Toriel's Love

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Toriel blocks the way.

Chara's red heart appeared.

*Toriel isn't in the mood to talk. Fight.

"W-wait! Toriel!"

She doesn't respond. Extending her arms, Toriel prepares to launch a magical attack.

The smell of brimstone permeated the room.

Toriel's tightly clenched paws loosen, then open.

A ball of fire ignites, lighting up her solemn face.

Chara's eyes widen. 

Stepping towards her slowly, Toriel closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Her steps speed up.

Closer and closer.

She opens her eyes.

Toriel sweeps her hands at her, the fire in her hands leaving behind a trail of embers.

Chara ducked under her strike, quickly moving over to her left to avoid any follow-ups.

Watching carefully, Chara noticed the embers dropping to the ground, also igniting on contact with the floor. They shifted and hopped. Awaiting a command.

Toriel turns towards Chara.

"I-I don't want to fight you!"

Toriel stared right past her.

The ember started snaking their way towards Chara, bouncing around like rubber balls.

By a glance, she could tell there were around 6 of them. They were quick too, around the speed of a startled cat.

Chara tried her best to dodge them. There were gaps between the 6 embers where she could just slip through. 


No response.

She raises her arms, more embers forming on the floor.

Bringing her arms down in a swift motion, Toriel sends them forward, each one igniting one after the other, creating a line of fire.


Chara had focused so hard on the embers in front of her that she didn't notice the ones from before had rebounded off the wall.

Pain erupted from her back.

Gritting her teeth, Chara jumps over the the line of fire. She could feel the entire room heating up.

Her red heart in front of her looked like it was burning.

Toriel had a pained expression on her face.

The embers around her were put out.


Toriel was before her again sweeping down with her firey paws.

More embers dropped to the floor.

Chara dodged her slow attack but a recurring pain stabbed at her heart, severely impairing her concentration She didn't move far enough and Toriel's other hand was on trajectory to hit her.

It was far too late to move out of the way.

Chara quickly raised her arm and blocked the hit. 

More pain. The hit still hurt even though Toriel's hand was covered in fur.

Chara's voice was becoming hoarse.

"It hurts..."

Toriel stepped backward and crossed her forearms, quickly opening them again to create more fire.

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