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October 7th 2017:

"Who's racing this weekend?" Althea asks her engineer. "I don't know, I have the list though," Kennedy says, pulling her phone out. "Let's see it." Althea smiles, taking the phone. "Okay, just snatch my phone off me." The woman rolls her eyes. "Thank you, Kenny." Althea winks, looking at the screen again. "There's only two people who haven't driven yet, driving," Kennedy tells the driver as she gets the balls.

"Who's that?" Althea wonders. "I thought you were looking at the list?" Kennedy says. "No, I got bored of reading names and now I'm taking pictures." Althea smiles at the camera. "No, Althea." Ken takes the phone making the teenager glare at her. "Don't glare at me girl. You're supposed to be getting ready for the race." The race engineer shakes her head, pocketing her phone. "Who are the two people racing that haven't raced yet?"  The racer asks as she puts her hands over Kennedy's.

"The first one is some American, called Logan Sargeant," Kennedy tells her, as she drops a tennis ball. "That name sounds familiar." Althea nods. "Yeah, because in twenty fourteen, you both raced for Ricky Flynn." Kennedy rolls her eyes. "Really?" Althea leans back slightly but leans forward again to catch the ball. "Yeah, but you raced for the older category and he only just started so he would've been racing differently from you." Kennedy reminds her.

"Oh yeah, that's a valid point." Althea nods, handing the tennis ball back to Kennedy. "And the other one is an Australian dude." She says, shrugging. Althea's mind instantly goes to Oscar, making her smile. She loves that Australian boy so much. "Yeah but what's the dudes name?" Althea shakes her head. "I don't know, I've forgotten." The Cavill girl shrugs. "That's like forgetting who Mark Webber is?" Althea catches the ball.

"Not every Australian is Mark Webber, though. I could never forget that sexy man." The woman shakes her head. "I'm sorry. Aren't you literally a lesbian?" Althea stands up straight looking at the woman with raised eyebrows. "Hey, Mark is a very sexy individual. And he is one I would turn straight for." Kennedy shrugs. Althea just looks at the woman and shakes her head. "Marks ugly." She mumbles.

"Thomas and Gabriel! Come here!" Althea shouts the two French boys over. "Yes?" They both walk to her. "Do you know who that Australian dude is who's racing today?" She asks as she continues to catch the tennis balls Kennedy is dropping. "Erm, yeah." They both nod. Althea looks at them with raised eyebrows. "Well tell me his name?" She scoffs. "Oh right," Gabriel says. "That would probably help you." Thomas gasps.

"Isn't it like, Owen?" Thomas says, itching his head. "No, I think it's Oliver." Gabriel shakes his head. "Althea, his name is Oscar Piastri." Richard Verschoor tells her as he walks past. Althea's eyes widen as Kennedy drops a ball and it falls straight to the floor. "He's racing for Arden I think. But that's all I know." The Dutch boy nods before walking off. "Earth to Althea." Kennedy waves her hand in front of the girl's face.

"Man, I really need a piss. I will be back." Althea holds her thumbs up before running away. "That was really weird." Thomas tilts his head to the side. "Really weird." Gabriel agrees. "Boys, it's Althea. You should be used to her behaviour at this point." Kennedy puts the tennis balls on the table. "Wait." They all realise something at the same time. "The toilets are that way." Thomas points in the opposite direction Althea runs in.

"Yo, isn't that your girlfriend?" Logan asks Oscar, pointing to Althea as she runs. "I didn't know she'd be here?" Oscar's eyebrows raised. "Have you not spoken to her?" Logan asks his best friend. "Not really this week, we've both been really busy. Haven't really had much time to talk." Oscar tells him. "What the fuck are you doing still standing here?" Logan scoffs. "Talking to you." Oscar shakes his head.

"Go and find Althea you douche." The American pushes the Aussie. "I'll have you know I am not a douche." Oscar points at him. "Go!" Logan rolls his eyes. "I'm going!" The Piastri boy shouts as he runs in the direction he saw his girlfriend run in. "Are you serious?" Oscar smiles up at his girlfriend as he falls to the floor with her on top of him. "How did you know it was me?" Althea huffs as she rolls off him.

"Who else is going to spear me into the floor?" Oscar looks at her. "I did not spear you. I am not Roman Reigns. I nicely jumped on you, and because you are so weak, you fell to the floor." Althea looks up at the sky. "I am not weak." Oscar sits up. "Don't hate the player, hate the game." Althea shrugs. "Nailed it." She whispers, fist bumping the air. "Juan would be so proud of me." Althea smiles to herself.

"You didn't tell me you'd be here." Oscar leans on the girl. "It was kinda obvious, it's the Formula Renault Northern European Cup. I'm literally racing in the Formula Renault Eurocup. I was surely going to race a race for this. But you didn't tell me you'd be here either, Pastry Boy." Althea crosses her arms. "Wait." The girl says cutting Oscar off as he is about to start speaking. "How fun would it be." The girl starts.

"Great." Oscar shakes his head knowing something stupid is about to come out of her mouth. "Just listen, Osc. How fun would it be, if we crashed into each other? I'm not finished, then we argue and pretend we hate each other? And it would be ten times for funny when we reveal our relationship?" The girl says. "I don't think that would be funny, I think it's quite dangerous." Oscar nods.

"You're no fun." Althea huffs. "Not when it comes to your safety." The Australian smiles, as he leans down and kisses the girl. "I also don't want your dad, Richard and Jeremy after me because we crashed." He shakes his head as he stands up. "Boo! You whore!" She glares at him, holding her hand up. "Oscar?" Althea rolls her eyes when she hears an American. "What, Logan?" Oscar says as he pulls his girlfriend up.

"Hello." He smiles, popping his head around from the wall. "You're Logan?" Althea nods. "I am." The boy nods. "You sound more stupid than I thought you would." The girl says, nodding. Oscar quickly wraps his hand over the girl's mouth. "That's rude." He tells her. "She is sorry, Logan." The Piastri says. Althea shakes her head. "Did you just bite me?" Oscar shouts, wiping his hand on his fireproofs.

"I did, I hope that will teach you to not put your hand over my mouth, dude. And I'm not sorry Logan." Althea looks to the blonde boy. "It's fine, Oscar warned me that you can be quite rude." Logan nods. "I didn't say she is rude!" Oscar shouts. "I said she can be upfront, and a lot of people get hurt by that." Oscar huffs. "Okay, same thing." Logan shrugs. "It really is not." Oscar shakes his head. "He's right, it doesn't mean the same thing." Althea points in agreement with Oscar.

"Why did you come here?" Althea wonders. "Because I wanted to meet you," Logan says. "That's so cute, you've met me now." Althea nods. "I also came because it's time to get the karts on the track." Lagan points behind him. "Shite, Kennedy probably thinks I'm doing a shit." Althea itches her head. "Everyone shits." Oscar shrugs. "Not the time to joke, my reputation is on the line." Althea points to herself.

She pushes up on her tippy toes and leans into Oscar to kiss him. "Have a good race." She tells him. "I love you." She kisses him a final time. "Have a good race." She then holds her thumbs up to Logan as she runs away. "That was fun." The blonde boy looks at his friend. "She doesn't really like Americans," Oscar tells the boy. "Yeah, I gathered." Logan rolls his eyes as he walks next to the Aussie.

Authors Note:



I am actually feeding all of you with Maystri content. You should be enjoying it.

Althea is not sure what to think of Logan yet... but they will become besties.

Remember I love you all ❤️

And don't forget to drink your daily dose of water 💧

In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now