14. The Envelope

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Ayden was in his office checking some files when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" He said and again went to work not checking who has came.

The person come with a file and a envelope.

"Sir" The person called his boss.

Ayden looked up and saw his secretary Envy has come.

"Vy how many times do I have to tell you not to call me sir huh?" Ayden said in scolding voice.

"But you are my boss so how can I call you with your name?" Envy said slowly with a pout.

"So I told you before too that you are like my young brother so you don't need to be formal with me" Ayden said while leaning on his chair with his hands fold on his chest.

"And you know too if your Jrue brother got to know about this that you are calling me sir then he will kill me" Ayden added further remembering how much his boyfriend adores this boy and how he scolded him when he heard the younger to address him with 'Sir'.

"I know he is very sweet" Envy said with a sweet smile remembering how his Jrue brother adores him and loves him.

"But we are in office now and here you are my boss so I should call you boss and I don't like to call you Ayden bro in office. I will call you that only when we are outside of this company" Envy said further.

"Bu-" Ayden opened his mouth to say something but immediately cut off by the younger.

"Please I will handle Jrue bro and make him understand I know he can never say no to me" Envy said with a sweet and a big smile.

"Ok I agree just because you gave me this dimple smile of yours and you are cute. And yeah handle your Jrue brother". Ayden sigh and said but he has a small smile in his face. 

Envy squealed in happiness but stopped when he remember why he came here.

"Ohh Here is the file of finances department the one you asked about earlier". Envy said handling the file to his boss.

Ayden hummed and took the file. He kept the file on his table looked at Envy's hand when he saw a white envelope ih his hand.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Ohh this a envelope. A man came and gave this to me and said to give you" Envy said with a confuse face and handle the envelope to Ayden.

Ayden nodded and took that envelope.

"Did you saw his face and anything he tell you?" Ayden asked while raising his left eyebrow.

Envy shooked his head in no.

"No I was not able to saw his face as he was wearing a mask and a black cap with a black glasses. And no he didn't said anything other than that to give this to you". He said.

Ayden nodded and turned the envelope to see the name. He frowned when he saw the name written on that envelope and immediately told Envy to go back to his work.

Envy observed every expression of his boss's face with a confusion when he saw frowned on elder's face. But nodded when he was asked to go back. He went outside of the office leaving his boss.

Ayden opened the envelope and saw a letter. He opened the letter and he saw a symbol which he always saw whenever he got the letter from that particular person.

He start reading the letter with a frown

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He start reading the letter with a frown..
He smirked after reading the whole letter and fold the letter keeping it in his drawer where all the previous letter he got from the same person with the same symbol was kept.

"so he was with him"


Azure was sitting with his eyes filled with tears in that prison that's what he say to this room where he was living from past 2-3 weeks he guessed because he don't know from how many days he was here.

The room has nothing just a table and chair, a small closet where there is few clothes has kept by Sam, and small bed with a white blanket and a pillow and a small table at the side of the bed where there is only a lamp.

There was a small window also available which is only source of light after lamp and a brown door which lead to bathroom. Other than this the room has nothing. And he was staying here for past few days.

His mind is mess. His head is feeling like it will explode anytime. He is missing his best friend who always their for him whenever he needs. His best friend always used to massage his head whenever he had headache. But now he has no one to massage his head. And to say him that everything is fine and he is safe.

He laid on his bed and cried. He cried silently.The voices of laughing and giggling is coming from outside. He remember how they were smiling and talking to each other. How Fenn, Wren and Sam was talking and smiling. Enjoying their family time. He come to his room when he feel outside between them. He also want to talk and laugh with his friend. But he knows he can't.

He don't know why he was kept here? What is his fault? Why they think that he is a spy? He want to go to his bestie. Tears start falling from his eyes. But he didn't wiped them. He don't want to.
'Is his Jrue also missing him? Is his best friend trying to find him? Is his Jrue is also crying for him?' he thought but whatever it was he was glad that his best friend has someone to whom he can lean. Who can comfort him. He cried till he passed out.

But he didn't know that his all action was observed by someone. And this someone is non other than the mafia boss. Who also come in his office after him. Ryan who was about to do his work but looked at his computer where all the  actions of Azure's.

He frowned when he saw Azure was crying. 'Why he is crying?' He thought. But shrugged it off thinking he will stop crying after in 5 min and start doing his work

After sometime he again looked at laptop and again saw crying but this curling like all on the bed. Even though the crying voice was inaudible but from the shaking of body anyone can guess the boy was crying. He don't know why he is feeling an ache looking the crying figure of younger.

'He shouldn't feel like this right?. Yes right he was a mafia he shouldn't feel like this'. Thinking that he closed the laptop and concentrate in his work. But his heart was restless. 'Is he still crying? Should I check? No I should not. But what if he is still crying'......he immediately opened his laptop to see that younger was crying or not...but sighed in relief when he saw the shaking figure of younger has stopped...'that means he stopped crying '  he thought and closed his laptop again.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He was feeling tired not physically but mentally and he don't know why?....

After sometime he again opened his laptop and looked at the sleeping figure of younger which is not shaking now. He kept looking at his laptop. Thinking something deeply.

So hey readers 🤗🤗

I tired... actually my exam is going so I didn't getting much time to post  any chapters. But I am trying to post as fst as possible.

So here is the new chapter. It was short. Well I don't know how the story is...pls do tell if there is any mistake or not. Well my English is not good so I sure there will be lot of mistakes.

Do like and vote this chapter. And wait for nest chapter till then...

Bye bye 🤗🤗

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