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20th October 2017:

"Oscar I literally just cannot find her anywhere," Althea tells her boyfriend as she gets out of her car. "When was the last time you saw her?" Oscar wonders. "Three days ago, she stormed out of the apartment when we were arguing about Lando," Althea tells him. "Why do you always argue about Lando?" Oscar questions. "I tell you this every time, Osc. Lando was the whole world for her, and she just up and leaves like it was nothing." Althea scoffs.

"And he was my brother, not biologically, obviously. But he was the closest thing I had to one, and when Amelie left him. It fucked that siblingship up okay, so of course I am going to argue with her about it, Oscar." Althea huffs. "Okay, I am clearly not helping this situation, you are getting mad at me." The Aussie sighs. "I'm not," Althea tells him. "Thea, you called me Oscar. You never call me Oscar unless you're angry." The Piastri boy tells her.

"Okay then, goodbye buddy. It's not like I care anyway." Althea moves the phone away from her. "I love you." She hears her boyfriend's voice through the speaker. She lets out a huff and slightly rolls her eyes, I love you too, I guess." She reluctantly says. "I hope you find Amelie." Is the last thing Oscar says before hanging up the phone. "So do I." Althea puts her phone back in her pocket as she looks across the Italian streets.

"Have you seen Amelie?" Althea asks a girl she knows was in her sister's class. "No, sorry, Thea." The girl shakes her head. "Okay, sorry for disturbing you." She smiles before walking away. "Come on Amelie," Althea whispers to herself when she pulls her phone out and calls the older girl's number. "I've actually lost my sister." She whispers to herself when the phone goes to the answerphone.

"Do you think she's homeless?" Althea looks to the right when she hears some friends walking. "I don't know, maybe she needs help." Another one says. "Excuse me." The racer interrupts their conversation. "Yeah?" They all turn around to look at the sixteen-year-old. "Who are you talking about?" Althea asks them. "There's a girl over there on the bench. We aren't sure if she's sleeping." A brunette girl points down the road.

"Do you know what she looked like?" Althea holds her breath. "Straight brunette hair, she was white, was wearing a blue shirt, and black jog..." The girl didn't even finish her sentence before Althea started legging it down the road where the girls were pointing. "Fucking hell." The teenager shakes her head, dropping to her knees. "Am." Althea shakes her sister.

"I'm not even joking Amelie. Get up and come back, you're freezing." The youngest told her eyes. "Amelie!" Althea shouts, rolling her sister over to see her skin was pale, and that she wasn't breathing. "Fucking hell, Amelie." Althea's eyes begin to tear up as she shakily takes her phone out of her pocket. "1-1-2 what's your emergency?" A voice asks. "Shit, I need an ambulance, my sister I think she's overdosing," Althea says.

"Will she be okay?" Althea cries as she walks into the room where Amelie is connected to a bunch of wires. "She's in a stable condition, you're lucky you called us when you did. A couple of minutes later and she would've been dead." Dr Wilson says, looking at the eldest girl's hospital chart. "Did you know she was doing drugs?" The woman wonders. Althea just shrugs and keeps an eye on her sister.

"You won't get in trouble if you tell us. You'll be helping us, to help your sister." The doctor says. "She's been doing weed and cocaine since March last year. She's also been heavily drinking during that as well." Althea tells the woman. "Do you know why?" Dr Wilson asks the last question. "I don't fucking know, my sister has just nearly died and you are asking me stupid questions?" Althea shouts.

"Does it look like I want to answer said shitty questions? No, not really, I just want to be alone with my sister for a minute. So I would really appreciate it if you fucked off." Althea glares at the woman. "Okay, my bad." Dr Wilson nods, heading out of the room. "Sorry!" Althea shouts. "It's fine." The woman says, walking away. "I am such a bitch." Althea shakes her head.

"You are such a selfish, fucking cunt. I hope you know that Amelie May. You are stupid and I'm sure you have one brain cell. I told you this wouldn't end well, but no. Amelie thinks she's always right and told me she'd be okay. This doesn't look like you are okay to me. You almost fucking died and left me alone. Leave mum and dad? Who does that? Someone selfish and someone who only cares about themselves. That's who." Althea walks to her sister's side.

"You were just going to leave me to what? Because you wanted a little buzz? I can't get into Formula One without you, Amelie. You are supposed to be my right-hand girl. And let me tell you now, if any of us are dying, it's going to be me first. At this moment in time, I hate your guts. Like I don't get how you were easily going to leave all the people you love unless you don't love us and it was an easy decision." Althea sits on the chair beside the bed.

"I do love you," Amelie whispers. "Then start fucking acting like it. Because this... This isn't showing your love. This shows that you don't care whether you lived or died. You obviously don't care about your life Am. If you loved me like you say you do, you'd stop, stop for me, stop for Mum and Dad, stop for fucking Lando. And before you say anything, I know we don't see eye to eye about you leaving him." Althea raises a finger.

"We probably never will see eye to eye. But I know that you still love him, and if you ever want a chance for him to forgive you, it's not dying, that will make him hate you more than he already does." Althea finishes her rant. "I'm sorry," Amelie says. "No, you're not. If you were sorry you would have stopped the moment I said something, but you didn't. And it almost cost you your life." Althea scoffs.

"Yeah, but I really am sorry, Thea." Amelie wipes a tear that falls from her eye. "Then start acting like it, I don't just want words. You need to show me that you mean it. Go to rehab or some other place that helps you. Because I am not losing you okay? If you go, I have nothing else to live for. You are my older sister, my world. And without you in it, it's just a big hole of nothingness." Althea glares at the brunette before she stands up and storms out of the room.

Authors Note:


It's been a long month guys, I've finished my first year of college! Woohoo I am surprised I survived it, I just need to do another 2 years and then I'll be done with it.

But as it is now the summer holidays I can hopefully post a lot. Most of my weekends are fully booked so there is no time for writing. Especially because of the f1,2&3 and the football.

But I have been writing more chapters I have three wrote but that of for later in the book, I have to focus on writing chapters that come after the chapters I post instead of writing further ahead.



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