Interlude - Life and Death

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New chapter type!

Interludes are short chapters that don't directly connect to the characters but set a nice background to the story.

They're a way I devised to give the reader a better idea of how this world or more specifically how these gods work. I feel like gods appear a ton in books but these guys work a little differently, so I think some explanation would help.

Sounds good?


Let us begin.


Life and death.

They're two sides of the same coin.

A lack of one would undoubtedly mean the presence of the other.

So far there have been only 15 different gods of life and death.

Only one of each can exist at the same time.

Currently, Toriel and Asgore hold the title and power of life and death.

Though they dislike messing with the natural flow and ebb of life and death, changing the fate of one or two humans won't have a major impact.

If you were to somehow greatly upset Toriel, the Goddess of life, you wouldn't die. Unlike popular belief, you would suffer something much more painful than death.

Every waking minute you would grow older at an accelerated rate.

You might start developing joint pain, a major disease, or a mental illness. These do occur naturally. They can be remedied and cured, but you can still die from the natural ailments. But, if you were to obtain them from Toriel's wrath, then they will be permanent. Incurable pains that will persist until death. And death won't come for you until you've lived a complete and miserable life.

Although rare, angering the God of death is still possible. It can be as or even more punishing than angering Toriel.

Having Asgore, keeper of souls turn from you would lead to an unfortunate fate.

Cursed with life, you be left to trek the world with no one by your side.

At first, things will continue like normal.

However, after enough time passes, they will notice that as the people around them age and weaken, they would stay the same.

Even as their family, friends, and loved ones slowly pass away. They would stay the same.

Some would try to create new relationships, forge a new alias pretend nothing has changed.

Some pursue greater understanding through obtaining knowledge.

All they would have is enthusiasm for their new freedom.

It never lasts.

Cycle after cycle, decade after decade, they stay undying, unable to stop the relationship they've created from wilting away or the things they have learned from blurring in obscurity.

Until they can handle it anymore.

They eventually go mad, be it guilt or something else.

By then their original self has already left for a long time.

Only then will the god of death come to collect their soul.

Perhaps you are familiar with this concept.

Immortality, some may call it.

Many people are enraptured by this idea, of having as much time as they need to complete all their desires.

But if given the opportunity they would all crumble.

Seeing loved ones pass again, and again, and again.

They would all beg for a way out. Beg for the sweet release of death, to finally join the people around them.

Death doesn't care for your pleas.


Hey there.

It's been a while, I'm guessing that you are wondering about the gap in posting.

Well, as you know, school is back in session and people say that this year will be the hardest. I can't believe I am already stressed about work in the first month of school.

I guess it is a little bit of my fault too. I chose some really difficult classes that will definitely be a pain to get through.

All this is to say I won't have as much time to write for this story.

Don't worry, I won't go on hiatus and never will.

Until I have finished the stories I want to tell, I will keep making time and writing chapters.


One day I will stop posting.

All stars die, just at different times.

I am sure you have already seen your fair share.

I don't like it, I don't think you do either.

So I'll try to keep lighting the way for as long as I can.

I hope the time you and I spend here will be at the very least enjoyable.

Until then?

Remember to keep shining bright. My little stars.

441 words. September 17, 2023.

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