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20th May 2016:

"Thea?" Oscar gasps, as he walks around a corner and sees his girlfriend leaning on the wall. "He..." The girl couldn't finish her sentence before the Australian brings her in for a hug. "Hello." She laughs, wrapping her arms around here. "Are you like... Actually here?" He leans back analysing her face. "No I'm a hologram." She jokes, before getting ok her tiptoes and kissing him.

"A hologram can't do that." Oscar jokes. "A hologram can't do this either." Althea says, before taking her boyfriend's hat he was wearing and running away. "Alan!" He shouts, before running after her. "What? I gotta keep you in shape." She laughs, running around a bench. "My hair looks bad." Oscar shakes his head, smiling at the adopted girl. "I think I look quite cute in this. Do I not?" Althea asks him.

"Yeah, you do. But that is my hat." Oscar holds his hand out. "You are not getting it back. You should know me by now, Pastry Boy." She winks at him, pulling out her phone. "Smile." She says to her boyfriend as she starts filming him. Oscar stands up smiling at the girl. He squints his eyes when she begins laughing. "You're filming me aren't you?" He crosses his arms. "Yeah, you look cute." The girl laughs again.

"Alan, I always look cute." He rolls his eyes. "Okay, sassy king. You see, this is what I put up with." Althea scoffs, turning the camera so it can see her. "Don't lie, you love it." The Aussie shakes his head. "I do." She nods, ending the video. "So how are you here?" Oscar asks, as he sits on the bench. "Angelina is a god send, she bought be a train ticket." The racer nods. "I need to meet that woman, you speak so highly of her." Oscar says.

"You will, one day." Althea nods, sitting opposite him. "There's something that been really bugging me." Oscar says, making Althea frown. "No, don't worry it's nothing bad." Oscar reassures the girl as he grabs her hand. "Phew." Althea sighs, wiping imaginary sweat from her head. "But what happens if both of us get to formula one, and we are still together?" Oscar questions.

"We definitely will still be together, because that would be a really awkward situation for us to be in." Althea laughs. "Thea, that's true, but what will the FIA do?" He asks making the girl frown once again. "I never thought of that." She looks down. "What if they make us break up." Althea tears up. "Althea, if they try that, then we can tell them to shove it up their arses." Oscar tells the girl as he sits next to her.

"Arses." Althea laughs. "Yeah, because no matter what they say, it will always be us two." Oscar slings his arm around the girl. "Us two against the world." Althea smiles, resting her head on the boys shoulders. "Oscar!" Caio Collet runs to the benches the couple was sitting on. "Yes?" The Australian spins to the Brazilian boy. "Who the fuck Is that?" The fourteen year old points at Althea.

"Who the fuck are you?" Althea scoffs, glaring at the boy. "I'm Caio Collet." The boy smiles brightly. "I'm Althea May." The girl nods. "I'm guessing you're the girl this kid keeps talking about." Caio raises his eyebrows. "Awe, Pastry Boy. You talk about me." Althea teases, nudging her boyfriend's shoulder as he blushes. "It's like he is allergic to speaking about anything else, it gets tiring after a while." The other karter yawns.

"I mean, he is a bit monotone, so I can see where you are coming from." Althea laughs as Oscar gasps. "Excuse me, Alan. I speak with passion when it comes to you." The Aussie looks at her. "That's so cute." Althea smiles, brightly. "But we really need to get going. Race is about to start." The Brazilian tells his friend. "Okay, meet back here like ten minutes after the race finishes." Oscar looks at Althea.

"I'll be here waiting." She smiles her eyes following him as he stands up. "I'll see you soon." Oscar kisses her head. "Caio!" Althea shouts the younger boy, making him stop and spin around to look at her. "Yes?" He asks. "Don't tell anyone my name. Or that you are aware of my existence, pretend you never met me." She tells him. "Who are you?" Caio smiles at her before walking away. "I like him." Althea tells Oscar. "He's annoying." Oscar lies, before walking away.


"It's crazy how you are in the same hotel as me." Oscar laughs as he walks in the door hand in hand with Althea. "Thea?" Ricky Flynn sees the girl. "Hey Rick, how are you?" She smiles. "I'm good, why are you here?" The owner of the karting team wonders. "To support my best friend, Oscar Pastry... I mean Piastri." The girl stumbles over her words. "What are you doing nowadays." The man asks.

"Oh just you know, being cool and racing in the ADAC and Italian Formula Four Championship." Althea waves her old team leader off. "Are you doing well?" Ricky asks. "Oh just you know, the usual. Same old, sarcastic, short tempered Althea you remember." The May girl nods. "Still kicking the karts?" Ricky smiles. "I never stopped, but I kick the cars now." The fifteen year old holds her thumbs up.

"You need to stop doing that." The older man shakes his head. "Yeah well, it's better than kicking a teammate." Althea laughs, thinking about the memory. "Yeah, Lando didn't deserve that." Ricky says. "Ricky, my friend. Lando did deserve that, he rammed me off the track." Althea scoffs. "How is he? Him and Amelie still together?" He then asks, making Althea and Oscar look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Amelie and Lando is a sticky one." Althea nods. "Which translates, they're no longer together." Oscar smiles. "That's sad, they were so cute together. Well wish Amelie and Lando my condolences." The man says. "Fucking hell, you're acting as if someone close to them has died. It was just a breakup. These things happen, people move on, it's just life." Althea laughs. "That's true, well I need to go. Althea it was nice seeing you." Ricky brings the girl in for a hug.

"Yeah, same. See you whenever I guess." Althea pats the man's back, quickly stepping back. "Why was that so awkward to watch?" Oscar laughs. "I don't like touching people, unless they're my family, or I know them on a deep level. Ricky knows that, so I do not know why he'd hug me." Althea cringes. "Would you like to come to my room?" Oscar asks. "Yes, I have not sat down for ages!" Althea nods.

Authors Note:

Hey... hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will write longer chapters in the future it's just takes so much time to come up with ideas on something I'm writing of the top of my head.

I have another Oscar Piastri fanfic out, it's called You are in love! So go and give that a read... or not, I can't really tell you to, but let me try and convince you.

The oc is called Theodora, her dad is Lewis Hamilton and her mum is Khloe Kardashian! They had a one night stand one night and Khloe ended up pregnant okay. Lando is her best friend, in the whole wide world. She is a 2023 rookie for formula one, and it's so clear that her and Oscar want to be together but the don't act on their feelings.

Until Khloe gets involved and knocks some sense into her daughter's mind, they start dating but there is one problem... the fucking FIA! They don't allow it, and it's just shambolical and ridiculous... in the end will they end up together? I have no clue... go and read it. :)

If that didn't convince you to read it I don't know what will? But I hope you all have had a lovely day or night.

I love you all! And don't forget to drink your daily dose of water! ❤️

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