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19th March 2015:

"I don't want to do this," Althea complains as she runs around the school field. "You shouldn't have been talking to me then." Oscar scoffs. The two were in the cages standing together in the corner as everyone listened to the teacher. When Althea whispered something to Oscar making him laugh. The teacher didn't appreciate it so the duo found themselves having to run around the massive field three times.

"You shouldn't have laughed." Althea looks at him. "Well, you said sir looked like a pineapple with his hair up like that. How did you expect me not to laugh!" Oscar shouts, slowing down his run. "Why're you slowing down, don't you want to get back?" Althea questions, pointing back to their classmates. "You really want to go and play soccer?" Oscar wonders making Althea stop in her place.

"Say that again," Althea demands. "Do you really want to play soccer?" Oscar slows down, looking at Thea with raised eyebrows. "You are one silly goose, Pastry Boy." Althea shakes her head. "What did I do wrong?" Oscar throws his hands in the air. "You have a ball, that you kick with your foot, it is called football." Althea sighs. "Pastry Boy, say it again, but correct this time." She demands again. "You really want to go and play football?" Oscar says, making Althea clap her hands together.

"There we go, for there in the end. But as much as I'm good a football, no I don't want to play it." Thea scoffs, beginning to walk. "Let's just take a nice stroll around the field." Oscar sighs. "I mean, we did already run around it once and halfway now." Althea shrugs. "Yeah, Mr. Searson didn't exactly say how long we need to take or how we need to get around the field." Oscar smiles. "So how do you think you will do in your races?" Oscar asks.

"Erm, well I'm hoping to win the championship obviously. But I don't mind where I come, I race because I like it, not because I want to beat everyone." Althea shrugs. "But I would be nice too." Oscar nudges her. "Yeah, it would be nice." Althea laughs, pushing the Australian away. "But I might fight my sister's boyfriend if he beats me." Althea sighs. "You have a sister?" Oscar wonders.

"Yeah, her name is Amelie, she's a year older than me. She's my best friend, we were adopted by my mum and dad when I was two and she was three. She was always there for me when we were in the adoption centre. Being there for me when I was picked on by the older kids. She's my biggest supporter as well, always cheering me up and making me feel worth something when I lose a race." Althea smiles widely, thinking about the fifteen-year-old.

"Wow, she sounds amazing." Oscar nods. "She is, do you have any siblings," Althea asks the thirteen-year-old. "Yeah, three sisters. We're all quite close. But I have to say, as your new best friend, your sister is going to have to up her support game because I'm going to now be your top supporter." Oscar points to himself. "She will actually fight you for it. I'm not joking." The fourteen-year-old shakes her head.

"I will put up a good fight. I am like a kangaroo, fast on the legs, and the arms." Oscar jokes, holding up his fists. "Please, if anything you're like a koala. I reckon you're really clingy." Althea laughs, making Oscar drop his hands. "Hey, I'm not slow. I'm fast like a spider." He tells her making her cringe. "No, don't mention spiders, and stop referring to yourself as animals." She laughs.

"Oh m gee, is the Althea May scared of little spiders." Oscar gasps. "No, I'm not scared of anything." Althea scoffs. "What's that hanging above you then?" Oscar asks, pointing above the girl. "I'm not falling for that." Althea crosses her arms, as she stares at the blonde.

"No honestly, there's a spider right by your head," Oscar says. "No there's not." Althea shakes her head turning to look beside her. "Fucking hell!" Althea screams, running behind Oscar and wrapping her arms around him. "Why did you tell me it was that close!" She shouts, as her head hides behind his back. "I did, you didn't want to listen." Oscar shrugs, blushing at Althea's arms around him.

"Is it gone, Pastry Boy?" Althea asks. "No, it is not gone, Alan." Oscar shakes his head. "Let's go." Althea grabs the Piastri boy's arm and tries to pull him away but he stays in his place, staring at the spider. "What are you doing!" Althea shouts as Oscar walks towards the insect.

"I'm putting it in a safe space, nothing is wrong with them. They are more afraid of you than you are of them." Oscar says, cupping his hands around the spider. "Fuck off!" Althea shouts running away as Oscar starts to chase after her. "Say hello to it!" The thirteen-year-old laughs, chucking it in a bush but pretends to hold it as he runs after the girl.

"Come on Alan, he just wants to say hello." Oscar laughs, hearing Althea scream. "Pastry Boy, do not assume it's gender. And leave me alone, they're evil!" Althea yells as she runs across the field. "Stop being a wuss." Oscar rolls his eyes, looking at the sky as he continues to run. "Fuck." Althea scoffs when she trips over a stick.

"Watch ou..."Althea shouts to Oscar, but it is too late as the boy tripped over her and fell on his face. "Ouch." Is all Oscar says sitting up. "You don't have the spider still, do you?" Althea questions. "Yes, asking the important questions I see. I've just fallen over." Oscar shakes his head. "Are you okay?" The adopted girl puts her hand on Oscar's shoulder.

"I think so, I can still see straight." The boy shrugs, turning to look at Althea. "Shoot, you have a nosebleed." Althea's eyes widen. "It'll be fine." Oscar waves her off, bringing his pe top up and wiping his nose. "Oh yeah, and I threw the spider away ages ago," Oscar mentions. "So I was running around like a mad woman for no reason." Althea scoffs.

"Pretty much, yeah." Oscar smiles, as he shrugs. "Pastry Boy, you're lucky you are my friend." The girl stands up, dusting herself off. "Help me up?" Oscar looks up, covering his eyes from the sun sending Althea a smile. "Fine." She rolls her eyes, grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him up, a bit too hard as he falls into Althea's arms. "Falling for me already?" Althea jokes. "How couldn't I?" Oscar scoffs.

"Oscar, Althea! Get back over here!" Mr Searson shouts the two over. "We're in trouble aren't we?" Oscar asks. "I'll get us out of it, all the teachers love me." Althea sighs, running back to the cage, and grabbing Oscar's hand as she does so. "Hello, sir." Oscar waves to the teacher, making Althea slap his hand down giving him a weird look.

"What was so funny earlier?" The man questions. "I said you look like a pineapple with your hair up," Althea answers, making Oscar laugh again. "You two are a pain together. But you make the lesson fun as I get to torture you into more exercise. My wife also says the same thing about my hair." The teacher nods. "Don't worry about it Mr Searson, I'm an athlete, I need to keep fit." Althea waves him off, putting her hands on her waist.

"You've spent the whole lesson running around, the bell went about ten minutes ago. You're late for your next lesson." He reveals, making both student's mouths drop open. "Are you serious!?" Althea shouts. "I wish I was. I didn't even realise until like four minutes ago." The man laughs slightly. "Don't just stand there, go and get changed." He tells the two, making them scramble away. "Kids." He shakes his head, watching as they reach out for one another hand as they run.

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