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October 2nd 2016:

"I can't do it." Althea shakes her head. "You can." Lance encourages her, through the phone. "No, not without Amelie here." The girl begins to cry. "Althea look at me. This is your last race of the season, and if you win, you beat Joey Mawson, and you win the championship." The Canadian tells her. "He makes me miss Oscar so much. He had the Australian accent, and I hate him for it." Althea changes the subject with an annoyed huff.

Lance lets out a little laugh. "You can't be annoyed at every Australian person." The man tells her. "I can, and I will." The British girl states. "Althea?" Joey walked to where she was sitting. "Go away." She tells the older man. "Fucking hell, I was just saying that Mick and Juan are looking for you. And have a good race." The man scoffs before walking away. "That was so rude." Lance laughs. "I can't help it, the smallest things just tick me off." The adopted girl says.

"Althea! Amelie's in the tent." Mick shouts running to the girl. "Lance I've gotta go, have a good race, I believe in you!" The girl shouts at her phone before hanging up grabbing the German's hand and runs to her Prema tent. "Amelie! I can't believe you." Althea shouts pushing her sister. "I'm here, aren't I? Back of Thea." The brunette scoffs.

"No, I won't." The youngest grabs her sister's arm and pulls her into a secluded area. "Get off me." Amelie pushes the hand holding onto her away. "Listen to me, your eyes are red and you have powder on your nose. You're a fucking mess, Am." Althea's voice cracks. "Why would I want you here when you're in this state? Exactly I don't, so why don't you fuck off, I don't want you here, you're fucking embarrassing." Althea scoffs, pushing the girl before walking away.

"Time to jump in the car, Althea," Juan says. "I know, fucking hell, give me a minute!" She shouts at him, as she zips up her race suit. "Don't shout at me," Juan says as he slings an arm around the girl's shoulder. "What?" The girl sighs. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Everything." Althea sighs as she begins to cry. "Come here." The Ecuadorean man sighs, hugging the girl. "What if I fail today?" The adopted girl sighs, as her face is in Juan's chest.

"There is no such thing as failure Al. It's a stepping stone to help you get further." The man runs her back. "But I..." Althea begins but gets cut off. "No buts, if you win the race, we will all still love you, if you lose the race, we will still all love you. Stop overthinking things. If you expect failure how are you going to win? You won't with that mentality. You have to believe you're the best, to be the best." Juan pulls away from her but keeps his arms on his shoulders.

Althea slowly nods, pulling herself out of her anger and sadness. "You're right. Which is weird. Because you're never usually right. That's Micky's job." Althea itches her head, before putting her balaclava on. "Have a good race, you've got this." Juan pats her head, before walking to his car. "I've got this." Althea nods, putting her helmet on and walking to her car. "Have a good race." Angelina winks. "Oh, I'm counting on it, Angie." The girl winks back, putting her visor down.

Crying, Althea was crying as she parked her car in front of the one, in front of the Prema team. In front of the cameras that were showing this on TV. She won the two thousand and sixteen ADAC Formula 4 Championship. She takes a deep breath in before taking her seat belt off and pulling herself up out of the car by the halo. Climbing over the halo she steps onto the nose of the car behind her number ninety-five. 

She holds up her index finger, before throwing her hands up in the air and jumping off her car. Mick runs up to the girl and spins her around. "You did it! Althea, you're the champion!" The German laughs as they both jump around together. Althea runs up to the Prema team and jumps over the barriers as they all hold her up. "Althea, Althea, Althea!" They all chant. Once they put her down the first person she goes to is Angelina.

"I'm so proud of you!" The woman shouts. "So am I for once!" Althea cries even more. "I knew you could do it." She smiles as she pulls the girl's visor up. "Go and take that off." The woman says, gently pushing the girl towards her little table. Althea nods, taking her helmet off and placing it on her table. "Well done Althea." Kami Laliberté walks to her girl. "Thanks Kami! Congrats on the third place." She smiles, hugging him.

"You deserve this, you've raced amazingly this year, I can't wait to see what you do next year." The Canadian nods. "Thanks, Kam, you'll do great in whatever you do as well." Althea tells him as she puts her necklace on, which has an 'O' on it. "What's that O for?" He wonders. "It's for my middle name, it stands for Odesa." The girl lies, it actually stood for Oscar, but her middle name being Odese was a good story to tell people.

"Ahh, cute." He nods, before walking away, to do his interview. "How are you doing Champ?" Mick laughs. "I'm great, I feel like I am on top of the world!" She shouts, taking her balaclava off. "Just wish my mum and dad were here." She sighs. "They're are watching don't you worry, Richard and Jeremy are probably with them as well, all cheering for you. You'll be able to call them after the podium." Mick reassured her.

"Thanks, Micky." She hugs him tight. "Time for my interview, this is so much fun." He sarcastically says, rolling his eyes and walking away. Althea walked around, putting her bracelets on and high-fiving people as they congratulated her. "And now we have the ADAC champion, Althea May!" Anaya Sánchez, the interviewer shouts. "Hello." The girl smiles walking in front of the camera.

"Hello, Althea. How does it feel to call yourself the champion?" The twenty-two-year-old woman asks. "It feels great, it does. I've worked for pretty much my whole life for this moment in my life. I feel like nothing can bring me down." Althea laughs. "Can you tell the viewers how it feels to be a female in this sport, and how it feels to win being a girl?" Anaya smiles.

"It's hard you know, you get so much hate for being in a male-dominated sport, but the hate just drives me that much more, to do that much better. To show all of the haters that females are more than capable of doing this, like the males. I mean, we have Sophia, Carrie, Michelle, Marilyn, all the girls who have driven this year. It's good, I mean, more girls are coming into this sport, and I'm happy to see it." Althea answers.

"And anything to say for the girls who want to get into this sport but are too afraid to?" Anaya asks the last question. "Do it." Althea smiles. "You never know if you like it until you try, and someone wise told me, you have to believe you are the best, to be the best. Think about yourself, not about what others think about you. Show them who's boss." Althea winks. "Thank you, Althea, go and enjoy the podium." Anaya smiles. "Trust me, I will." The adopted girl laughs, handing her the microphone before running away.

Authors Note:


But a little sneak peek for that, Althea will be on this podium as well! Her Oscar and Charles, will all be a happy family :)

Remember I love you all! ❤️

And do not forget to drink your daily dose of water 💧

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