P - 1 / Ruins - The Land of Monsters

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A light pierces through the dark cavern from above.

Broken down pillars scattered the cavern.

Massive stalactites hung down from the ceiling, occasionally letting a drop of water fall to the floor.

Vines crawled over every imaginable surface and their leaves were struggling to reach the little sunlight that reached the bottom. It seems like this place has been neglected for quite some time.

The only thing notable here was the patch of grass and flowers that grew under the spotlight of the sun's rays.

Chara was lying unconscious in a patch of buttercups.

The peaceful silence was broken by someone grumbling.

"Why don't they work anymore?"

It was a little flower.

A talking flower.

It resembled those buttercups growing on the floor.

Yellow petals, a green stem, and a pale face.

Unlike those flowers, it had a mouth and a pair of eyes. 

Adorable, yet unsettling.

A flurry of emotions crossed its face as they saw the girl lying in the pile of flowers.

Confusion, surprise, and anger.

Whoever this girl was, she had taken their power.

This flower will do whatever is needed to take it back.

With a plan forming in its twisted mind, an unsettling grin spread across their face.

It quickly burrowed away.


Looks like our princess has woken up.

Chara sat up in the bed of flowers, gently rubbing her eyes.

She felt as if a heavy fog had settled in her brain, it felt like someone had carved a section of her head out and discarded it. Memories that she thought she would have simply weren't there.

Where did she come from? 

What is this place?

Why was she here?

Chara knew something had happened. She just didn't know what.

Or maybe... she couldn't remember.

Whatever happened, there was an overwhelming feeling of Deja Vu surrounding her.

It felt as if... she had been here before.

Chara got up from the ground, scratching her head.

She put a great effort into trying to remember something, but nothing.

Not only did she fail to remember anything, but she also felt a small headache start to form whenever she tried to think about it.

Best to put that aside for now.

Looking forward, Chara saw a massive tunnel ahead.

A small pang of fear emerged in her heart as there was nothing lighting the corridor at all.

Who knows what could be hiding in the darkness?

As if something could feel her uneasiness, the pair of torches standing parallel at the beginning of the tunnel seemingly lit up without any explanation. 

Like a cascade, more torches lit up sequentially all the way down the hall.

With one last glance at the massive hole from where she supposedly came, she made a decision.

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