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6th April 2015:

"Dad, can we stop in big Tesco quickly?" Althea asks as she sits behind him in the car hugging her first-place trophy close to her chest. They had left Kent an hour ago, Lando and Amelie fast asleep next to her. Even though they slept the whole night in the hotel. "Why?" James questions. "It's Oscar's birthday today, and I want to get him a card and present." She smiles. "Okay." The man nods, pulling into the car park.

"I'll stay in here with these two." Adam points to the couple next to Althea. "We won't be long." James sighs, getting out of the car. "What card are you thinking?" James asks as he grabs Althea's hand and walks into the shop. "A racing one. I think he'd really enjoy that." She smiles. "Okay, and what present?" James questions. "Erm, I have no clue." Althea itches her head.

"Ooo, I can get him a car key ring." Althea straightens her back, gasping at her idea. "That's a good idea, what one?" James asks. "A Porsche one, because he can remember me when I race for the Porsche F One Team." Althea nods, proud of her idea. "Okay, I'll get the key ring, you get the card. Meet me in the chocolate aisle, we can stock up on your secret stash." He nudges his daughter's shoulder before walking off.

"Birthday card." Amelie taps her chin, scanning the card selection. "Excuse me." Althea gains the attention of an elderly man. "Yes Dear, can I help you?" He wonders. "Yeah, if you were turning fourteen and someone gave this card to you. Would you laugh at it?" She asks the man. "Oh, it is funny, is it for a boyfriend?" He asks handing her the card back. "No, just for a friend." She smiles, wrapping her arms around the racing-related card.

"What's your name?" Althea asks. "I'm Paul." The man holds his hand out. "I'm Althea May, it was lovely to meet you." The girl smiles, wrapping her hand around Paul's and giving him a handshake. "You too, Althea." The man nods slightly. "Also, thank you for your opinion on the card. It means a lot." She tells him before running away. "What took you so long?" James asks.

"I was talking to an old man, he was alone, which made me a bit sad. And I wanted to ask his opinion on the card." Althea answers, taking the letting off of her dad. "This is perfect it's the 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet." Althea gasps, admiring the small make of the car. "I know, but what treats do you want?" James asks. "Can I get some hot chocolate?" The fourteen-year-old asks.

"You don't like hot chocolate." James laughs, shaking his head. "Yeah, but Oscar said it was his favourite," Althea reveals. "Okay then, If it's for your boyfriend." James jokes. "You so funny Dad! Oh my... I'm peeing my pants." Althea says blandly, pretending to laugh. "He's my friend dad." She glares at the man. "I know." He nods. "Get me some, crunchie's, double decker's, curlywurly's, twirl's, whisper's. And a bunch of Galaxy chocolates, that's the best brand. Oh, I need gold bars, can't forget those." Althea clicks her fingers.

"Then get some squares, the blue ones to be precise. Tea cakes, ice gems, Mr. Kipling Cherry Bakewell, Angel slices and French fancies. Oh... and some Viennese whirls. Jaffa cakes, Oreos, rich teas and ginger biscuits. I almost forgot, Bueno's, daim's, toffee crisp's and bounty's." Althea lists off. "Jesus, are we starting our own bakery?" James jokes. "Oh that reminds me, we need to get some pastries." Althea gasps.

"What pastries?" James rolls his eyes, wishing he kept his mouth shut. "Croissants, pain au chocolat, and Profiteroles." Althea nods. "That should last you until they all go out of date." James laughs. "Can we maybe get a Collin the caterpillar cake as well? I need to teach Oscar some British culture." Althea smiles. "Yes, but that is the last thing." James points to her. "That's fine by me." Althea smiles, putting the box in the basket.

"I'm taking you in." Amelie yawns, wiping her eyes. "God give me strength." Althea sighs, stepping out of the car. "Don't embarrass me, Am," Althea tells her older sister. "No promises." Amelie nods her hands up. "Dad!" Althea turns to the man. "Amelie, don't do anything to embarrass your sister." James sighs. "Okay." The girl rolls her eyes, sticking her tongue out at Althea.

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