Bygone Memories - Clashing Ideologies

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Okay guys this chapter is a big boy, so get comfortable.
That's all. Enjoy.


"Alright, alright. Let's settle down guys. We'll be here for the rest of eternity if y'all keep up like this. I have a really interesting session today and I would like to spend more time there than here."
The chattering of the children finally quieted down at the Game Master's request. A specific angel, however, was still nervously squirming in her seat despite the reassurance of her peers.
"Chara, calm down. It'll be fine, I promise you," ##### said.
"Really? What if I mess up? I don't want to make things more difficult for everyone else..."
"Most of the game is dictated on random chance, you'll mess up just as much as anyone else," #### laughed jokingly.
"That's not reassuring..."
The Game Master's voice snapped the two out of their bickering, and their attention moved over to him.
"The game will start up soon. Hold your dice in your hand and it will automatically transfer with you. I will have a character in-game that will narrate and keep note of interactions. Remember, what you do will affect what happens later on in the game, so plan and act accordingly."
"D-dice? I didn't bring a dice!" Chara loudly whispered.
"Come on sis, did you really think I wouldn't think of that beforehand? Here, I had one personally made for you. Look at the symbol replacing 'one', it's a pair of wings decorated with flowers."
"O-oh! Thanks #####. You're the best!"
"Hehe, don't mention it."
Chara collected the twenty-sided dice from ##### and clenched it tightly in her hand.
The Game Master spoke up again.
"Okay, terrain's fully loaded. Get ready, you might feel a little dizzy once we enter."
##### held Chara's shoulder gently with one hand, still trying to calm her nerves.
"Close your eyes..."
As everyone closed their eyes, a click could be heard in the background, alongside a momentary whirling sound.
"And we're here," The Game Master announced.
A completely different setting replaced the castle game room. Even the massive table the crew sat around had magically disappeared without a trace.
Not only that, but everyone's clothing changed too. Undyne's casual wear was replaced by medieval cloth, chain mail, metal plating, and a massive spear. Papyrus was now wearing a large apron, a comically large chef hat, a large backpack, and welding a spatula. ##### donned a brown cloak covering half of her body, a pair of shorts, and various vials and small weapons strapped to her waist, amongst which was a strange medallion with red heart insignia drawn on it. Alphys was still wearing her lab assistant coat and glasses but was also holding a mysterious medium-sized case. Asriel also had a set of armor on, bearing the insignia of the royal family, the Delta Rune. His weapon seemed to be some sort of omni-saber, one that can change into a blaster. Sans was just wearing a large black cloak and holding a book.
Everyone had a unique outfit except for Chara. She didn't even have any armor on.
The weather here was amazing. The sun was out and random wisps of clouds slowly floated around the sky. A gentle breeze glided around, nudging Chara's bangs ever so slightly.
Chara fought the urge to spread her wings and fly off into the blue sky.
Pink petals drifted slowly to the ground as the wind detached loose pieces from the cherry blossom trees.
"Whoa... this is so cool! Alphys, look! It's just like that anime you asked me to watch!"
"You're right, Undyne. It does pose a striking resemblance. Perhaps our GM got a little lazy and borrowed some assets."
"Ahem, how slanderous. As a reminder, since I am the GM, I do control certain events and how the NPCs talk and react. However, since I am a reasonable person, I will set aside this blatant challenge of my authority, and it won't affect the rest of the run."
"Bring it on! I'd like to see what you think can stop us!" Undyne contested defiantly, grinning from gill to gill.
"It'll be a challenge for sure, knowing the kind of GM Sans is. Since Undyne wants to do it, I won't mind either."
"Hmm... any objections from anyone else in the crew?" The GM asks with a little intrigue in his voice.
"Yeah! Nothing will be a problem for the God of Hyperdeath!" Asriel boasted.
"Eh, I don't see a problem with it," ##### said.
"H-hey! I'm new here! How come you guys are already voting for a harder game?!" Chara protested.
"I agree with Chara. She is new to this kind of thing, so we should help her out a little!" Papyrus said.
The crew all mumbled in agreement.
"Hm... if you really want, I can activate easy mode for Chara so that the others still can enjoy the heightened difficulty."
"Oh, okay. Wait, what's easy mode again?"
"Normally, rolling a nine or under will result in an unfavorable interaction, anything eleven and above will result in a good interaction, and I get to decide what happens when a ten is rolled. It can swing both ways depending on how I'm feeling. Easy mode will change it so you would have to roll a five or under for an unfavorable interaction and anything above will result in a favorable one."
"Ohh... okay, what does the harder mode mean then?"
"It'll take more favorable interactions overall to 'beat' a situation."
"Okay, I guess that'll be fine." Chara agreed.
"Alright. Annnd...... done. Do you feel any luckier?"
"Good, you shouldn't. It's not like you have a higher chance of rolling high numbers."
"What?" Chara was a little confused at the offhanded remark.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it," The GM said with a sly grin on his face.
"Hey! Math isn't my strong suit!" Undyne yells out, making a break for the GM.
"Undyne, calm down. We don't want to make things harder for ourselves." Alphys said.
"Hmph... one more comment like that and I'll break his femur," Undyne growled threateningly.
"What about my outfit? Everyone else has some kind of armor or gear and I'm still wearing this rinky dink robe."
"Hmm. Do you have a role you want to play in mind?"
"Um... not really," Chara mumbled, lowering her head and staring at the floor.
"Okay... how about this? I have a good role for you, and you don't even have to change."
Sans opened his book and wrote something down with a pen.
An orb of shimmering light descended from the sky and stopped falling right in front of Chara.
It bore a pair of wings in the middle.
"Take the orb and you will gain the role of an Angel. Your dice will become an angelic sword, which deals more damage to corrupted enemies. However, I don't think you'll get to use it much as your main goal is to aid your comrades in battle and keep them alive. Your flight speed will be increased in battle and your robe will give you a substantial amount of defense, acting a lot like a shield in many regards. In critical situations, your flight speed will be increased even further. For example, Undyne rushes into battle with blatant disregard for her own well-being and rolls a critical failure—"
"Hey!" Undyne complained loudly while being restrained by Alphys.
"Ahem, as I was saying, in a situation where a critical failure occurrence is happening, your flight speed will be increased even more to allow you to help your friends out of those situations. In addition to this, you will gain a special ability, 'Saving Grace'. If you manage to remove one of your friends from a tricky situation, this ability will activate and increase speed and critical hit chance of your peers by 15 percent."
"That sounds cool. I think I can do that." Chara agreed, nodding her head.
"Good. You will be able to keep your wings as implied by the 'increased flight speed" unlike #####. She had to give hers up because it didn't fit her role."
"W-what? How did you take away #####'s wings?"
"It's just a visual thing and is only shown like that in the game. Having massive wings kinda defeats the point of her role, which is stealth."
"Oh... okay."
"Alright. Take the orb in your hands and you'll automatically obtain the role.
Chara nodded, reaching her hands and gently holding the warm orb in her hands.
"Heh. Come on guys, we're focusing on the wrong thing. We've spent the past thirty minutes in the starting area."
The group agreed with the GM's assessment, finally deciding to continue forward.
Following the GM's lead, the crew found themselves in a quiet village. It was strange, normally there would be people walking around, engaging in exchanges, and children playing, but here it felt like a ghost town.
Nobody was here.
"Hey, where is everyone? The silence here is kinda creepy..." Chara inquired.
"Maybe we can check in with one of the inhabitants." The GM answered.
"Let's check this house. The townsfolk might be hiding from something." ##### volunteered.
##### knocked on the door of the decrepit old house and waited for someone to open the door.
An old monster opened the door very slightly, just enough so that they could see out.
"Who are you? What do you want?" They asked cautiously.
"We are just some travelers passing by. Where is everyone? This place feels like a ghost town." ##### questioned.
"Roll for inquiry," The GM stated.
"Really? Fine."
She drew her dagger and then threw it up into the air. It immediately shrunk in size, reverting back to a dice.
"14. Can we continue?" ##### said, slightly annoyed
"Very well."
"Travelers? Have you not heard? There have been humans running around and erratically killing monsters. We've all been told to hide in our homes and keep quiet... it's best for you to keep moving. The humans might come back for us."
"Hm, I see. Thank you for the information, and do try to keep yourself safe."
"Likewise. Goodbye travelers."
With that, they quickly closed and locked the door.
##### reconnected to the group and explained what had happened.
"H-humans killing monsters? Why would they do such a thing?" Chara anxiously asked.
"Plot." The GM answered nonchalantly.
"Great, because that tells us soooo much," Undyne mocked sarcastically.
"Don't push yourself," Sans warned.
"Hmph," Undyne puffed and crossed her arms, armor clanking in the process.
"Let's split up and gather more information about these humans, it'll be quicker that way," ##### suggested.
Everyone in the group agreed and formed small groups. Undyne with Alphys, Sans with Papyrus, and the group of three with Chara, #####, and Asriel.
"Okay, let's move out and regroup here when we're done," ##### said.
Everyone split off into their own paths.
"Okay, we should probably check in with the other locals right?" Asriel asks the sisters.
"That sounds good. Now we won't have Sans trolling us with RNG." ##### said.
"Let's go over to that house. Maybe we can gain something there."
Chara nodded silently. She still wasn't accustomed to these kinds of situations.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
"Do you think this house is abandoned? Chara asked.
"Unlucky. Seems like the humans got to this family..." ##### replied regretfully.
Asriel stayed quiet. It seems like he doesn't want to share his thoughts.
The trio moved on to the next house... then the next... then the next.
Ghost Town seemed more and more accurate by the moment.
"Jeez, just how many houses do we have to check? My wings are getting camps."
"Last one. It's about time to get back." ##### reassured.
"Why would the humans do something like this?" Asriel asked slightly frustrated.
"Who knows? Sans always comes up with something like this, and there's always a reason or motive or whatever." ##### said.
"W-well, a story needs a bag guy, right? Or it wouldn't be interesting?" Chara reasoned.
"Hmph, I hate villains with no reason behind their actions." Asriel griped.
"Ah, lay it off of Sans, I'm sure he has something prepared for us. Oh, and while you're at it, go knock this time. I think the residents might be scared because I look human."
"Fine, hopefully we don't go back empty-handed."
*knock* *knock* *knock*
The door creaks open.
"Finally." ##### groaned.
A kid peeks out from behind the crack of the open door.
"W-what do you want? Mom and Dad both say that we shouldn't be opening doors for strangers..."
"Don't worry, we're just some travelers wondering what happened here. It's strange that a big town like this one would be so desolate."
"T-those nasty humans have been doing b-bad things," tears began welling up in their eyes, and then they blurted out, "T-they killed my f-friend! The group of bad h-humans killed my friend!"
The child quickly covered their mouth with their own hands, realizing that they probably shouldn't have said that.
Dropping their hands to their waist, the child looks down regretfully.
" ...It's not safe to be outside right now."
Asriel seemed deep in thought.
Suddenly a shrill voice quickly grew louder as someone approached the doorway.
"Oh my god, what are you doing? Who are you talking to? Didn't we tell you to never open the door for anyone?!"
Hearing their mother's voice, the kid jumped and their face suddenly contorted in shock.
"B-but Mom! T-they aren't the bad humans..."
"Go to your room!"
The putter patter of the Child's footsteps signified their departure.
"I can't believe this... one rule. Just one rule and you still can't help yourself." The mother muttered to herself.
The stern mother slammed the door shut with a loud bang.
"Ruthless," Asriel notes.
"Seems like the humans were too," ##### said while walking up with Chara. "Unless that kid just so happened to be friends with an adult, the group of humans definitely murdered some children."
"......" Chara can't help but feel a little queasy at the comment.
"Sigh... still not much progress. Let's hope the others have better luck than us," ##### said.
The trio agreed and began heading back to the designated return area.
Everyone got back together without much delay.
"Any luck? We didn't get much except for the fact the humans are pieces of shit," Asriel asked the rest of the group.
"A lot of the houses never answered our knocks, but there were a couple that did," Undyne reported.
"Go on..."
"Apparently the humans came in a group of five. Some were capable of using magic, others had plain weapons. They all had a reasonable amount of armor and were skilled enough to take out this village's guards."
"Yikes. A group of five? That won't be easy to deal with when push comes to shove. That's one for the each of us not accounting for Sans. He usually doesn't take part in his sessions." ##### pointed out.
"Hit the nail on the head for that one." The GM chuckled.
"Yeah. So five versus five might get a little tough with Chara around." ##### teased.
"H-hey! I'm still playing in easy mode!"
"Still, this simulation is still based on your actual fighting capabilities, not to mention that your role isn't suited for fighting."
"H-hey, chin up! That doesn't mean you won't be helpful!" ##### said nervously.
"Yeah, yeah." Chara waved her comment off dismissively. "How about you guys? Did you find anything of note?"
"Oh, did we! We managed to uncover where the humans were going next! If we catch up, we might be able to stop them." Papyrus explained excitedly.
"Oh? Are you sure your brother didn't help you out a little?" Undyne quipped.
"I'm still here ya know." The GM complained.
"No, really?"
Sans stared at her with a vaguely bored gaze.
Undyne stared back in defiance.
"You don't want to make it harder for everyone else, do you?"
She quickly broke away from the staring contest before acquiescing.
"So where are they going Papyrus? The longer we spend here, the further the gap between us grows." Asriel said, trying to pull everyone's attention back to the task at hand.
"Right, the resident said that the humans were heading southeast by that dirt path on the outskirts of the town."
"Well, let's get going then, how does that sound? At least we'll be making progress as you two argue." ##### compromised.
After walking for a considerable amount of time, the group came across another town, one much more lively than the last.
This one seems to be a human village as well. Hopefully, they won't be as violent as that other group.
"They sure like staring," Alphys stated with a bitter tone.
"Yeah, it makes me want to smash their heads in."
"Ahem, need I remind you all that we're the ones out of place here? Of course, they're going to stare." Asriel countered.
"Maybe you should ask around instead of wandering around mindlessly," The GM suggested.
"Really? They look like they want to lock us up instead of talking." ##### said.
The GM shrugged as if saying: "Then I guess you're on your own."
Maybe it's because the GM wanted everyone to get immersed in the story, or maybe it's because he's lazy. Who knows?
Nobody seemed to be volunteering.
"Oh my god, do I have to do everything around here?" ##### groaned.
"You probably wouldn't have to if you didn't look that much like a human." Alphys pointed out.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Just don't miss me too much while I'm gone."
"You'll literally be gone for like 1 minute top."
##### walked away so as to not drag the argument on for too long.
'Maybe the blacksmith might have some answers.' ##### thought to herself.
Said burly blacksmith was working away at his anvil with a red-hot piece of metal while giving her friends the side-eye.
"Hey big guy, know where we—"
The blacksmith stopped smashing the mailable metal just to glare at her.
"What is your business here? Unless you plan on buying something, I suggest you take yourself and your monster friends out of my shop's entrance and leave. You're driving away customers."
'Wow this guy's a piece of work, isn't he? Though I very much want to cut his head off, I won't because it'll ruin my chances of getting information and most likely create a massive ruckus.' ##### thought while furrowing her eyebrows.
"Right, we'll leave as soon as you give us some informal—"
"Do you have gold?" The blacksmith asked impatiently.
#####'s eyes twitched and she could feel herself reaching for her dagger in annoyance, but she stopped herself in the interest of the rest of the gang.
"I'll get to that. Once I get my information I'll—"
The blacksmith interrupts her for the third time, "Likely story. If you don't get out of my workshop immediately, I will alert the authorities and have you and your little friend escorted to a dungeon where you belong."
##### has had enough.
Thanks to her role, she can be extremely fast when she wants to be.
In the blink of an eye, ##### closed the distance between the two and drew her dagger up to the blacksmith's throat.
"Listen here you piece of shit. You interrupt me one more time and I'll make sure nobody has to ever hear your obnoxious voice ever again, so let's try again. I want information on the group of five humans that raided the village Northwest from here."
"Oh, a group of monster lovers? Disgusting—" the blacksmith spat.
##### pushed her blade closer to the blacksmith's neck, successfully shutting him up again.
"You talk a lot of crap for someone on death's door. I won't ask again. Give me information about the raid and the humans that conducted it."
"So, what are you? Some mercenaries? Hah! The humans you were talking about are five of the greatest warriors and mages we humans have to offer. They've completed hundreds of commissions like that one and you think your little team can take them out? What a joke." He mocked.
'Sans wasn't kidding huh?'
##### pressed the blade even closer to his neck.
"Maybe we are, maybe we're not. That's none of your fucking business, so answer the damn question."
The blacksmith finally relented.
"It was a task made at the commission center to get rid of some high-risk monster and to send a message. Those abominations take our land and think we won't do anything about it? As if."
"Oh, so you count the children of those monsters to be threats as well? 'Cause, they didn't seem to have had any trouble killing them off even though the children had no way of fighting back."
"That's what they goddam deserv—" The blacksmith snarled.
He couldn't finish his sentence. Having severed vocal cords can do that to ya.
##### couldn't bear listening to the blacksmith anymore. She already got her information, so he's more use to her dead than alive anyway.
The kill was swift and effective. Not a single sound was made except for the swishing of her knife.
The blacksmith crumbled into small colorful cubes before disappearing.
'Right... I shouldn't get so riled up over a fictional character..."
##### returned to the main group and relayed the information.
"Wow. What an asshole." Undyne said.
"Yep, luckily for us, he won't be calling up the authorities in his state." ##### joked.
"D-did you kill him?" Chara stammered.
"So what if I did? It's just a game anyway. Besides, he was being a complete ass about it too."
Chara didn't respond.
"So is the commission center our next stop?" Papyrus asked.
"Yup. Let's hope we meet some nicer people over there." ##### said.
"Hold it." The GM insisted.
"What is it oh great Game Master?"
"Roll for stealth."
"You just love watching me suffer don't cha?" ##### asked in a monotone voice.
"Not even hiding it anymore huh? Fine."
##### tossed her dagger up again, similar to how she did previously.
The knife quickly morphed into a dice, and...
"Haha! It's a 19, take that!" ##### celebrated her victory of chance against the GM.
The GM clapped slowly, clearly disappointed that ##### got away with such a forceful interrogation tactic.
"It seems that #####'s actions hold no consequences whatsoever. None of the city-goers notice the distinct lack of hammering sounds from the blacksmith's workshop. It was almost as if there wasn't even a blacksmith at all. It's fine though, they can always find someone else to do the job."
"Shove it up yours, jackass."
"Language." The GM warned.
"Whatever." ##### casually brushed off the GM's words.
The trek to the commission center was a slow and arduous one. The group tried to ignore all the gossip and stares given to them by the humans to no avail. Complaining and threats could be heard from Undyne, but the GM suggested against acting rashly, bringing up how she won't be able to get away with it as easily as ##### did.
After a while, the group finally arrived at the commission center, and an old woman came out to personally greet them.
"Hello, travelers! This is the commission center. People post tasks all the time and the rewards are always high. You must be new around here, right? I don't believe we've met before." The old lady introduces herself.
After some quick deliberation, the group decided to choose Chara to be the speaker since ##### was getting a little annoyed by how much talking she had to do.
"Come on Chara! You got this!"
"W-wait! I can't—"
##### pushed Chara forward to be the mediator.
"H-hi, are we not going to get kicked out or something? Are you sure my friends over there won't be a problem?" Chara asked nervously. She was testing the waters with the old lady, trying to see if she possessed any prejudice.
"No, no. As long as you and your friends are willing to help others, then I'll gladly give you some commissions to work on." The old lady reassured in a croaky voice.
"Okay, that's good. Unfortunately, we aren't looking for any commission for now. I'm looking for a group of people rather than something to do."
"Oh? Is this a missing persons case? I can put up a commission if you'd like."
"No, nothing like that. Have you heard of a group of humans that took up a commission on the village Northwest from this one?"
"Do I? If I'm remembering correctly, the five humans you're talking about must be the Great Heros of Rystinia!"
"Wow, I think Sans took the plot point for point with this one..." Undyne whispered in the background.
"Hush. There are others who don't watch anime as much as we do." Alphys shushed.
"Only 2 sol cycles prior, these heroes challenged and defeated the demon lord, setting free all the monsters under their control and finally putting the human race at ease."
"Oh... is that the reason why humans have a certain disdain for monsters?" Chara asked with a newfound curiosity.
"Yes, though I don't quite understand why. The monsters were just as subjugated as we were. Although the monsters killed many humans under the demon lord's command, almost all of them were forced to. To my knowledge, any dissenters in the demon would immediately be executed with zero mercy. So when posed with the decision of taking a human life or giving their own, they chose to save themselves. I don't think I would have made a different decision."
'I probably shouldn't bring up the dead children...'
"Oh, I got a little off-topic, didn't I? What did you need to know again?"
"D-don't worry about it. What you said was pretty helpful. One more thing though, can we know where they've gone?"
"Hm? Why is that?"
A bead of sweat formed on her forehead.
"O-oh... we're some newbies who want to learn a thing or two from the best! Yes, that's it. We want to see if we can help them in any way."
"Ah, so you're some adoring fans! Look, normally I wouldn't do this, as many people want to meet with the Great 5, but since you guys are just starting out at this gig, I'll give you a pass. Here's the information on the last commission they've taken. It's a transport mission to the next town over. Go on, it might take some time for you to catch up, so it's best to set off now."
"Oh! Thank you. This is extremely helpful and I'm sure my friends will appreciate it as much as I do."
##### walks forward seeing as the questioning was quite a success.
"Take this Miss, you deserve it." ##### tossed a sack of gold to the old lady who caught it by surprise.
"Oh, no, no, no. I can't take this. I was simply doing my job, nothing deserving of this much gold!" The old lady's mouth gapped at the sight of the bag.
"On the contrary, you were the only person who didn't mock my friends while we talked and also actually gave us some valuable information, so keep it. Think of it like a gratuity for being nice."
'... oh well. It doesn't seem like I'll be convincing you any time soon, so I might as well. Hmm, maybe I can donate it to a local shelter," The old lady thought to herself, "Good luck then."
"See ya, Miss." ##### bid farewell, gently pulling Chara's arm towards the rest of the group.
"Bye, bye now. Stay safe out there." The old lady smiled while waving.
A wave of thanks was given out to the old lady from everyone else in the group.
"Will do." ##### reassured, giving her a small wave before departing.

"A transport mission huh... to a village directly west from this one. I wonder what they're moving?" Asriel contemplated while scratching his head.
"Probably some supplies," Alphys responded.
Everyone seemed to be avoiding the elephant in the room.
So the GM decided to pull it up into the conversation.
"So what do you plan on doing with the 5 humans once we catch up to them?"
Though nobody wanted to bring it up, everyone seemed to have an opinion.
"Well, obviously I'm going to give them a piece of my mind and spear! Whoever they are, their status doesn't make up for what they did! Kids died, and I'm going to make sure justice is served!" Undyne exclaimed.
"I'm going to have to agree with Undyne on this one. Just because they were doing a commission doesn't mean they have to right to overstep their boundaries." Asriel agreed.
"I say we find them and talk it out. There's mostly a misunderstanding, and jumping to conclusions will lead to unnecessary conflict." Papyrus said, sharing his thoughts with the rest of the group despite being the odd one out in his sentiment.
"Are you seriously trying to justify the murder of children?" Undyne asked impatiently.
"Hmmm as much as I want to side with Undyne, Papyrus is right. Leading with emotions usually leaves rationality by the wayside, and getting into fights with people who we don't know can lead to a swift and unneeded defeat." Alphys stated.
"We can't be so sure that they want to talk. If they're anything like the others we've met, then they'll most likely choose to fight anyway. Trying to reason with them would be a waste of time." ##### said, giving her opinion, "Besides, I'm confident that we can take them."
"B-but that only assuming that they would choose to fight!" Chara cried.
The entire group was shocked at Chara's outburst.
"A-aggression from our side would only confirm any pre-existing biases they might have, and if they don't have any it would be reasonable for them to fight back in self-defense," Chara took a breath in before continuing, "The old lady explained to me that these five are great heroes of these lands and save the lives of many monsters and humans alike. Best case scenario, it would be extremely difficult to beat them in a battle and the worst case is we all get blown off the board. Plus, I second Papyrus' assessment. I don't think that they are bad people. Maybe some circumstances forced their hand. In any case, we shouldn't judge so quickly."
"Are we forgetting that they killed children? What kind of circumstance leads to that happening?!" Undyne pointed out.
"Ahem, in any case. I believe that there is a tie in the group. As the GM and creator of this scenario, I'd like to give my two pieces." The GM said.
"Chara's statement is very valid. As a rational person myself, I would choose to be on her side. However, I can only give my thoughts, not make any decisions. That will be for you guys to figure out on your own."
"Then what's the point of giving your opinion then, bonehead?" Undyne groaned.
"To maybe sway one of you over to this side." The GM said with a sly grin.
"That being said, this session has been quite eventful, and I think that here is a good stopping point."
Everyone in the group expressed their dissatisfaction and annoyance with what the GM had said.
"Yeah, yeah. Get it all out. When you're ready, close your eyes and you'll return to the castle game room. Hopefully, by the next time we return, a side will have won the stalemate."


Well, that was a lot, wasn't it? I think this might be the longest chapter I've ever written. This bad boy kept me up till midnight for a good three days, so that's why this chapter was a bit late.
This chapter gives a lot of context to the story as a whole and fills a couple of potholes that have been annoying me, and you guys get more insight into these characters and how the gears in their heads turn.
That aside, hey guys! Long time no see. I can't believe that summer is basically already over. College creeps closer and closer every day.
I haven't been able to make one of these end segments for quite a while, huh?
So, how have you been? Enjoying the story so far? Do you have any burning questions that have to be addressed? Or anything you find confusing as the story progresses? You don't have to be shy, I'll answer anything to quell your grievances. My story is nowhere near perfect and I know that. Because of that, I don't mind any criticism and suggestions that might help me or my story improve.
Keep in mind that I'll be making some adjustments to previous chapters to make this one fit better in this story's narrative. If you want to know then ask and I'll disclose as much as I can.
Hm... I don't think I have much to discuss at this moment, so it might be goodbye for now. See you next week and hopefully, I won't be this late next time.
Welp, that's all.

Oh and as always.

Remember to shine bright, my little stars.

5230 words, August 9th, 2024.

My Guardian Angel [Chara x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now