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29th October 2017:

"You've got this, Alan. You beat Sacha in this last race, you win this year's Formula Renault Eurocup." Oscar smiles at the girl as they are on FaceTime. "Althea!" Max Fewtrell shouts for the girl. "Yes?" She looks up like a deer in headlights. "What have you done?" He scoffs. "Dude, I gotta go before you witness a murder. Love you bye." She kisses her hand and blows it, before hanging up.

"I almost saw him." Robert scoffs from behind the girl. "Shwartzman, I hope you are not trying to find out who my boyfriend is for Juan and Mickey." The May girl turns to face the Russian. "Definitely not, Althea. It's not like Mick told me if I find out who it is he'll take me under his wing next year when I go to Prema." The blonde boy shakes his head. "I am going to kill him." Althea scoffs.

"Not before I kill you." Max picks up an orange from the table. "Now what ever I've done, I'm sure we can speak about it like rational normal people, Maximilian." Althea holds her hands out as she stands up. "I don't think so." The Fewtrell boy pulls his hand back ready to throw the fruit at the girl. "Max fuck off!" Althea begins to run away, but Max is able the throw the orange at full force, making it hit Althea's back.

"Ewww, there is orange juice all over me Max! Why would you do that!" Althea shouts at him. "What have I just walked in on?" Logan looks around. "Don't worry, this is the usual." Will Palmer shakes his head as he sits on a chair. "Yeah, it's like a free subscription to a soap, I'm telling you." Dan Ticktum laughs. "No, this is not better than EastEnders." Frank Bird shakes his head. "I'm sorry, is this just a British gathering? Should I leave?" Logan wonders.

"Nah, we just usually get together before every race and drink some tea." Dan lies. "Yeah, classic British things." Will holds up a mug. Logan just looks lost, staring at the three Brits. "Leave him alone guys." Neil Verhagen rolls his eyes. "They are lying, Logan. You can never trust British people." The American tells the boy. "That's a big statement to make in front of five British people, Neil." Althea raises an eyebrow.

"At least we aren't stupid, unlike Americans." Max crosses his arms. "Preach." Althea points at her friend. "Why were you guys arguing?" Dan asks the two. "Erm." Althea looks at Max. "Do you want to enlighten them? Or should I?" She asks him. "She messaged my now ex-girlfriend that I like someone else." Max scoffs. "Woah." Logan nods. "We'll do you?" Will leans forward.

"No comment." Max shrugs. "You know my friend Maisie Burns?" Althea asks the three other Brits. "Oh trust me I know. Her twin is so fit." Dan sighs. "Do you want to shut up?" Max glares at the eighteen-year-old. "Oh, never mind I got it, you like Maisie." Dan nods. "I do, and I actually know her unlike you, so you'll never have a chance." Max sasses. "Okay, so if they ever start dating take note that he'll be obsessive and..." Will begins.

"Aye, obsessive? Hell no, the girl can do whatever she wants, I'll just be protective, there's a difference, Will." Max shakes his head. "What are you all doing? You start racing on T-minus two minutes." Kennedy Cavill runs into the room and looks at the group. "Why didn't you keep an eye on the time, Max!" Althea glares at the boy beside her. "It's not my job, Jesus Christ!" Max pushes her towards the exit. "Have a good race everyone," Kennedy tells everyone.

"And the winner of the Formula Renault Eurocup two thousand and seventeen is... Althea May!" The commentator says into the mic, as everyone from Tech-1 racing cheers for the driver. "You deserve this, Thea." Robert smiles at the girl as she walks past the third-place podium. "Thank you, Roberto." The girl hugs hug. "Quit it with the nickname please." The Russian laughs.

"Well, It had to be one of us." Sacha Fenestraz shakes Althea's hand. "You put up a good fight, Sacha. It was a pleasure racing with you this year." Althea smiles, before looking down at her team. "Wooo!" Max cheers for the girl, as he claps his hand together watching her win the championship. "The only time I'll be coming onto a podium." Kennedy laughs when she stands on the smallest one for the winning team.

"Don't worry, there's lots of podiums for next year." Althea smiles. "What are you doing next year?" Sacha wonders standing in between the girls. "I'm going home." Althea smiles looking out into the distance. Sacha just turns to Kennedy with a raised eyebrow. "She's going back to Prema for the Formula Three European Championship." The Cavill girl tells him. "Ahh, so we will be battling again next year. I'm joining Carlin." Sacha tells her.

"May the best win." Althea winks at him as she takes her hat off for the British National Anthem. The two other boys follow her lead and take their hats off in respect. Max, Dan, Will and Frank all stand below the podium with their hands in the air, wide smiles on their faces as they sing the national anthem. "They are so small," Althea complains pointing at the champagne bottle as she puts her hat back on.

"It's not like you can drink it anyways." Kennedy shakes her head. "Nobody will know." Althea shrugs. "Althea, you are sixteen years old." Kennedy reminds her. "I am also British, it's in our nature. I mean take your besties Chris and Arthur as an example. They love to get pissed." Althea smiles, waving at her mum and dad. "What would James think of his underaged daughter drinking?" The Cavill raises her eyebrows.

"He'd applaud me, let's be real. It's James May." Althea laughs. "I thought that would be Jeremy's job." Ken shrugs. "It is, Richard is the only sane one in that trio." Althea smiles and shakes a woman's hand as she hands her the trophy. "Well done for winning." The lady nods. "Thank you, so much." Althea kisses either side of the woman's face, before standing back up straight and throwing the trophy in the air.

Authors Note:

Althea's domination will bore us all. Joking Althea is a queen and deserves all of these wins. GIRL POWER!!

There will be a big surprise in some upcoming chapters. I enjoyed writing that chapter and will one hundred per cent be one of the best moments in the whole entire book.


In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now