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In a very dark night a boy who is 18 year old walking on the road alone. He was hungry as hell because he didn't eat from 3 days. His hair is a little bit messy and looking very thin. He was wearing a black pant which was dirty and a white t-shirt which was soaked in blood and it was ripped too.

He was roaming in the city from 3 days but he don't know where to go. He don't have any place to live. He lost his everything 3 days ago in this city and now he himself lost in such a big city alone.


Name :- Azure Age :- 18 yrs old Lost his parents 3 days ago

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Name :- Azure
Age :- 18 yrs old
Lost his parents 3 days ago...how ?u will get to know later
Education:- 1st yrs in art department

Name :- Ms Lilly Age:- 45 yrs old Family:- lost her son and daughter-in-law in accident and some year ago lost her grandson too

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Name :- Ms Lilly
Age:- 45 yrs old
Family:- lost her son and daughter-in-law in accident and some year ago lost her grandson too.

Back to the story:-

The boy looked here and there than his eyes went on a shop which was not fancy but it was cozy. He went there and saw a old lady. She was trying to lift a heavy box. He went to her and hold the box which is that lady was lifting. The old lady look at him and smile and he also smiles back.

After that he lift all the boxes but one last box he was not able to lift. That was not heavy but for him it was heavy as he didn't eat from past 3 days.
After picking all the boxes that old lady took him to her home. The shop and her house was same .

She give him a glass of water. He drank the water and give the empty glass back to the old lady.
"What is your name boy ?" The old lady asked to him
He looked here and there. He saw a pen and notepad. He picked that and write something on it.

The lady was looking at him in confusion. He show that paper to her in which " My name is Azure and sorry I can't speak, I am mute ' was written.

The lady read it and said " Aww don't worry sweetie you don't need to be sad and where is your family?" She asked.

Hearing this, Azure stopped..images of past 3 days start coming in front of him and he start breathing heavily. Tears start forming in his eye. Seeing his condition the lady panicked she understand that this is very sensitive topic for him.

So she comfort him and try to change the topic to distract him.
" you don't need to tell me sweetie when you will feel comfortable you can tell me ok " she said . She hugged him and patted his back after sometime Azure's breathing become normal.

"You are very beautiful you know" she complement about him. Azure blushed hearing this.
"You know sweetie just like you I also had my grandson to whom I love the most. He was my son and my daughter-in-law's an only son. After death of my son and daughter-in-law they give me their son's responsibility. But I lost him too. I failed to protect him. I promised my son that I will protect him and will raise him but I failed h-him l failed my s-son. My grandson wh-o was just 8 yrs old die-ed becoz he had br-rain tum-or and I didn't know that he had this big-g problem. When the paining start I took him to hospital but the doc-doctor said it was ve-very late now.I-I lost m-my grandson too." Saying that she start crying.

Azure don't know what to do. He can't speak so he just hugged her and patted her back. After crying sometime she wiped her tear and thanked him.
but then a voice came from his stomach 'gurrrr gurrr'.

The old lady laughed and said, "Looks like you are very hungry boy". Azure looked down in embarrassment.

"Don't worry let me make something for you" she said and went to her room. After sometime she come back with a pair of shirt and a shorts.

" here this is some my son's clothes. It will fit you. You can wear this as your clothes is dirty and ripped". She said and give him clothes to wear.

Azure took the clothes and went to a room where the old lady told him. And she herself went to kitchen to make something for dinner.

After sometime Azure come back those clothes it was a little loose but still perfect for him .He never to wear tight clothes becoz it show his curves as his body is different from other boys. He went to kitchen and saw the old lady was making food .

He went to her and her shoulder. She looked back and saw Azure standing there .

She raised her one eyebrow asking 'what happened '.

He took a pen and notepad and write asking ' Can I also help you' she read and shooked her head as no and told him to sit at dinner table.

He pouted but did as she tell him. He looked at whole room. It was shop house and only few rooms are there living, two bedroom and a kitchen.

After making dinner they both sat to eat .
"So you don't have place to live ?" She asked. Azure shooked his as no.

"You don't need to be sad Sweetie you can live with me "she said softly. Hearing this Azure looked at her shockingly.

She smile looking at his face and said,
" I live alone and you are like my grandson if you want you can live with me". Azure nodded and they both finished there food.

The old lady give him his grandson's room and went to sleep as she has work tomorrow.

Azure come to the room and looked here and there. He saw some photo frames was hanging ion the wall.

He went to the frame where one a handsome man and a beautiful lady 's photo was.
'maybe he was her son and daughter-in-law ' and then he went to next picture and saw small 6, 7 or 8 yrs old boy's photo. In every photo was with a cake and a birthday hat on the head of the boy.
'he maybe was her grandson'.

He sighed inaudible and went to change. After changing he come back and layed on the bed. He closed his eyes trying to get some sleep but sleep was far away from him. But still he layed there with closed eyes. Only one thought was in his mind.

'his death parents'

Hey readers..!😁
So this is my stories first and short chapter and I hope you will like it.
Please comment me your feedback regarding this chapter if there is mistake or not.
Ok so bye bye will meet in next chapter.

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