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The worn stairs beneath the human creaked as she traveled down into the pit of darkness. The place was oddly well-kept, with not a single trace of dust, cobwebs, or any unwanted vegetation. Perhaps there's some magic in play keeping this place tidy as if there were memories to be saved. It is still strange that nobody seems to or has lived here for a couple of decades.

A familiar spectacle took place before her as she stepped down onto the stone floor. Torches lit up in pairs, paralleling each other and illuminating the dark tunnel ahead. They cast an amber glow on the cobbled wall, their flames swaying and flickering ever so slightly despite there not being any wind. The proximity of the first pair of torches was a bit distressing, it was a huge shock that the dry stairwell hadn't been incinerated to ash yet, seeing that the flames were no more than six centimeters away.

The lack of that charcoal smell normally emitted by torches was also interesting; maybe it meant that these fires were also somewhat magic-controlled. It would explain why they automatically activated, almost like they had some kind of sensor built into them. Nevertheless, these flames were quite convenient.

The human was just about to move on through the tunnel, but a slight tremor in the ground caught her attention. Her muscles tensed up as her eyes flicked to the general area from where the movement originated. A crimson dagger formed in her hand as she anticipated an ambush.

The sing-song voice of a familiar flower rang out in the claustrophobic area. It began talking as if they had been the best of friends with decades of history together, the slight variance of a pitch in their voice, the stupid "I-told-you-so" grin on their pale completion, and the way that their petals fluttered with excitement. It all betrayed the fact that she hadn't seen it since the very beginning of Snowdin, and yet now they appeared here, basking in some untold victory.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here! A fledgling bird that had finally learned how to fly. It was bound to happen someday right? It was only a matter of time until you acknowledged the rules of this world. Too bad it only took dozens of beatings by creatures who don't care about you in the slightest. Oh, and it looks like you died a couple of times too! What a shame... looks like pacifism didn't get you too far now did it?" Flowery gloated. Its sadistic sneer accompanied their laughter, something that can only be described as the combination of nails against a chalkboard and a horse being crushed to a pulp.

The human flinched, partly due to the cacophony that was the flower's voice but mostly due to the fact that somehow, this unassuming sentient flower knew about her deaths. None of the monsters knew of the previous cycles, often repeating what they'd already said before and fighting in the exact same manner, but this one, this one monster just casually brought up times that shouldn't even exist anymore. Her eyes sharpened as suspicion bubbled up within her stomach. Her grip on the knife tightened ever so slightly.

"Hit a nerve there didn't I? I bet you have so many questions that you're going to try to force out of me. Too bad I'm not going to answer them. Unless you've miraculously gained the ability to follow me underground, I kindly suggest you drop those useless inquiries and move on. There's someone who's eagerly waiting for you, someone who I doubt will pose an issue to you. His HP and Attack states are only at a measly one point each. Good luck~" It let out another bone-chilling laugh before disappearing into a non-existent crack in the ground.

The human shook her head and let the knife in her hand fade away. It would be a waste of time to follow that thing even if she could. However, her eyes still twitched as the replay of that cackle looped in her mind.

The tunnel was eerily silent as she pressed her way through.


She stood over the view of the despondent city below, rows and rows of grey houses with dimmed windows. Many of them had turned their lights off as an emergency response. The streets were empty; not a single soul could be seen. The main roads, the sidewalks, and even the pitch-dark alleyways were quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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