Bygone Memories - Best Friends

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Those of you who are new, welcome to the story.

As shown in the title, this is a Chara x Reader fanfic. I'm sure you've already read your fair share of these types of stories. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, would you?

It will be a little different. I can't say much without spoiling parts of the story but I'll try my best.

I'll try to list out some rules for you.

There will be different types of chapters, each of which will have their own purpose. Whether it's to explain the past, a shining moment in the present, or something that might not move forward the plot but is nice background knowledge to know.

These chapters will be labeled as :  [Type of chapter] - Chapter name.

Dialogue will be abundant as I think it's the life and soul of the characters you make and it's just a part of my writing style. Internal dialogue, by proxy, will also be prevalent in the form of italics. A thought will be written as a sentence like this:

Hm... what should I have for dinner today?

The chapters will usually have me talking at the beginning and end of the chapter. The actual story will be separated by a line of squiggly lines. Like this :


Instead of saying "3 minutes later or 2 hours later", I will be using short dashes [ - ], and long dashes [ — ]. They will denote a short period of time passing or a long period of time passing. Multiple dashes put after one will be a numerical representation of how many minutes or hours have passed.

For example :

"- - -" is three minutes, while "———" is three hours. Don't let the long dashes at the end of a dialogue fool you though, that's just the character getting cut off mid-sentence.

POVs are usually put before a chapter starts and lie dead center of the page. I think a POV is self-explanatory. They basically give you free rein over the thoughts of that character in addition to everything else.

An example :


One thing to keep in mind is that the narrators are different from POVs. While the characters provide the dialogue, the narrator provides everything else. This is important because the narrator changes once in a while for specific reasons. They will have slightly different writing styles and you have to figure out who's piloting the story at what time.

I think that is all. Old readers would already know this because they appear in future chapters.

This story in reality is just a creative project for me, I'm normally not a very good writer and I hope that I can get better at writing as a whole with the suggestions and constructive criticism that come with this story.

I personally love the game of Undertale and the choices that are given to the player. There are so many things that someone could write about using the game as a blueprint and I wanted to throw my hat into the ring.

I don't know how long this story will truly last and the end still seems a mile away. At the time of writing this, I have completed around 35 Chapters and there is still plenty to be written, so I hope you stick around to see the entire story play out.

That being said, expect the chapter output to slow down a bit. AP tests are coming next month and I don't wanna die by the hands of my parents because I got a 3.

My Guardian Angel [Chara x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now