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3rd April 2015:

"Dad, this is Oscar." Althea smiles, jumping off her chair in the office and running to the man to pull him towards the boy. "No way, you're from Top Gear," Oscar says completely stunned, pointing to the man. "I am." James laughs. "You didn't tell me your dad was the James May," Oscar whispers to his best friend. "You didn't ask." Althea holds her hands up.

"It's lovely to meet you, Sir." Oscar holds his hand out. "Please, just James." The man laughs, shaking the boy's hand. 'Oh my god' Oscar turns to Althea and mouths, making her cover her mouth with her hand to prevent her from laughing. "You ready?" James asks his daughter. "Yes, you've brought my racing gear haven't you?" Althea double-checks. "Yes, it's in the boot." The TV host nods.

"Good, well then, I will see you on your birthday, Pastry Boy." Althea smiles, wrapping her arm around the boy. "See you on Monday, Alan." The Australian nods, also wrapping his arms around the girl. "You can go in my secret hideout if you want, during the weekend. But do not break that simulator." Althea warns. "I won't, I'll be very careful." Oscar holds his pinky out.

"You best be." Althea wraps her pinky around the boys, both of them kissing their hands. "It was lovely meeting you, Just James." Oscar smiles, once he hears the girls giggle. "You too Oscar." James pats the boy's shoulders before walking away. "Don't miss me too much." Althea walks backwards, keeping her eyes on Oscar. "Trust me, I won't. I'm glad I get some alone time." Oscar crosses his arms. "Oh, I see how it is, Pastry Boy." Althea shakes her head, before walking out of the boarding school, hearing Oscars laugh.

"Hello, little sister." Amelie smiles watching her sister walk towards the car. "Amelie!" Althea shouts, running into her sister's arms. "I missed you." Amelie kisses her sister's head. "I missed you too." The youngest smiles, squeezing the eldest. "I'm here too." Amelie's boyfriend scoffs. "Shut the bloody hell up, Lando." Althea waves the boy off. "Ouch, I might ask for a different teammate this season, if I'm getting this kind of abuse." He jokes.

"Get over here." Althea unwraps herself from her sister holding her arms out for Lando. "Jesus!" The girl shouts as she finds herself trying her hardest to keep Lando up as he jumps into her arms and wraps his legs around her. "He's trying to injure me before the season even begins," Althea complains. "Lando, get off Thea." Adam shakes his head at his son.

"Oh." The boy sighs, unwrapping his legs and walking towards Amelie. "Let's get going," James speaks up, opening his door. Althea and Amelie look towards each other slightly smiling, talking with their eyes. "What's going on?" Lando asks. "Shotgun, turn around, touch the ground, bugsey not in the middle middle." The sister shouts, doing what they said.

"Really!" Lando throws his arms in the air. "You're going to be in a May sandwich." Amelie laughs at her boyfriend's frown. "More like an adopted sandwich." He mutters making the girl's jaws drop. "That's out of pocket." Althea scoffs, getting into the car. "Yeah, why would you say something like that?" Amelie jokes, making Lando's smile vanish. "I didn't mean it." He rushes out. "I'm joking, just get into the car." Amelie laughs.

4th April 2015:

"So you actually have a friend from school now?" Amelie asks her sister as she gets ready. "Yeah, his name is Oscar. He's Australian and he also aspires to be a Formula One driver." Althea smiles. "What about Mr Ilott?" Amelie wonders. "Callum is rude. He was my only friend in that school and now he's left." Althea zips up her race suite.

"I've seen him here today, he ra..."
"Races for the Formula Three European Championship with Carlin. I'm fully aware, Am. But he's been replaced with Oscar now." Althea smiles proud of herself. "Someone's got a crush." Amelie teases, poking her sister's ribs. "No, I don't, go away." The fourteen-year-old slaps her sister's hands away. "Don't deny it." Amelie points at her.

"I mean, he is cute." Althea shrugs, blushing a bit. "Who's cute? And who's got Thea blushing?" Lando walks into the room. "No one." Althea's eyes widen. "The boy my mum told us about," Amelie tells him. "Well, I best give this boy a beat in. No one's good enough for little Thea." Lando holds his arms up, pretending to flex his muscles, making the sisters laugh. "You wouldn't even hurt a bee." Amelie laughs.

"Well yeah, I'd run in the opposite direction. Those things are fucking scary." Lando scoffs. "You're just a pussy." Althea shrugs. "Now listen here, are we going to talk about your fear of spiders?" Lando crosses his arms. "Let's do." Amelie laughs, making her sister and boyfriend turn to her. "Let's not get started with you." Lando shakes his head. "Ahh, an ant is chasing me!" Althea changes her voice waving her hands everywhere.

"No, ants are evil. They're planning something. They are underground, which means they're from hell. And when they take over the world, I'll be telling you I told you so." Amelie rolls her eyes. "And I don't sound like that." She points to her younger sister. "Debatable." Althea shrugs. "Let's get going you two." Trevor Carlin walks into the room. "Yep, we're coming." Lando nods, grabbing Althea's arm and dragging her towards the team principal.

"Good luck you two!" Amelie shouts. "Thank you!" They both shout back in synch. "She has a crush on that Oscar boy," Amelie tells her dad as she walks out to him and Adam. "I know, you should have seen the way she looked at him. He seems like a good lad though, so I'm not complaining." James shrugs. "I need to meet him first, give him my big sister's blessing." Amelie shakes her head, leaning on a pole as she watches Lando and Althea jump into their cars.

"P One!" Lando shouts as he runs towards his dad. "I'm so proud of you, buddy." Adam brings his son in for a tight hug, patting his back. "P Two!" Althea runs towards her dad after she finishes talking to the team principal Trevor. "You did so well!" James smiles, picking the fourteen-year-old up. "Calm down old man, you'll break your back." Amelie laughs. "I'm not that old." James scoffs, putting his daughter back down.

"But you're old." Amelie laughs. "Well done." She kisses her sister's cheek, hugging her tight. "Thank you, Am." Althea smiles, sighing as she wraps her hand around the older girl. "Fuck you, Norris." Althea let go of her sister, holding her middle finger up at the boy. "Me?" Lando points to himself. "Yes you, you impeded on me." Althea crosses her arms. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Lando apologises, swinging his arm around the girl.

"Yeah, you will be tomorrow when I beat you." Althea laughs. "Guys, we need to get you to the podium." Stephanie Carlin walks up to the group. "Oh yeah, I forgot." Althea laughs. "Good work today." Amelie wraps her arms around her boyfriend kissing his cheek. "Eww, hurry up," Althea complains. "Just wait until you and Oscar start dating. You'll be just like them." James laughs. "Ew." Althea cringes walking away.

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