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18th December 2015:

"It's rugby time." Althea runs over to Oscar as he runs on the spot to keep warm. "It looks like I'm smoking." Peter breaths out watching as it comes out of his mouth. "You're not cool." Lilly laughs at him. "Lilly, do you want me to throw this ball in your face?" Althea scoffs, holding the ball up. "I'd like to see yo..." Lilly starts but stops when Althea launches the ball and it hits her in the nose.

"Oh." The blonde girl starts to cry, cradling her bleeding nose. "Did you see that, Lilly?" Althea sasses, as Oscar stands beside her eyes wide and mouth hanging. "What happened?" Mr Searson runs over, to see Lilly crying. "Althea threw the ball in my face." The blonde cried out. "You being dramatic, Lil. I did no such thing. And for you to suggest I did." Althea gasps.

"Brooke, please take Lily to the nurse's office." The teacher asks a student. "Of course, Mr Searson." The girl nods, grabbing the blonde's arm and walking off. "Everyone, three laps around the cage." The teacher shouts. "Apart from you, Althea." He says, tapping the girl's shoulders. "I'll be with you in a minute Oscar." Althea smiles. "Yes sir?" She looks up at the man. "Why did you throw the ball at Lilly?" He wonders.

"Because she's blonde, stupid, and talking to Peter like a piece of shit." She lists off, crossing her arms. "How has your new medication been working?" He asks. "Good, I think. I haven't exploded yet. Apart from throwing the ball in Lilly's face. I liked doing that." Althea nods. "You need to behave. Now go and run warm up." He laughs. "Okay." She nods, beginning to run away. "And Althea!"
He shouts at her. "Yeah?" She stops in her tracks. "Happy birthday." He winks. "Merci!" She smiles, running to Oscar.


"Oscar! Where are you?" Althea shouts, walking into their dorm. "In your bedroom!" He yells back. "This bitch." Althea whispers to herself, storming to her room. "How dar... Dad!" Althea's frown trims to a smile in a split second when she sees the man. "Happy birthday, honey." He smiles, kissing her head. "What are you doing here?" She asks, moving back. "I've got a present, that couldn't wait any longer." James holds up a bag.

"What is it?" She asks, watching her dad bring out his phone. "A surprise. I think you'll really like it." The man smiles. "I best do." She sits at her desk, putting out an envelope, addressed to her. "Wow, this is very formal." She raised her eyebrows. "Just open it, I want to see." Oscar rushes her from behind the camera. "Patience, Pastry." She points to the blonde.

Althea nicely opens the envelope and gasps. "No." She drags our putting it down. "Are you serious?" She covers her mouth turning to her dad. "Read it, I wanna know what it says." Oscar rushes. "Dear Althea May, We have seen how well you have raced during this MSA Formula Championship season. Securing a 2nd place finish in the championship, by three points."

"You didn't need to remind me, makes me want to cry." Althea pretends to wipe her eyes. "Althea..." Oscar drags out. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll continue to read." She holds her arms up in surrender. "Prema Powerteam would appreciate if you compete in the Italian Formula Four Championship, for the 2016 season. Alongside, Mick Schumacher, and Juan Manuel Correa."

"We would love to have you on the team and share your next steps in life together as a team. Please let us know before 19th December 2015. Sincerely, Angelo Rosin." Althea finishes off the letter as she wipes a tear off her face. "Aww, Alan." Oscar laughs, walking over to hug her as James ends the video. "Don't cry." He pats her head. "They're happy tears, let me go and get some tissue." She smiles, walking out of the room.

"Can I ask your daughter to date me?" Oscar turns to James, his face a bright shade of red. "Of course you can, Oscar. Just appreciate her and treat her well." The man nods. "I wouldn't do anything different. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Oscar waves his hands around before hugging him. "Okay." James sighs, patting the Australian on the back.

"I'll do it, email him today Dad." Althea proudly strides into the room. "Okay, then it's set. You're going to be racing in Formula Four." James smiles, kissing his daughter's head. "I'm just, that cool." She shrugs, emphasizing that. "I best get going, have a good rest of the day. I'm picking you up on Tuesday." James hugs the girl one last time, sending a little wink to Oscar.

"I got this." Oscar holds out a Collin caterpillar cake. "Collin!" Althea shouts, grabbing it from him and taking it to the small kitchen counter. "I haven't had one of these since July." Althea gushes taking it out of the packaging, going to grab a knife. "Hey! Candles first Alan." Oscar states, putting them on the cake, and lighting them quickly with a match. "Make a wish." He smiles, watching the girl close her eyes.

"Done." Althea blows out the candles as she opens her eyes. "What did you wish for?" Oscar asks. "Well, If I told you that, it wouldn't come true you silly goose." She pokes him. "Don't poke me." He points at her. "I want the butt." Althea laughs, cutting the end bit of the cake off. "Date me." Oscar stares at Althea as she takes a bite of the cake. "Fucking hell." She choked on the cake, quickly drinking some water to wash it down.

"Come again?" Althea turns to the Australian. "Please, Althea May. You've captivated me the first time I laid eyes on you. Every day I'm around you; you make my day brighter because of your smile. I like your hyper-activeness, the way you stand up for people and your drive to do what you want. Ha, get it, drive..." Oscar laughs, making Althea shake her head with a smile.

"What I'm trying to ask is will you be my girlfriend? Please say yes." He puts his hands together. "Of course I will, Oscar. I wouldn't want anything different." She smiles, as she brings him in for a hug. "Best day of my life!" He shouts, jumping around the room, making Althea laugh, while she eats the cake. "You don't understand how happy you have just made me feel." Oscar sighs, sitting on the sofa as Althea throws her head back laughing.

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