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23rd December 2017:

"Will you ever forgive me, Althea?" Amelie asks the girl, as she drinks some water from the sofa. "I don't know, will you ever care about your life?" The teenager scoffed. "I have told you so many times that I am sorry. Can't you see that I am trying to do better? I'm going to rehab, I've not touched a drug since that day." Amelie sighs.

"The day you almost died? I don't think you understand, Amelie. The first memories I have of my life are you. I remember vividly the day we met. I was just this new little baby put in a care home. And the older girls were picking on me, being racist to me, side track, I really don't know how eight-year-olds could be racist. Besides the point. You are the only person who has been there for me, my whole life." Althea sits opposite her sister.

"I know." Amelie rolls her eyes. "But I don't think you do, Am. If you were to die. Who would be there for me? And don't say mum, dad or Osc. Because they have no clue what we have been through. I can't talk to them about being in care, being adopted. You share that experience with me, that's what made us so close. Or boys, who would I talk to when I've had a little argument with Oscar, or if another person has hit on me?" Althea continues to prove her point.

"Okay! Althea! I understand you... you would have been alone, but have you ever considered not everything is about you? Because I can tell you now, that it isn't." Amelie slams her hand on the counter shutting Althea up. "Have you ever considered why I was so fucked up? Did you ever try to understand me? No. You never did. You just told me to stop, thinking that was going to help." Amelie lays the facts out for her sister.

"I have been feeling depressed ever since November two thousand fifteen. That's two years Althea, I have been in my own head looking for a way out, for some help. Or for someone to ask me what is wrong. My own sister who claims to be my best friend didn't see anything wrong with me. You should have known Althea. You should have asked me what was going on." Amelie wipes a tear that fell from her eye.

"What was wrong?" Althea stares at the girl refusing for the tears in her eyes to fall, not wanting to believe a word that the older girl said. "Don't even bother, it's too late to ask me that." The brunette scoffs, grabbing her water bottle and storming out of the room. "Oh, and consider yourself not my best friend." Amelie nods as she has the final words. It was only then that Althea let her tears fall.

"Fucking hell." She kicks a chair over when she hears a knock at the door. She walks over to the sink and runs the cold water before filling her hands up and splashing it over her face. "Yes, give me a fucking minute!" She screams, turning the tap off and kicks another chair to the ground as she walks to the door. "Happy Christmas." Oscar awkwardly smiles holding up some flowers.

Althea just stares at him like a lost puppy afraid to say anything, because she knows she would break down crying. "What's wro..." Oscar stops himself from finishing the question as he sees Althea shake her head. "Don't ask you that okay." The Australian sighs, opening his arms. Althea then feels more tears falling as she walks into her boyfriend's embrace. "Come on, let's go to your room." He kisses her head.

"Do you know when Mum and Dad are coming?" Amelie walks into the hallway. "Fuck off Amelie." Althea glares at her as she grabs Oscar's hand and pulls him into her room. "Thank you for helping, bitch." Amelie scoffs, going back into her room. "Okay, so somethings went on between you two," Oscar says, and he lays on the bed. "She's a cunt, that's what she is." Althea rolls her eyes, wiping at her eyes.

"What's gone on?" Oscar asks her. "Nothing, we fought, just normal sisterly fights." Althea sighs, grabbing a hairband from her desk. "Maybe, but sisterly fights shouldn't make you feel sad. It's just jokes at the end of the day. So it obviously was an actual argument. Not a sisterly one." Oscar grabs Althea's Iggle Piggle teddy. "Be careful with him." Althea points a warning finger at her boyfriend, before putting her hair in a pony.

"I will be if you tell me why you're so upset." Oscar turns his head to look at her with raised eyebrows. "You are so fit. Have I ever tol..." Althea stops her sentence when Oscar shakes his head. "Don't try to change the subject," Oscar tells her. "Okay, if you really want to know, then you can watch this." Althea scoffs, walking to her bed and picking her phone up from the table beside it.

"There, that's why I am so upset." Althea hands Oscar her phone to watch the footage from the camera that was set up in the living room, but it reaches the kitchen. "Don't you dare show him that, Althea!" Amelie shouts from the hallway. Althea looks around her room and smiles when she sees a random roller skate. She grabs it and throws it at the bedroom door. "Fuck off Amelie, it's none of your business," Althea screams,

"And there's a hole in the door." Oscar shakes his head. "It's becoming a December tradition of me making holes in things." Althea huffs, jumping onto Oscar, as he continues to watch the video. "Wow, that's deep," Oscar whispers, as he takes Althea's hair out of the pony she just put it in. "Why?" Althea looks up at him. "Shush." He wink, beginning to run his fingers through her hair.

"What do you think of it?" Althea asks him as he finishes the video. "I think you both said things that hurt each other. Your parents raised both of you perfectly, but neither of you really open up or talk about your feelings." Oscar goes onto the camera. "Yeah, because feelings are overrated." Althea sighs, closing her eyes. "Hey." She looks up when she hears the sound of a picture being taken.

"Sorry, you look cute." He smiles at her. "You are so lucky you are cute and I love you." Althea stares at him. "I should hope so." Oscar sighs. "Come here." She pushes herself up and pounts her lips out. "Really? I can't be arsed to move." Oscar lies. "Boy, you better meet me in the middle right this instant." Althea raises an eyebrow. "Okay, girl." Oscar nods, leaning towards her and plants a kiss on her lips.

"You didn't." She leans back and glances to her right when she hears another being taken. "I did." Oscar smiles, taking more pictures of Althea. "You might as well film a sex tape at this point." She rolls her eyes. "Can I?" Oscar smirks. "No, are you stupid?" Althea gasps. "I mean, you do always calm me a Koala. And they have one of the smallest brains out of mammals. Therefore it lacks Intelligence." Oscar says.

"Of course, you'd know that about koalas." Althea sighs. "I'm Australian, it's in my blood." Oscar winks. "Just shut up already and kiss me again." Althea shakes her head. "Okay, Miss May." Oscar turns the phone off and kisses the girl slowly. "Is this going where I think it's going?" Althea asks in between kisses as Oscar pushes himself up on the bed and lays Althea down. "Yeah." He rushes out, before kissing her again.

Authors Note:


Sorry for anyone who wanted more of that. If you do go and touch a bible you dirty animals... Or download Tumblr. That has some amazing Smut. But you didn't hear that from me.

Althea and Amelie will be besties again soon. They're sisters.


In between ~ Oscar Piastri Where stories live. Discover now