9. Mission completed

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Jrue is crying continuously and his boyfriend Aydin is trying to calm him. They tried to find Azure everywhere everyday but still they don't know where Azure is. The day when Aydin confessed him Azure went home after that.

The next after confession

The next day Jrue wait for Azure all day but Azure didn't come. He thought maybe he took a day off but why he didn't inform him. Whenever Azure has to take a day off he always inform him then why not now. Maybe he must be busy and forget to inform him right? He himself tried to call him but it's switched off so he thought maybe his battery is down that's why it's switched off.

Thinking this he got busy in his work. Everytime checking time and phone. The next he day again opened his cafe and waited for Azure. He waited for 3hours but not Azure and nor his call has came. Now he is getting worried.

He again tried to call him but again it's switched off. So he called Aydin and told him everything. Aydin also got worried. Aydin said he is coming and told him to calm down as he was crying.  When Aydin come they both went to Azure's house. They found it locked. They asked to his neighbours they said he didn't come home from yesterday. Azure's neighbours loves him a lot as the boy was very sweet and well mannered.

Now Aydin and Jrue is very worried. They went to all places where Azure used to go like park, cemetery, orphanage, Library, every place but they didn't found him their. In the last they come back in his cafe.

Back to present

It's been 3 days since Azure suddenly disappeared. They tried to found him but nothing got. They are hell a worried. Jrue is crying continuously. They are now at Aydin's house. Jrue's parents is also very worried. They also cried for him.

They request Aydin to take him in his house as Jrue will cry continuously thinking about Azure and will blame himself for not stopping him to go alone if he lived here so they told him to take him to his house for some days. So they are now lying on the bed and Jrue is crying hugging his Boyfriend.

Aydin was thinking where Azure could be. On those past months Azure and Aydin growed a bonding between them. For Azure Aydin is his big brother and same goes for Azure he also think Azure as his little brother. He love Azure very much.

He was thinking all this and looked down when he heard a soft snores. He saw Jrue was sleeping 'maybe tired from continuous crying'. He smiled and wiped the remaining tear and kissed his both eyes ,then forehead and picked on the lips. He carried him and layed him on the bed then covered him with blanket.

He sat on his of space and cares his hair removing some hair from his forehead. He again kissed his forehead.
And whispered something,
"Don't worry I will find him and will bring him back to you...I promise"

Saying this he got up and went to balcony to call someone. After talking for 10 mins he come back. He lay down beside his boyfriend and pulled him closed to his body. And slept hugging him not before wishing good night.


Next morning Aydin opened his eyes. He looked at his but frowned when he didn't find Jrue there.
'where did he gone' he thought and got up he checked bathroom but didn't found Jrue there.

He went into balcony and immediately a smile come to his face when he spotted Jrue there. He shooked his head and went to him.

He back hugged him from back and rested his face in his shoulder.
"Good morning love"  He wished and kissed his shoulder.
Jrue smiled and wished back.

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