. I'm nothing of the sort, Ange." Althea shakes her head. "How's your boyfriend?" Angela asks. Through the time Althea has spent with the Prema team, she has created a close bond with everyone, but Angelina is like her fairy godmother. "He's good, misses me a lot though." The brunette shrugs.

"When will I find out who your boyfriend is?" Mick asks as he pulls his race suit up. "Yeah, and me!" Juan shouts, hopping on one leg to the group and he puts his last shoe on. "Simple. You're not knowing who it is." Althea spins around to them with a smile on her face. "That's so rude." Juan points at the girl. "Hate the game, not the player." Althea holds her hands up.

"You do know it's don't hate the player, hate the game, right?" Mick questions. "Obviously I did, Mickey. Who do you take me for, an idiot?" The girl scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Althea, I made it!" Amelie runs into the tent, out of breath. "Am!" Althea shouts her sister's name, pushing Mick out of the way before running to her and bringing her in for a hug.

"Why is it always me?" Mick points to himself. "You're German." Juan shrugs. "And you are an annoying little American." Mick scoffs. "I'm not little, you are literally only five months older than me." Juan sighs. "Five months bigger as well," Mick smirks, walking to Amelie. "Amelie, the best singer in the world." Mick brings the girl into a hug.

"That's not me, that queen Cecilia Dixon. But what do you want?" The college student asked. "Who is Althea dating?" Juan steps next to his teammates, brushing down his race suit. "Why do you want to know?" The girl side-eyes the boys. "So I can stalk him." Juan smiles. "So when he breaks Althea's small loveable heart, I know who to go for." Mick smiles, showing his white teeth.

"He won't break her heart. You should see the way he looks at her. I get jealous." Amelie rolls her eyes. "Well if you didn't leave Lando, you wouldn't have to be jealous." Althea glares at the older sibling. "Fuck you, Althea." Amelie scoffs, storming away. "Fuck you too!" Althea huffs, walking out of the tent. "Shit!" Althea cusses as she bumps into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." A male voice apologises.

"Clearly, you wouldn't have walked into me." Althea scoffs, looking up to see a blonde guy. "I'm Richard." The blonde smiles, holding his hand out. "No you're not, my uncle is Richard." Althea shakes her head. "Okay, I'm Richard Verschoor." The male introduces himself. "Verschoor?" Althea squints her eyes. "Dutch, my family and I are from the Netherlands." He reveals.

"That's so cool. Well nice to meet you, Richard Verschoor. I'm Althea May, I race for Prema." The short girl holds her hand out. "I am racing for Bhaitech Racing. Not this race, next race." The Dutchman shares. "Oh, why's that?" Althea sighs. "Oh, I have absolutely no clue." The boy shrugs. "Where are you off to anyways?" Althea asks the boy she bumped into.

"I was heading somewhere important. I've kind of forgotten what I was supposed to be doing now." Richard itches his head. "Oh my god, I hate it when that happens. All the time I go to do something, get sidetracked and the something I was supposed to be doing, just vanishes." Althea rambles, waving her hands around. "Althea, we are racing in like, six minutes. What are you doing!" Mick runs to the girl.

In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now