16. To much Drink

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A man was sitting in his office and was doing his work when he heard a knock on his office's door. He said 'come in' and the said person came in his black attire. The man bowed in front of him.

"Boss a man has come to meet you" The man said.

He frown and look up at the man with a confusion face. 'who has came?'

"Tell him I am busy" He said and again went to do his work.

"We told him but he was not listening and continuously trying to come inside. He was in all black attire and refused to show his face. He said he will show his face to you". The man said.

"Does he said anything more?" He asked with the frown on his face.

"Umm....yes he said like ' I am a fighter, I am a survivor" The man said.

His confused face changed and there was a wicked glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
"let him come " He said waved his hand.

The man bowed again and went outside.
He leaning on his chair with a smirk.

"so you came" he said while playing with his pen.

After a min there was a knock on his door. He sighed and said,

"You don't need to knock you know just come inside"

The door opened and a man in all black attire come inside.

"Hello to you caleb uncle" the man said moved forward to hug him.

"Hello my fighter" He chuckled and hugged back.

"How are you?" He asked

"Fine I guess" The said person said.

He laughed at his response. They sat on the couch of the office.

"So what important thing did you want to talk to me about?  The  person asked in a serious tone.

He sighed and said,
"It's about Lan and Azure"


Ryan was sitting on his balcony's floor with a wine bottle in his hand and some empty bottle on the floor. Indicating he was drank as hell. He was tired but he don't want to sleep. Because today sleep was far away from him.

Today is the day he never sleep and keep drinking and drowning himself in his past. That night which he despite the most and always sent shivered in his spine whenever he remember it. That horrible night, that blood war, that sound of gunshots and his brother's last word. He can never forget that night and that name which his brother took in his last breath.

That night which snatched everything from him leaving him all alone. He was seeking for revenge from that day till now. He killed 3 of them who were also part of his team. Now just 2 has left. He will them too.

The gripped on the bottle tightened and he drink again. All the images of that horrible night playing like a series in his mind and he wanted to scream but no voice is coming. His eyes were wet but tears were not falling. He was just drinking and drinking.

But he don't know that this side of him was every year seen by his friends. Who always stand at his balcony's door. He never noticed them nor they say anything to them. They just let him do whatever he want. They stand there to make sure other don't do anything stupid to harm himself.

"We should stop him. Today he was drinking to much". Fenn said

"No we can't you know he don't want us to see this side of him" Sam said

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