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10th June 2016:

"Amelie, get up." Althea shakes her sister with her foot. "Huh, what?" The brunette sits up from the kitchen floor. "What is wrong with you?" Althea asks. "Nothing." The older girl wipes her eyes, as she lets out a yawn. "Fuck sake Amelie! You are going to kill yourself!" Althea screams, ripping a bottle of champagne out of her sister's hand. "I'm starting to think that doesn't sound so bad." Amelie looks at the racer.

"Fuck you, Amelie. I can't with you. I've tried helping you, understanding you but you are no help. Ever since you left Lando you've become a mess. Why would you leave Lando if you know you love him? It makes no sense! You two were happy, he was like the brother I never had. He never did anything bad to you, he treated you with love and respect and he cared about you. You should have stayed with him, and you should've stayed in England." The younger girl rants, crying at the end of it as she picks her bag up.

"Where are you going?" Amelie slurs, still drunk from when she was awake. "Away from you, don't even bother messaging me. I don't want you to know where I am." Althea seethes, spinning around. "You're a joke to yourself and society." Is the last thing she says before walking out of the flat. "Althea!" Amelie shouts out for her sister. "Althea!" She repeats, but sighs, as she knows Althea isn't coming back.

"What are you doing?" Althea looks up from the bench to see one of Prema's Formula Three drivers Lance Stroll. "Just wallowing In my self-pity." Althea sighs, looking back at the floor. "Why are you out this late? It's midnight, you should be in bed." He tells her sitting on the bench. "I can't be in my flat at this moment, I will end up wrecking the place." The girl scoffs. "Why, what's happened?" The Canadian wonders.

"I fought with my older sister, she can't seem to understand what I'm saying, it's like I'm speaking French," Althea answers. "I know French." Lance nods, making Althea laugh slightly. "I mean Pierre has tried teaching me, but I can't get the grip of it, and it's so long I just get tired so quickly, and gets boring easily, but I do want to learn it." The fifteen-year-old explains. "I can teach you if you would like. I have a fun way of doing it, and you are guaranteed to not get bored." Lance says.

"Really? I can surprise you with how quickly I lose focus and get bored of something." Althea tells him. "I am willing to bet you won't get bored." The seventeen-year-old raises his eyebrows. "It's going to be fun taking your money Stroll." Althea holds her hand out. "It will only be a bet of twenty pounds." Lance nods, shaking her hand. "Deal." She nods. "Come on then, let the game commence." The Formula Three driver stands up. "What, now?" Althea stands up.

"Yeah, there is no way that I am going to let you sit outside, in the streets of Italy, late at night, in the dark, while it's freezing cold. Angela would actually kill me like she would put my head on a stick." Lance's eyes widen. "Lancealott stop exaggerating." Althea laughs, walking beside him. "I'm not, Angela can be a scary woman, I have been on her bad side once, and I don't want to ever be on it again." Lance sighs. "She isn't scary, I love Angie." Althea nods.

"Here we are." Lance smiles, looking up at a rage room. "How am I going to learn French in here?" Althea turns to him. "Just trust me, Althea. French will be your second language after we walk out of here." Lance smiles at her. "Okay, I'm just going to trust the process. Even if it sounds useless." Althea says. "Hey, don't knock until you try it." Lance shakes his head, opening the door. "I mean if I don't learn French, at least I will get a load of anger out." Althea laughs. "See, think of the bright side of things." Lance pats her back as they go to the counter.

"How is it?!" Lance shouts as he throws a plate at the wall. The two had been in the rage room for around half an hour and learning French was forgotten about the second Althea broke a TV. "I'm having the time of my life, Lancelot." The adopted girl laughs, hitting a window. "I'm glad." The Canadian smiles at her. "Althea," Lance shouts, but it falls upon deaf ears as the fifteen-year-old keeps destroying stuff. "Thea!" He tried again, but the same as last time he didn't get a response.

In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now