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30th October 2016:

"You are winning this today, okay." Juan shakes Althea's shoulders and they warm up for the last race of the Italian Formula Four Season. "I'm not sure, Marcos has been driving really well this season, you never know he might win." Althea shrugs. "You have to have faith in yourself." A man's voice Althea knows too well says from behind her. "Dad!" She shouts, spinning around and hugging him. "You're here." She tears up a bit.

"I already missed your ADAC win, I can't miss this win as well." James rubs the girl's back. "I'm so happy you're here." She hugs him tighter. "I hope you're happy that I'm here as well?" Althea smiles when she hears London's voice. "About time you're here." The racer then goes to move to her best friend. "Hi, Althea." Felicity waves. "Felicity! It's so nice to finally meet you!" The girl smiles wrapping her arms around her best friend's sister.

"Let me introduce you to my teammates." She grabs both of the girl's hands and pulls them to where Juan and Mick are talking. "Boys, this is my best friend, London and her sister Felicity." Althea points to the girls. "Hi." Mick waves slightly. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." Juan shakes both their hands. "And girls, this is Micky and Juan." She then points to the two boys.

"Please, stop calling me Micky. My name is Mick." The German lets the two girls know as he smiles at them. "Well, it's nice to meet you two." London nods. "How's the bf?" London asks Althea. "Why would you at that." The girl drops her head into her hands. "You know who he is?" Juan looks at her. "Who is he?" The blonde boy then asks. "No, she's not telling you. It's confidential." Althea laughs.

"Who else knows?" Mick wonders. "Well, Angelina, London, my parents, my sister, Lance and my ex-teammate." The adopted girl lists as she counts on her hands. "Lance knows!?" Juan scoffs. "Yeah, we're besties." Althea nods. "So are we, we're both your besties as well, we deserve to know who it is," Mick demands. Althea just stares at the blonde like a deer in headlights.

"Mick as much as I love you, you are not knowing who I am dating. You either Juan. Both of you just yap to everyone and you'd end up accidentally telling people. I don't want that." Althea smiles. "Come on, you need to continue to warm up," Angelina tells the three. "Sorry, Angie." The girl smiles at her. "It's fine." The older woman winks at her.

"Okay, you ready for the final push?" Althea's race engineer, Kennedy Cavill, yes Henry Cavill's sister, says, as the racer crosses over the line to start her last lap. "I always am, Ken," Althea says, going around the corner. "Who's behind me?" Althea wonders as she checks her mirrors but can't see whose car is behind her. "It's Mick, Thea," Kennedy tells her.

"This is going to be another easy team championship again." Althea laughs. "And an Althea May Championship." The woman says through the headphones. "Wait did you say Mick was behind me!?" Althea shouts. "Yes, I did." Kennedy scoffs. "How? Bro literally started from twenty-six, and he's now second." Althea shouts. "Please wait for the shouting until you cross over the finish line." The Cavill girl says.

"Okay, my bad." Althea apologises, as she drives around another corner. "I can see it!" Althea yells when she sees the finish line. "We always believed in you, Althea." Kennedy sighs. "Are you crying?" Althea laughs. "No." The race engineer cries. "You so are!" Althea says as she crosses the finish line. "And you've done it again, Althea May, you are the Italian Formula Four Champion!" Kennedy shouts, Althea smiles when she hears the Prema team yelling from the background.

God, she'll miss this next year.

"I just want to thank the whole Prema team, for this year. The people here and at the factory. And the teammates that go along with it. None of this would have been possible without any of your guys, so thank you. And thank you to my amazing parents, for letting me kart when I was younger, and my sister, she's always been there for me as well." Althea says a little speech as she waves to the fans in the stand.

"Althea May, we see one another again." Anaya laughs, seeing the girl stand in front of her. "We do." The girl smiles. "So tell me, does this win feel any different than the win you experienced earlier this month?" The Sanchez woman wonders. "Erm, not really. But sort of, knowing that the team I race for is Italian and me and my two teammates have got Prema the team championship, it makes it a good win. I enjoy seeing the team smile and be happy." She sighs.

"And your dad's here, how does that feel?" She wonders as she sees James wipe his eye from the side. "Yeah, it's good." Althea smiles when she looks at the man. "He's always has been my number one supporter. It's thanks to him that I got into cars in the first place. And how I am able to race, he's always been by my side in the ups and downs." Althea continues to look at her dad, smiling wider when he sends her a wink.

"And a question I think everyone wants to know. Do you know what you are doing next year?" Anaya asks. "I do, I do. Sadly I won't be with my Prema family again. I'll be racing in the Formula Renault Eurocup, with Tech One Racing." Althea smiles sadly. "I'm sure you'll smash that as well Althea. You've raced amazingly this past year." Anaya smiles. "Thanks, Anaya, it's just the team and the car, I can't take all of the credit." Althea laughs.

"As the amazing driver you are, you can. But go and enjoy the celebrations." Anaya tells her. "Thank you once again." Althea hands the mic back before the cameras show her running to her dad and wrapping him in a big hug. "Congratulations, Alan." Althea opens her eyes to look beside her to see her boyfriend on FaceTime. "Pastry! Oh my god! You should be asleep, it's like twelve o'clock for you." Althea gasps.

"I had to congratulate you on the win, I'm proud of you, Alan." Oscar smiles. "You gonna make me blush, stop it." She hides her face with her hand as she walks off with her dad. "No, but seriously Althea, you have done amazingly this year. And driving like that, you are guaranteed a spot in Formula One in the upcoming years." Oscar tells her, making a genuine smile spread across her face.

"Stop, you're making me cry." Althea huffs, wiping her eyes. "It's the truth," Oscar whispers. Althea sees Mick and Juan walking towards her so she opens her eyes wide and looks to her dad's phone. "Pastry boy, I gotta go, Micky and Juan and walking this way. But please go to sleep, it's late." She stares at her boyfriend through the phone. "I will do, enjoy your celebrations." He winks before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Juan asks. "None of your business." Althea pushes his seat laughing. "It was her boyfriend." James teases. "Dad! You're not helping my case here!" She shouts, shaking her head. "What's his name?" Juan looks to his teammate's dad. "Don't you dare!" Althea quickly covered his mouth with her hands knowing that he'd tell them.

Authors Note:


Only because I can't wait until they soft launch this relationship. It's going to be so fun!

But I have updated other books. I updated my Oliver Bearman one, and my Liam Lawson one. So go and give them a read!

Remember I love you all ❤️

And don't forget to drink your daily dose is water 💧

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