Interlude - Zero equals Zero

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A single force that drags everything back to zero.

Entropy used to be just that, a force.

Something that automatically reverses imbalances in their domain.

With the birth of the original god, that changed. The original god was the exact thing that entropy was trying to combat. A nonzero. A large bundle of potential energy.

This potential energy is nothing like you've ever seen.

The immense power of nuclear bombs can't compare.

The entirety of humanity cannot compare.

Not even the sun could compare.

Potential energy bursts originally were limited to black holes and neutron stars.

By no means were these bundles of potential energy small.

It is just that compared to entropy's vast presence, they're essentially zero.

Entropy can easily reduce these bursts to nothing.

It's only a matter of time.

The creation of the original god was much more energy entropy ever had to deal with.

The previous bursts were insignificant dust in comparison.

This can be visualized in a simple equation.

Zero equals zero.

These bursts are so infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of things that adding these fractions to one side wouldn't change anything.

Zero plus 1 over infinity is still zero.

However, the creation of the original god was very different.

Take our original equation for example.

Zero equals zero.

The creation of the original god essentially added 1 to a single side.

From a simple equation of zero equals zero...

To one equals zero.

A paradox.

That paradox gave entropy a conscience, a force that made them alive.

With cosmic eyes, they saw an error.

A major one at that.

A mistake that they were not going to let go.

They were filled with a desire to press this paradox out of existence.

They became hellbent on fixing this wrong.

It wouldn't matter how much time it would take.

Entropy was a patient being.

It's only a matter of time.


The original god was powerful, with the largest stockpile of potential energy ever to exist.

But they were just born.

How could they, an infant, oppose a concept presented for eons upon eons?

The truth is they couldn't.

They were surrounded.

Entropy was slowly eating away their potential energy.

One is still a finite number.

Entropy will eventually whittle them down in time, like everything else before them.

The primordial god would not go down without a fight.

Taking their potential energy, they created a sprawling universe, stars and galaxies spread out everywhere.

But this doesn't solve the problem, just ties a bow to it.

The original god would begin to see their universe slowly being consumed.

Knowing that their death was merely a matter of time, they had a single choice.

So in one final desperate attempt, they separated their remaining potential energy into 7 chunks.

Not equal pieces mind you, there were two of the seven that stood out.

Who knows if this was intentional or not?

The only thing that is known is that these 2 would stand the most chance at fending Entropy off.

Who are they?

That's not important for now.


The primordial's final ace up its sleeve is the seven.

The original god gave them a power that they didn't have.

The 7 had the power to create energy, their potential energy was technically infinite.

With this power, they could combat Entropy.

Entropy found this humorous.

What a pathetic attempt.

The original god wasn't perfect.

The 7 children would be no different.

One fly turns to seven gnats.

Crushing either should be considered the same.

It doesn't matter how much time it will take.

They will try until the end of time to set this outburst of potential energy to zero.

The seven would only last so long.

It's only a matter of time.

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