A Veil of Frost and Snow

63 3 17

We both know what you're here for.

Chapter 17!

Let's begin my friends.



It's been some time since Chara has fallen from the sky.

In some miracle or spur of good luck she was able to find a family willing to take her in. 

If these series of event hadn't have happened who knows what would have happened.

For example...

"What happened to the nice warm breezes?! It's frigid!" Chara complained.

Acelyn chuckled, she continued to warm up some sort of drink in a small pot.

"Oh believe me, it gets far colder than this. Best thing you can do is to bundle up."

Chara rubbed her shoulders, shivering at the thought of temperatures lower than what it currently is. It might also be that it's just plain cold.

"Ugh, really? Sounds like a pain in the a—"

"Mind your language young lady."

"Yeah, yeah. Y/n shouldn't be exposed to such words at his age, I get it."

Acelyn smiled.

"Heh, memorized my spiel already? If only Y/n would catch on as quickly. I just can't get that boy to listen sometimes."

"Yeah I would always get drilled about things like this."

A rift of silence drifted between them. 


Acelyn would be the first to speak up.

"I've never got the chance to ask you about your past... I'm sorry if I am being to pushy, I just want to ask..." Acelyn's speech stalled.

 "I— I don't know how to say this... Did you have a parent would lecture you too?"

Chara looked down.

"I— I'd rather not talk about it."

Chara shivered again.

"Dear... If you really need something, then theres a light blanket up in Y/n's closet."

"T-thanks." Chara says as she makes her way upstairs.

"Oh, and tell Y/n it's time to wake up, and that I made hot cocoa."

"Y-yes m-ma'am."

The stairs creaked as she made her way up.



Chara opens Y/n's door.

The room was the same as before, nothing much has changed except for some small festive decorations.

A muffled noise came from under the bedsheets.

"Five more minutes..."

Y/n was scrunched up into a small ball under his sheets.

It looked like a small bed lump.

Chara smiled.

"Y/n, mom asked that you wake up and stop being a lazy bug."

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